Witnessed first snow yesterday. But the ground is still not icy enough to prevent me from biking home for lunch (I won't eat at school cafeteria unless it's absolutely unavoidable). Speaking of lunch, I noticed something interesting: every day after lunch, I have class, during which you'll find me sitting at the back corner of the room, in my usual slumped posture. It's just after lunch, so my tummy would be full, also the classroom would always be super warm, so it always made me feel very sleepy. So sleepy that I literally had trouble keeping my eyelids open, let alone concentrating on the lesson. but I really wanted to pay attention to Mrs. X's lecture (because 1. I didn't want to have to teach it to myself after 2. Mrs. X is one of my favorite teachers). However, there was really nothing I could do to refresh myself. So what I had to do is to try to make eye contact with random people in the class whenever possible. And as you know social phobics could potentially get panic attacks from prolonged eye contact, but by purposely doing exact that, I got just enough adrenalin to stop myself from dozing off! isn't that an amazing use for SP?