Post your picture thread


Well-known member
Does anyone find that some pictures of themselves look way different to others? I want to post a picture but the ones I take of myself look better than ones other people take. I look well fat in some pictures but normal in others but also like a totally different person o_O


Well-known member
Does anyone find that some pictures of themselves look way different to others? I want to post a picture but the ones I take of myself look better than ones other people take. I look well fat in some pictures but normal in others but also like a totally different person o_O

hehe yeah pretty much everybody has that problem;)


Well-known member
You are very welcome :)
Mehhh, yeah sometime soon maybe
In a couple years or so...
Whaaat D:
Does anyone find that some pictures of themselves look way different to others? I want to post a picture but the ones I take of myself look better than ones other people take. I look well fat in some pictures but normal in others but also like a totally different person o_O
I know what you mean o_O Just post your most recent one?


Well-known member
ma a month ago


Well-known member
Ok, this is me. At a wedding.

I remember being sooo nervous. At African weddings, the bridesmaids don't walk in to the music...we have to *dance* in. The routines are nice to watch...but not cool if you are the dancer. I won't be doing this ever again!

wedding (3).jpg

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
Ok, this is me. At a wedding.

I remember being sooo nervous. At African weddings, the bridesmaids don't walk in to the music...we have to *dance* in. The routines are nice to watch...but not cool if you are the dancer. I won't be doing this ever again!

That does not sound like something that would be fun for someone with SA. :eek:

And I agree with Coyote's comment - you're a very pretty girl. :)


Well-known member
Yep! I am the same way, the lighting for me for example can make my hair look darker or lighter ::eek:: In a well lit room it actually appears dishwater blonde


^ This was yesterday morning in front of my webcam in the poorly lit part of my room

If I were making a live-action film of Rapunzel I'd definitely put you on the top of the list, Tiger! (hope that's a compliment meant to be one ::p: Gorgeous even with bleh low-key light! :D

But yeah lighting and lens can change look so much. I should post one.


Well-known member
You look good tigerlilja ,

I also think i look different from every angles , i'm not even sure what people see when they look at me , i don't want to know