Well, you see, if a program happens to be free, which, for example, CBT happens to be at my university, and there are many, many more scientific studies elucidating its effectiveness, and even much, much more anecdotal evidence singing its praises... compared to a very expensive, relatively untested program, backed mostly by anecdotal evidence, I would pick the former, money back guarantee or not. Reason being: some people like having 800 something dollars in their account, and would rather not gamble it. Sure, you can get your money back, but it's going to take some time. After all, you have to commit to the sessions. You then have to be in a situation to really test out whether the program works or not. So that's 800 dollars of your money that's going to be tied up for a while.
Well, maybe you make a little more money than I do and that's fine for you. I can see how the demographics play into it obviously. But I think those demographics are not going to show up so much in these forums. Most of us, I would venture, are in college, or even high school, with some older (but wiser) folks here and there. Even still, that same pile of cash could go toward even better, more validated programs. Maybe even ones with, yes, money back guarantees. If, however, you're that rare individual who is searching for a miracle cure, then by all means, make a stop at Lefkoe. There is a chance it will work for you, and you will no longer need to continue your search. That seems to be powerwithin's story, in a nutshell.
I'm not convinced of the product's efficacy. I think the study Morty cited was flimsy, and should therefore be looked upon with caution. I also think anecdotal evidence doesn't count for much, especially when I can't be sure of the affiliation or reimbursement status of some of the testifiers. And yes, I am poking holes through this product. That's the hallmark of a good consumer. When people buy products too hastily, they often regret it. No one's even touched the many other programs out there. There, of course, has been no direct comparison of them with the Lefkoe method, so we really don't know how it stacks up. In my opinion, that really doesn't give anyone any warrant to purchase the product, unless, again, you're the rare individual who's "tried everything" and is willing to take a gamble.
So, in summary, buyer beware. You have your consumer reports. Go out and be informed.