Reaching Out...(A place to rant, cry out for help, and confess)


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I feel exhausted lately. I've been trying really hard lately. Maybe I'm over reaching....

I have trouble connecting with people. I always thought it was me. But right now I

wonder if a lot of people are just damn cold.


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this isn't anything serious to bitch about, but i felt like sharing since i can't really tell anyone anyway....

i have this stupid little girly crush on one of my dad's friends... that sounds weird, but the guy is just my dad's friend from church, and he's only 28.. anyway, he's too cute and funny and he comes over some saturdays when my dad buy's the pay-per-view UFC fights and a bunch of people come over to watch..... anyway, i just wish he would message me on fb or something at least, hahaha! but i'm never ever one to initiate anything soooo ehhh, i'll just have my little silly crush on him :) lol


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I have reached the conclusion that people don't like me. If they did, then they wouldn't lie to me all the time. Nor would they gossip behind my back. Nor would i have to find out, either vicariously or directly, what they really think about me. Nor would they stalk me around the internet under various personalities, accounts, and guises, just to prod at me. Seriously, why me? What do you want? I"m afraid i can't relate to any of you anymore. I feel like i'm on an island; a veritable party of one, a lone tree standing where a forest used to be following a catastrophe. There's just nothing left. Not even a void. Everything is completely pointless now. I will go to bed alone, like i have for the past 28 years. When i wake up, there won't be anyone to call or hang out with. Not 1 person. No one will ask me how i am feeling, and if they do, they probably won't really care. I will be ignored, ridiculed in jest, talked down to, be treated like crap, patronized, subtly manipulated, told what to think, neurotically obsess over each and every move i make; because my mind likes to work against me, fear everything, and no one will care. Certainly not any of you, nor anyone else. Some may think they do...they might even say it, but they do not show it through their actions. I will suffer silently, as i always have. No one will hear my cries of anguish. No one will be there to put their arm around me to comfort me when i need it the most. I'm too depressed to even cry anymore. Yeah, it's that bad. Has been for some time. My guess is that anyone who reads this (if anybody actually does) won't think twice about it...Won't be worried or disturbed by it. That would seem 'normal'. I guess i just had to say all of this somewhere. I'm really sick of everything. Tired of feeling alone, worthless, depressed, anxious, and unloved. I am completely numb typing this. I guess it doesn't matter though...


It’s sad but that’s how most people feel and when you do reach out to people try to help, people knock you down for it.

You’re being stalked….. that’s creepy.:eek:
*Agorahphobickatie's signature/ obscure/ modifications*

Not ever forward but behind
I look backwards, once hope now fear
And fretful wake I would but find
The test of now and here


One step forward, two steps back
And packs of woes so neatly stacked
My lack I mourn and by morning gone
Forlorn again and a rain of pain

So paint me black night's gloomy hue
Still standing here but they never knew
Who laughs alone with masks and pegs/?
Who asks in silence and in such returns/?


Sorry. I didn't mean to write that. The signature sparked something in my mind. But yeah... I always felt two steps behind everyone else. No matter how much I learn, it never seems enough. I often feel like a very slow learner. I feel like I'm much more flawed than just about anyone. But hey... whatever it is, the only thing is to keep trying... I think in the end, it's all about faith.

I feel like a dozen people in one person... Trying to have some faith. My friends have moved on. Career, skills, relationships, responsibilities... I'm going nowhere. I can't count on anyone really. No one except myself. Sink or swim, 'lose' or 'win'... That kind of mentality seems to be everywhere. They look down on me. Maybe all of them. But there's nothing left for me. It's never a battle on an even ground. So there's nothing left for me but to keep trying to find a way to solve the seemingly insoluble.
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I'm too afraid to respond to other posts on this forum. And in the back of my mind I feel that this thread is so tucked away that even if someone reads what I've written they'll only skip to a fresher thread. I don't know.


I'm fundamentally flawed, but not in a good way. Not in an appealing way that can be romanticized, although I try to put the best spin on it. When I was a child I comforted myself by pretending the "mother ship" would eventually come back for me. Hahaha.

These days I tend to be very tense. I feel challenged by any interaction with humanity at all. As if I can't measure up, that I'm not going to deliver interesting and entertaining conversation, no amusing anecdotes or witty rejoinders. I have been trying to reach other people my entire life. And failing to do so, for the most part. Even if I momentarily snag the gaze of the person I'm seeking, I simply don't have the gravity to hold them. I'm kind of like a distant satellite sending out weak signals that can't translate into something that makes sense to others. It's such a shame because I'm fascinated by people.

