quitting my job


Well-known member
i cant stand my job anymore. i work as a cashier and have to deal with a constant flow of people all day. and its really been stressing me out lately to the point where i drive home crying most nights.
i want to quit so bad, but im terrified of doing so. i had planned to tell the manager that i wanted to quit a few weeks ago, but i was offered a slight raise (which wont take effect for a few months). which really threw me off and i ended up having an anxiety attack.
idk how to get out of this job. but i dont think i make enough money at this job for it to be worth all the stress and anxiety.


Maybe you could explain your feelings and ask for some time off... if they say no, then you should consider looking for something else.


Well-known member
Could you see yourself being happier doing something else? I work as a cashier as well, and yesterday I was on the verge of an anxiety attack after serving a constant 2 hour flow of customers. As hard as it can be, I love my job. It's scaring me and forcing me to get better. I have to learn to stop these attacks, and being forced to do caused me to learn control.
A few years back I started at a new school, and after six months, I went to class everyday fighting back tears I was so anxious and depressed. I've had a lot of time to think since then, and slowly push myself, from the safety of unemployment, to expand my sense of control over SP when dealing with the outside World. Now in this job, I am cornered again, but I'm a lot more prepared then I was last time.
My advice is to persevere. I'm dreading going to work tonight, but know I have to for myself.


Well-known member
If you really, truly hate it, look for other work while you're still in your current job so you don't stop the income. Driving home crying is not good for you.

I also like sahxox's post.