
Well-known member
Anyone that says race doesn't matter is naive. I found it to be one of the most important factors in day to day interactions is people. People ask "what are you?" so they can apply stereotypes to you.
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no matter where you go
or where you have been

there is a little bit of racism in all of us

because honestly i myself am racist towards my own and everyone else's "race", however i keep those kinds of things to myself, where they belong. You are just unfortunate to be in the wrong place, i can relate since growing up i have experienced just as much fault for being.


Well-known member
Anyone that says race doesn't matter is naive. I found it to be one of the most important factors in day to day interactions is people. People ask "what are you?" so they can apply stereotypes to you.

Race does matter to some people, but there are people out there who really don't care. The only way I ask people is because I'm curious. I like variety and I like to know where people are from and what their cultures are like. I will only ask people when I don't know what the hell they are or if they look really foreign.

People ask me what I am or where I am from all of the time because no one can place where I am from. I have never had anyone stereotype me on account of my race. The only thing that I've been told from time to time is that people of mixed races tend to look more beautiful. I know that this isn't the case but I'm not going to be offended anymore than I'd be offended if someone were to say that people of mixed race are ugly.

The latter is usually said by racists, or ethnocentrists so I am not surprised that they think this way. If people want to apply stereotypes to me then they are very welcome to do so.

Some stereotypes do apply to me so I'm not going to be mad. I am Asian and Italian (among other things) and I could eat rice or pasta on a daily basis. lol



no matter where you go
or where you have been

there is a little bit of racism in all of us

because honestly i myself am racist towards my own and everyone else's "race", however i keep those kinds of things to myself, where they belong. You are just unfortunate to be in the wrong place, i can relate since growing up i have experienced just as much fault for being.

You and ( I believe) most people in this thread are confusing racism with prejudice. It's impossible to be racist against your own kind. Most people are not racist. All people are prejudice. It's only natural to pre-judge something or someone before you know all the facts. You are only a racist if you believe in the absolute superiority of your race and the inferiority of another.
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Anyone that says race doesn't matter is naive. I found it to be one of the most important factors in day to day interactions is people. People ask "what are you?" so they can apply stereotypes to you.

Race does not matter as much as class and culture. Class and culture are the true clear dividing lines in just about every society. Race as we know it is just a social political concept based on ideology and perception of reality. Racism itself however is rooted tribalism just like any other form discrimination. They (forms of discrimmination) all stem from tribalism. Culture itself was born from tribes so it's something we will never escape. Personally, I don't think there is anything WRONG with racism. Is it stupid? Yes. Wrong? No.

I don't even think it's wrong stereotype people. Stereotyping is an aspect of profiling (prejudging) and that's something that every human being does on a day to day basis. Not all stereotypes are negative. Some are positive. Others are neutral. Most stereotypes contain at least some true elements. Stereotyping becomes stupid when you try to paint everybody with the same brush and you don't leave room for benefit of doubt. Example "Men are dogs". There is nothing wrong with that statement. It's when it goes from "men are dogs" to "ALL men are dogs" is when it becomes a problem. Besides, stereotyping extends way beyond race and gender. People can stereotype you based on something as little as your name.


Well-known member
Race does not matter as much as class and culture. Class and culture are the true clear dividing lines in just about every society. Race as we know it is just a social political concept based on ideology and perception of reality. Racism itself however is rooted tribalism just like any other form discrimination. They (forms of discrimmination) all stem from tribalism. Culture itself was born from tribes so it's something we will never escape. Personally, I don't think there is anything WRONG with racism. Is it stupid? Yes. Wrong? No.

I don't even think it's wrong stereotype people. Stereotyping is an aspect of profiling (prejudging) and that's something that every human being does on a day to day basis. Not all stereotypes are negative. Some are positive. Others are neutral. Most stereotypes contain at least some true elements. Stereotyping becomes stupid when you try to paint everybody with the same brush and you don't leave room for benefit of doubt. Example "Men are dogs". There is nothing wrong with that statement. It's when it goes from "men are dogs" to "ALL men are dogs" is when it becomes a problem. Besides, stereotyping extends way beyond race and gender. People can stereotype you based on something as little as your name.

