Probability of Getting Alzheimers.


Well-known member
Hello. So, my grandfather, on my mother's side, had alzheimers and died from it. Now, no one, that we know, on my father's side had alzheimers. Now, I found online that the likly hood of someone having alzheimer's (the gene FAD) given that one of their partents had it is 1/2. So, my mom has it with probability of 1/2. So, I have it with probability of about 1/4. I have no idea if this is accurate, and I'm hoping that somebody on this site has some knowledge of this and could tell me whether or not this is a realistic estimate. 1/4 is pretty high.



Well-known member
It depends whether the Alzheimer's gene is dominant or recessive.

If it is dominant, then you have a three-in-four chance of having at least one gene, and therefore the disease in due season.

If it is recessive, then you have a one-in-four chance of having two Alzheimer's genes (the probability you suggested in the thread), and therefore the disease in due season.

Harmful genes tend to be recessive, but not absolutely always, so assuming this one is recessive (which is the most likely case) then the one-in-four probability you mentioned is correct.

deleted #89

Geeez dude you are over thinking this way too much. Take some fish oil supplement and you are good to go.


Well-known member
say, if you find out there's a big chance of you having Alzheimer's, what are you gonna do about it? or maybe the better question is, what can you do about it? will you stress yourself over something that might or might not happen? don't give yourself an even bigger source of anxiety. the more you obsess about it, the faster it catches up to you. don't worry about it.


Well-known member
Hey, don't dwell on it - at least, not now. I don't know at what age the diseaese appeared in your grandfather, but you still have a long way to go. And 25% is not even half of the chance to get it, so the most likely is that you won't even have it (and everybody must die from one cause or another). Besides, I once read that there are some habits that could help to prevent this disease: eating healthily, not smoking, physical and mental exercising... and being happy, on the whole (I know it may sound stupid but I think that psychological health is reflected on physical health). So you know.