I just realized that when my mom and grandmother die I will have absolutely no one left that I know for sure won't become bored of me.

It's sad, disturbing - selfish - that whenever I do find a friend I'm suddenly disappointed when I find out they already have a buddy or s.o because then I know that there will come a day when I'll only become an occasional amusing filler in their life.
I really don't understand humans at times. Why all the jealousy? Why all the hate for such pathetic reasons?
I'm sorry to cut your entry short but I read the entire thing and strongly agree that it's wrong to hate someone you don't know. I think that generally some people are filled with frustrated and angry energy so they focus on whatever they feel is deserving of that hate.

I'm not a fan of his music but I definitely don't hate him. I just turn the channel when he comes on and don't support his music. If someone says they like him then it's easy to just reply "I'm not a fan but hey, what do you like about him?" Or just say "Not a big fan".


I really don't understand humans at times. Why all the jealousy? Why all the hate for such pathetic reasons? I've just seen a group called "I hate Justin Bieber" and people wrote things like "I hate him because he's ugly, sounds like a girl, and has crap songs." What the hell? is that really a reason to hate someone? He is a successful young boy, leave him alone. I'm not a lover of his music but that doesn't mean i hate him. How can you hate someone without even really knowing them? Yes i can understand people dislike his music, but hate him as a person without knowing him? Hate his looks? That's not fair at all nobody would like people saying horrible things about the way they look so why do it to other people? Hate him because 'he sounds like a girl?' He's young, he's still growing, all men had squeaky voices at some point. These are all such childish reasons to hate someone and i think people like this really need to grow up, stop hating people for pathetic reasons, and accept people just the way they are. If you don't like his music, switch off the radio/TV, simple. :rolleyes:

Dear friend, these people may be hurt themself or they just think it is fun to hurt outer people, it makes them feel special and strong and it gives them a good laugh. There r out there and your logic has no value in there mind. They will keep on doing what they do just ignore them. When you throw garbage in the trash bag you don't go around thinking about the garbage; why does it smell so bad, why why ... it smells bad because it is garbage!


Anyway if u want to help me push me to go out and do a an activity!


Well-known member
This world is so unfair and cruel... nobody should ever have to experience how I'm feeling right now... I don't even want to describe it...


Well-known member
just want to end it all... i've taken too much of a beating from this rotten place... i'm broken and tired and helpless... nothing seems to ease my pain... nobody understands what i'm going through... i don't see another way out... please help ::(:


Well-known member
just want to end it all... i've taken too much of a beating from this rotten place... i'm broken and tired and helpless... nothing seems to ease my pain... nobody understands what i'm going through... i don't see another way out... please help ::(:

Care to describe, or were you just "crying out", as some put it?


Well-known member
Dear friend, these people may be hurt themself or they just think it is fun to hurt outer people, it makes them feel special and strong and it gives them a good laugh. There r out there and your logic has no value in there mind. They will keep on doing what they do just ignore them. When you throw garbage in the trash bag you don't go around thinking about the garbage; why does it smell so bad, why why ... it smells bad because it is garbage!


Anyway if u want to help me push me to go out and do a an activity!

Do an activity :p What do you like to do?
I just need to... talk. I figured this was probably the best thread to do it in... So.. no one feel obligated to read this.. I think if I don't get it off my chest tho, I am going to go here I am.

I just spent the last hour thinking about the best way to kill myself tonight... Ever since my Aunt got put in the hospital the other day and I have had to come live with mom again life has been complete hell. I have spent 3 days now locked in my room. She has been non stop yelling and screaming and throwing things at me and at my bedroom door.. she's completely psycho and delusional.. accusing me of things.. I don't even remember doing. I have no idea what she is talking about most of the time. She basically told me I have to be out by tomorrow morning... I have no friends (literally none) and no other family... I have no where to go.. I have no money.. and I don't even have a car. I don't know what to do. I told my boyfriend and he's just like, "Sorry, can't help you" Cuz he lives like 1400 miles away... I was homeless for 3 years.. I don't want to live on the streets again. I just wish my boyfriend would have even said.. hitch hike to CA and I will help you... I wish he would have said anything comforting at all in fact. Instead he just changes the subject and then signs off msn without saying another word. If it were me in his shoes and him in mine, I would do everything in my power to help him. So now I feel abandoned and completely unloved by the one person I thought I had some hope with.. then again maybe my expectations are just too high. I can understand how it would be a stressful situation on him especially because he feels powerless to help me... or doesn't want to help me... but still...

