post-breakup's a bitch


Well-known member
so i just broke up with my gf a week and a half ago, because i wanted to explore freedom and myself and my own personality. but now i feel like ****. there isn't a moment i'm not thinking about her, needing her and missing her terribly. i feel like i can barely stand in the thick-ass sludge of emotion, like there's no way through it. i figure that if i stay busy and make new connections with people, it'll keep my mind a little more occupied...but haha, of course, social anxiety makes it very difficult, even though i'm a little more drawn to people than i usually am because that's kinda natural when you feel down.

so idk. any stories, experiences, etc. that might help? does it help a lot to be out there and make new connections to replace the one you had? how did you accomplish it?


Well-known member
All I can say is time does make it better. Try to keep as busy as you can to attempt to take your mind off her. I know it isn't easy but it won't feel like that forever.


Well-known member
Keep yourself busy.
In time, things will get better.

It's been 2 years for me so far but I've been unable to work-- I think if I could work and had a friend or two, I might be a bit better off; slightly less depressed and drowning in self-hate.


Well-known member
its amazing how the body and emotions and human heart can recover. It takes a very long time, and its going to hurt like hell for a while. How long varies from person to person..

The best thing you can do is try to take care of yourself. Dont try to avoid dealing with it, its a form of mourning over a loss, not much different than a death. If you feel sick and you need to stay in bed, you do that, right?. The same thing applies here.

Its a huge thing, but you eat an elephant one piece at a time. Take each day as it comes, and little by little it WILL become easier, though you may not think it will.


Well-known member
The pain is horrible, but if you know it's not a good relationship, you have to make a change. I broke up with my 1st boyfriend, then cried for 2 years. I never considered returning to the relationship though. It was very unhealthy for me. Time is the answer. And try to view it as a life lesson. Whatever it was about the relationship that you didn't like, don't let yourself get back into another relationship that is the same.