That was very well put. Thank you for explaining that racism is rooted in tribalism. I was previously not aware of this. Would you care to elaborate on this issue?


Well-known member
You and ( I believe) most people in this thread are confusing racism with prejudice. It's impossible to be racist against your own kind. Most people are not racist. All people are prejudice. It's only natural to pre-judge something or someone before you know all the facts. You are only a racist if you believe in the absolute superiority of your race and the inferiority of another.

This is why I was saying that I have my prejudices but I am not racist. I was going to post the meanings of the words but then I decided against it.


Well-known member
Race does not matter as much as class and culture. Class and culture are the true clear dividing lines in just about every society. Race as we know it is just a social political concept based on ideology and perception of reality. Racism itself however is rooted tribalism just like any other form discrimination. They (forms of discrimmination) all stem from tribalism. Culture itself was born from tribes so it's something we will never escape. Personally, I don't think there is anything WRONG with racism. Is it stupid? Yes. Wrong? No.

I don't even think it's wrong stereotype people. Stereotyping is an aspect of profiling (prejudging) and that's something that every human being does on a day to day basis. Not all stereotypes are negative. Some are positive. Others are neutral. Most stereotypes contain at least some true elements. Stereotyping becomes stupid when you try to paint everybody with the same brush and you don't leave room for benefit of doubt. Example "Men are dogs". There is nothing wrong with that statement. It's when it goes from "men are dogs" to "ALL men are dogs" is when it becomes a problem. Besides, stereotyping extends way beyond race and gender. People can stereotype you based on something as little as your name.

Race is not an illusion. You can see the differences between the races with your own eyes. Culture means nothing without the race that is behind the culture. Even class is largely based on race. Cosmopolitanism is a lie and multiculturalism is a failure.

It all becomes more complicated when the mixed race issue is involved because then you aren't really accepted by either race without rejecting one part "proving" your credibility with the other race. Even then it's not without conditions, and you're living a lie on top of it. This whole mixed race issue is probably the main reason why I have SA in the first place. It is not worth it.


Well-known member
Race is not an illusion. You can see the differences between the races with your own eyes. Culture means nothing without the race that is behind the culture. Even class is largely based on race. Cosmopolitanism is a lie and multiculturalism is a failure.

It all becomes more complicated when the mixed race issue is involved because then you aren't really accepted by either race without rejecting one part "proving" your credibility with the other race. Even then it's not without conditions, and you're living a lie on top of it. This whole mixed race issue is probably the main reason why I have SA in the first place. It is not worth it.

Of course one can see the difference between races. I'm not sure that I understand what you mean when you say that culture means nothing without the race. Would you be so kind as to elaborate on that?
I do believe that cultural reletavism is a failure but not multiculturalism.
For example, I don't think that there is anything wrong with a mulicultural society. Many cultures in history have been enriched by the contributions made by other cultures. I realize that many don't share my opinion but I rather like variety in my society. I am curious about other people's ways.

Now, I believe that cultural reletavism is flawed because it tends to promote unequal treatment where the law is concerned. A few years ago, in Germany, a man from Sardenia viciously beat his wife. The judge gave him a lesser sentence on account of the man's cultural background. He said that people were more open and tolerant of spousal abuse in Sardenia (which is the case with many people in Sardenia) so the man should not recieve the same punishment given to a German. This man was not brought to justice as an equal in order for the German judicial system to not appear racist or intolerant of other cultures.

I am of mixed race and I know that I'm not going to be accepted by some people on one side and some people on the other side. It used to hurt me when I was a child but thankfully this is something that I have come to accept and I've made my peace with it. I don't feel that I have to prove my racial credentials to anyone. If someone would expect me to reject either my mother or father's blood so that I can prove myself worthy, I would seriously tell them to go **** themselves. What makes them so special?

I have learned to be proud of every drop of blood running through my veins despite being told that I am one thing or not enough of another. I'm not going to let anyone take that away from me after all the shit I struggled with. I was reminded almost on a daily basis that I wasn't good enough because I was not enough of one thing and this used to hurt a lot.

Now if only I could get my other problems out of the way. ::p: