Random but wheres my linux "users"


Well-known member
It's a love-hate thing for me. The system is certainly more stable than my Windows install and it's actually more power-efficient, which is important for my laptop, but installing programs that aren't in the Software Center tends to fail far more often than a simple Windows install of the same program, and I'm not even talking about WINE support. (*boringexample*It makes me ask whether I consider my time worthless when it takes me 45 minutes to find out why something isn't installing even though I have all of the dependencies, only to come up without a solution.*boringexample*) Certain rough edges can come up which keep making me question whether the investment of my time is worth it, things which Googling around doesn't solve.

So, yeah -- I want to like it more, but it knows how to annoy me once in a while. Linux is 90% of the way there for me, but it can let me down when I need it.
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I have both Windows 7 and Ubuntu in this computer. I usually use Linux only for college related stuff I can't do from Windows (or that it's much easier from Linux).


Well-known member
I used Ubuntu in school since it was easier to set stuff up (networking)
However I use Windows 7 at home, just habit no other reason.


Well-known member
Got Linux mint on here as well, but I never use it really. It's just easier to develop in WAMP most of the time.