So now I have to come up with some sort of plan and I feel scared and more alone in this world than I ever have in my whole life... How can my life be going to complete hell like this? I just keep telling myself... "this isn't happening"... but it is.. and the only thing I want to do at the moment is lay down in some gutter and die. That's all I feel good enough for...

I'm not really asking for help.. I mean I know there is nothing any of you can do. Of course there is a chance mom will calm down and change her mind... so yea I still have a warm place to sleep at night.. but then what? I still get yelled at and accused of things... it's still hell on Earth.. I need to get out of here.. I just don't know how. So I feel completely trapped and at the end of my already very short rope. I was just hanging on until June... to be with my boyfriend, to move to CA. That was the plan. He never said it still wasn't, mind you.. but sometimes when I talk to him about it he gets all quiet and uncertain.. like he would rather avoid that topic. So it makes me feel like he doesn't actually want that which makes me feel absolutely hopeless. So, I have learned to just not bring it up.. I can understand it would stress him out because it's not like his life is perfect either.. and adding one more person he would feel responsible for must scare him.. but I guess I am a hopeless romantic.. the type that believes everything and anything is possible with love... Stupid of me, I know. Life's not that good or easy... I guess I have just been waiting for my knight in shining armor to come rescue me, and I hoped with all my heart it was him.. like that would ever happen. And now I feel so stupid and mad at myself for being so delusional about everything.. (even tho part of me still prays and hopes and wishes that it is him.. that one day it will happen)... which makes me even more upset *sigh*

So now all I can think to do... is end it all. But I am too much of a coward even for that. I feel completely pathetic and worthless right now... I really, really don't know what to do... I wish I had enough strength and courage to make it on my own... I wish I didn't feel completely alone right now... I wish I had someone that actually gave a **** about me... but when did wishing ever get us anywhere? ...

I feel sick... and I really, really wish I was dead right now. I see no point to living.. none at all.. and not surprisingly I don't really feel any better after typing all of this out... But thanks for listening I guess.. I hope all you are having a much better day =/

Oh, Devrium, I am so very sorry about your situation. It's terrible that you have to go through that. :c Just know that everyone here is rooting for you, and that they do care for you, even if it's just a stranger kindness, they do care about your fate.

I know it's a cruel thing to say of me, and probably redundant, but you have to stay strong right now, and whatever you do, do not give in to those suicidal thoughts. You have all the right to exist in this world, and you also have the right to be loved and cared for. You are not naive or a hopeless romantic at all to expect your spouse to help you out in your hour of need, not at all. If anything, this would be -the- time where your spouse should jump into action. Even if it's just a simple ''It'll be okay.''. But that's non of my business so I'll stay out of it.

I wish I was capable of helping your more directly instead of this essentially useless post. I hope you'll be okay, I really do. Best of luck to you!
I really don't understand humans at times. Why all the jealousy? Why all the hate for such pathetic reasons? I've just seen a group called "I hate Justin Bieber" and people wrote things like "I hate him because he's ugly, sounds like a girl, and has crap songs." What the hell? is that really a reason to hate someone? He is a successful young boy, leave him alone. I'm not a lover of his music but that doesn't mean i hate him. How can you hate someone without even really knowing them? Yes i can understand people dislike his music, but hate him as a person without knowing him? Hate his looks? That's not fair at all nobody would like people saying horrible things about the way they look so why do it to other people? Hate him because 'he sounds like a girl?' He's young, he's still growing, all men had squeaky voices at some point. These are all such childish reasons to hate someone and i think people like this really need to grow up, stop hating people for pathetic reasons, and accept people just the way they are. If you don't like his music, switch off the radio/TV, simple. :rolleyes:

I agree with all of this. And why hate the boy for what he does? Like he is responsible for every song he sings, or every tv clip he appears in. What is he, like 15 or something? I doubt he has the resources to do what he does on his own. If anyone should be ''hated'' for his behavior and content, it should be those label companies whom encouraged him, and turned this boy into a milking cow. >:c

And besides, all those jealous jerks can say all they want, but by now he has millions of fans, that's allot more then most can say. His song might not be very profound, but he took a chance, and stuck by it. C: