Reducing sweating by exercising?


Hello everyone
I want to know if any of you has reduced HH by exercising.
I have been working out for almost a year and the sweating has not reduced , well I guess just a little.
I continue to workout because it is healthy,and it relieves stress.
I am on vacation now and I plan to become healthier and exercise more.I go to the gym everyday and I have just joined a swimming class so I will be swimming 3 times per week.

Have any of you noticed a change in the amount of sweat when you are following an exercise routine?

( sorry if I have any grammar mistakes, English is not my first language)
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Well-known member
The more you exercise, the more you sweat. When I used to do physical labor at my job the majority of my sweating came within 20 minutes, then it would be at a slower rate. It's imperative that us HH'rs drink lots of water to replace the lost fluids.

Exercise will not make our sweating decrease.


Well-known member
I have found that my sweating overall has dramatically decreased (at rest) due to exercise. I was very overweight and that plays a factor. Losing 40 lbs has been a godsend. Hard hard work but worth every second and drop of sweat.

I also sweat a lot less WHILE exercising than when I first started. I'd say 75% percent decrease at least. It takes a lot more exertion for me to sweat at all now.

So I highly recommend losing weight if you are overweight. Made a huge difference for me.


Well-known member
I also sweat a lot less WHILE exercising than when I first started. I'd say 75% percent decrease at least. It takes a lot more exertion for me to sweat at all now.

Me too and that's because I lost weight over time. I also notice a decrease in sweat as I lose weight.


Well-known member
I must say that weight never played a role in how much I sweat. I've always been pretty much in proportion. Sweating has always been excessive since the age of around 6 that I can remember.


Well-known member
Yes, I think for those that are in decent shape, there might not be any improvement... I went from over 190 lbs to just under 150 lbs. Since my height remained static (lol) it was mostly fat that I lost and by being fat - I found I was much sweatier and oilier on average just simply at rest.

It's not an HH thing, I think it's a simple being in better shape thing. So in terms of reducing sweating overall - of course being in shape helps.



I thought you sweat more when you exercise or do any physically demanding activity. o_O

Of course you sweat more when you are exercising , but after exercising you HH might reduce.

I have found that 20 minutes after I have exercised My hands and feet don't sweat as much as they always do.


Active member
I have not noticed a reduction in my daily sweating after exercise.

I have sometimes noticed a slight reduction, when laying down after exercise but this is probably more to do with noticing how much I was sweating when exercising (Lots) to stopping and sweating less.

I normally exercise in the morning and have read that some people say if they get their sweating out of they way then there's less available to be produced the rest of the day.

Sadly this is not the case with me, my sweating output remains the same (high).

Well done for keeping up the exercise and trying to live healthier!