Really shy, any advice?


Well-known member
Hey everyone, i'm a really shy guy with girls, and i don't know how to make myself feel confident and comfortable. I have a past of being bullied, and never had a girlfriend. :/

just wanna b normal

Well-known member
just like me! yea! i get really nervous & shy. the key is to stop caring what people think & be yourself dont live up to people expectations!:)


Well-known member
well look at it this way, why are you so focus on what people think when most people are not!:eek: they are just focus on having fun & enjoying life!:D

Not to sound awkward, but its hard to enjoy life when you've never had a girlfriend, and it feels like theres pressure for me to have one :/

just wanna b normal

Well-known member
Because i care, for some reason, and it will never change i don't know why. It doesn't matter if anyone else does, i just don't feel confident and that.

well that might be your problem low self esteem negative thinking nervousness shyness afraid of embarrassing yourself they are all the symptoms of social anxiety & is something we all need to work on. do research on SA to help you better to understand it to overcome it!:D


Well-known member
well that might be your problem low self esteem negative thinking nervousness shyness afraid of embarrassing yourself they are all the symptoms of social anxiety & is something we all need to work on. do research on SA to help you better to understand it to overcome it!:D

Cheers, i will do :)


Well-known member
Hi - People are people...does it help to imagine everyone naked? Takes away some of the fear maybe? LoL.
I was made fun of because I was so shy in school too. I was really popular then my SA got me and I just faded away-I never got help either:( But I don't honestly know a single person who has gotten through elementary/high school with out some form of bullying from other kids-Kids are cruel. Period.
You should try to raise your self esteem like "Just wanna be said" good advice...Do things that make you feel confident find out what you are good and and keep after it, like playing music. I rode horses and they gave me a ton of confidence. Plus I loved getting out into the country so it was doubly perfect.
I am sure once you find something you love and are passionate about the other parts of your life will either seem less important to you or will just fall into place.
Takes time. be patient with yourself and forgiving of yourself too.

Lord Baltimore

Well-known member
Hey everyone, i'm a really shy guy with girls, and i don't know how to make myself feel confident and comfortable. I have a past of being bullied, and never had a girlfriend. :/

I got some easy advice. Hang around your guy friends and maybe one of them will bring a girl to the movies or mall or w/ever you go. And then it's all gold from there man. Use the guy as a buffer so you can just be yourself and kind of ease your way into talking to the girl. The more comfortable you get in the presence of women the easier it will get.


Well-known member
Hi - People are people...does it help to imagine everyone naked? Takes away some of the fear maybe? LoL.
I was made fun of because I was so shy in school too. I was really popular then my SA got me and I just faded away-I never got help either:( But I don't honestly know a single person who has gotten through elementary/high school with out some form of bullying from other kids-Kids are cruel. Period.
You should try to raise your self esteem like "Just wanna be said" good advice...Do things that make you feel confident find out what you are good and and keep after it, like playing music. I rode horses and they gave me a ton of confidence. Plus I loved getting out into the country so it was doubly perfect.
I am sure once you find something you love and are passionate about the other parts of your life will either seem less important to you or will just fall into place.
Takes time. be patient with yourself and forgiving of yourself too.

Thanks for replying, i see what your saying but i have a really low self esteem :/ any ideas how to solve that, i think i look terrible and just not worth anything.


Well-known member
Hey everyone, i'm a really shy guy with girls, and i don't know how to make myself feel confident and comfortable. I have a past of being bullied, and never had a girlfriend. :/

i got the same problem, ive had a couple of short term relationships but nothing really happened not even a kiss, not sure if it even counts as a relationship but the longest ive seen a woman for is probably a 1 and a half weeks and even that one she turned out to be something she wasn't. That was 3 years ago and im now 26! I never know when anyone is interested either so probably some missed opportunities there as well lol


Well-known member
It's impossible for me not to care what people think :/, i'v tried really hard not to

Yes, this issue is commonly misunderstood. What the post before this was trying to tell you was stop worrying about what others think of you. Worrying and caring are two different things. You should care what others think about you, because if you didn't care at all what others think of you then you wouldn't take showers, wouldn't brush teeth, stuff like that. And if you don't take care of yourself it would make meeting a girl a lot harder than it is now. I used to have a really bad problem with worrying about what others thought of me, but I've improved as I've gotten older and the main thing I've done is realized that certain things don't matter as much you think they do. You must accept that not everyone is going to like you and that is part of life. The main goal is to be comfortable with who you are, and if others aren't okay with that then that's their problem, you don't need to change for them, you have the right to be yourself. But the important thing to know is there are people that will like u, and those people are the ones that you will want to be around.