Rather embarassing problem


Well-known member
Ummm! Do any other guys have a problem of their Penis shrinking into almost nothing with anxiety?

I'm pretty stressed and anxious thinking about the new job and seriously my Penis which is normally average size has shrunk to a tiny little acorn, almost to childlike proportions. This does not make me feel very manish as you can imagine. I've had this problem before with severe anxiety. It's been like this for a few days now.
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Well-known member
I have never notice a size change from anxiety, but cold air certainly seems to have an effect sometimes.


Well-known member
Yeah i know it's normal for it to happen when it's cold but this is even when i am warm. I was just thinking it happens when i am highly anxious and was wondering if anyone else has the same symptom.


Its normal for anxiety,not everyone gets it but its nothing to worry about.Just is a flight or fight reflex,the body actualy tries to make the penis as small as possible,to reduce the risk of it being vunerable in a fight.

Some tribes take this further and are able to push the penis inside the body totaly *pukes* this is to stop them getting it caught when they do there tribal fights and stuff.