

I can't stop being racist no matter how I try! I truly believe that all races are equal, but I just feel really uncomfortable around white people. Even though I fear socializing with any race, it's just this fear intensifies 100x when I'm around whites. when I was in school I had white friends and really enjoyed their companionship. But over the years my feelings for Caucasians have change. May be that my social anxiety is getting worse and I'm just coming up with excuses not to associate with them.
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Well-known member
I can't stop being racist no matter how I try! I truly believe that all races are equal, but I just feel really uncomfortable around white people. Even though I fear socializing with any race, it's just this fear intensified a 100x when I'm around whites. when I was in school I had white friends and really enjoyed their companionship. But over the years my feelings for Caucasians have change. May be that my social anxiety is getting worse and I'm just coming up with excuses not to associate with them.

What race are you? I am so sorry to know that you feel that way.


Maybe it isnt Racism,i mean its not like you hate white people or anything which you obviously dont from what you have said.Maybe its just a case of you feeling more comfy with people of your own race culture ect

I dont know how diverse it is where you live but id say it was normal to an extent to feel cultural differences and maybe your anxiety is just making it seems worse than it really is.


Well-known member
I'm black.

I know this sounds stereotypical, but if you move to the west, blacks are much fewer in number and they are easily perceived as "cool". I'm not just saying this, black people are really well respected in the San Diego area!


Well-known member
maybe you are just having problems associating with whites.. I get nervous around black people (even though I'm half black) because they don't treat me like one of their own.

Luck you need to calm down.. he said he felt uncomfortable..he didn't say he hated white people or anything.. no need to get mad.


Well-known member
Says youre from the south,must be how you were raised and what you've been exposed to(being around non-white people for the most part)its sad when other peoples ignorance and anger influences our own but welcome to life..Ever see the movie American History X?excellent film,see what happens to Ed Nortons character when he gets out of jail...


Well-known member
lol is funny i tought you were goin to say you dont feel anxious , i used to like black peoples because they didnt wanted to be my friend and now i almost dont like them for the same reason ...


Well-known member
toto i'm glad you had the balls to bring this subject up. i don't think you are racist and i understand your discomfort. i feel the same way. i am white and feel uncomfortable around black people. i get anxious that they think i am racist or that they assume i am way more priveledged just because i'm white so they automatically dislike me. it is kind of racist in and of itself but that is my anxiety, rational or not.
I like being around japan, Asian people, coz I see them as harmless I guess. I wouldn't feel comfortable around black people though- not with my SA. I don't think that's really racist, yes Iam making differences, but I think your a racist when you hate one particular race, or can't stand them, right?


I tended to stick mostly with black people in school but was cool with some white people. I thought dating a white guy would have brought me too much attention that I couldn't handle and I wouldn't have things in common with his friends. But now I know that I have the same problems with any other guy.

Maybe it's because you live in the Southeast were you grew up hearing a lot about rascism, so you are following along with others opinions.

If I moved to San Diego I would still be the weird black chick.