Positive Christian Support!!


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Hellllo every1!

Whew, I just gotta tell you guys that I'm getting baptized tomorrow morning. I'm the only one in the church who will be baptized, so I will be in the spotlight the whole time. They even have this tradition where every member of the church stand in line waiting to congratulate me. And I know there will be a whole bunch of people, and I know very few of them! :? I know I have said that I don't feel like going to church, but I feel I should put my "selfishness" aside and try to go now and then. Anyway this is a new church, not the stately lutheran church I have automatically been a member of since I was "baptized" as a child. So this means I will leave the traditional church and go to the SDA-church only because I find their teachings to be the most true to the Bible, in a good way. (They are among other things the ones who protest of viewing God as a sadist who will torture the unrightouss for eternity, luckily I have found it to be a biblical view as well). Anyway I'm starting to get really nervous now, but I know it is something I have to go through with as I believe this is the right way to go. First believe and then get baptized with full immersion like they did in the Bible-times.

I know some of you here have been baptized this way, I mean how did you cope with all the attention? Were you nervous too?


Well-known member
Just wanted to tell you that, now it's done, now I'm baptized! :D
As for the attention- it was actually worse than I had imagined. It felt like the whole sermon was built up around me and my baptizm, just like a wedding is for a wedding couple... It was a struggle, but I got through it. It was actually very beautiful with the music, the speach, but most of all the immersion-part. It was kind of magical with the artificial river in the center-front of the church with windows in the ceiling so that all the light was flowing down on us (me and the pastor) during the act. I saw a lot of people were touched and shed some happy tears. :cry: :D

After I was warmly welcomed by the other members and they gave me flowers, books and cards. They were so nice to me, so I guess my impression of christian people has been partly wrong, there are some really great ones too!
Despite my nervousness, it was a happy day and to use my mums words; the memories of this day will stick with me forever. :)


Well-known member
Congratulations LA-girl! :D The bible says that all who acknowledge Him will also be acknowledged in return, that is what you did w'/your baptism, publicly acknowledge Jesus and your decision to follow him. And God knows how hard it was for you to do especially w/the Sp. It was hard for me too when I did it but I believed then and still do that it was more important for me to do it than the fear I had so I did it anyway and It was awesome. So congrats! :wink:


Well-known member
THANK YOU MARY!!!! You're right, it was a great feeling! It was hard, but I would do it again in a heartbeat! I can't believe I got through it all though without fainting! LOL!


Well-known member
Congratulations,LA-girl! I know what you mean,it's very anxious. I think I wouldn't be able to do this now but fortunately I was baptized at the age of ten! I was very anxious of course,but it's not the same,they don't pay so much attention on a child! Good luck to your new life with Lord Jesus! Always read the Bible,so as to see the Lord's orders and wills. I'm very happy for you. :D


Well-known member
I had to go to the doctor's the other day and it was pretty bad..my sp hasn't acted up like that in awhile, but then again I haven't given it reason to. Anyway there were a LOT of people in the waiting room and I know they allways make me go in and out of that room at least 2-3 times. Which is dumb they should just have me do everything at once so we wouldn't have to do that. Anyway, on my first in and out, everyone in the waiting room seemed to turn to look at me and I had a high school flashback about crossing the room and feeling the stares on you and then people laughing at me... :( :oops:
Time seemed to stand still even as I crossed the room very slowly. It seemed to take forever to get back to my seat again..I was feeling really bad about it and in my head cried, "Jesus, help me!!!"
Just then the door I had just come out of opened again and for the first time I noticed a little statue of Jesus on the wall with his arms out as if to embrace me. It reminded me that He is there for me and with me.
Sometimes I have my bad moments, especially when going through an Sp episode like that where I question God. I wonder why He allows me to go through it. I wish He would just take it away.
But then I remember the great love He has for me. The great love that He allowed me to know and feel. I know He loves me like He loves us all and so I can trust Him even when I don't understand the why's or have all the answers. I can trust in His love. And I know one day He will tell me the why's of it all. But someone who loves me that much, would never purposely let me suffer for no reason. And when I do suffer, Jesus cries with me. I remember that song that says, "He knows my name. He knows my every thought. He sees each tear that falls, and Hears me when I call."


Well-known member
Yes,you're absolutely right. God loves us so much and gets sad when we suffer,but life is full of such difficulties.That's why He urges us to call Him when we've got problems. Besides,our hope isn't here on earth,but to his coming kingdom. There we will really rest and forget all problems.


Well-known member
Congratulations,LA-girl! I know what you mean,it's very anxious. I think I wouldn't be able to do this now but fortunately I was baptized at the age of ten! I was very anxious of course,but it's not the same,they don't pay so much attention on a child! Good luck to your new life with Lord Jesus! Always read the Bible,so as to see the Lord's orders and wills. I'm very happy for you. :D

Thanks Giolanda!! Yes, I intend to read my Bible every day. And for all those who have the impression that it is just a boring old book like I used to think I can tell you it's not. It is a book containing the ultimate and most important love story of them all and we are all included!! :D


Well-known member

.... I see have failed my goal to read the bible every day... :? Ah, I'm way too lazy, I really have to get my grip together!!


Well-known member
jinxed said:
Actually the problem really is, I'd rather have the book read to me or listening to a tape than to ever sit still there and read etc. That might be the same problem you have.

Yeah. maybe you're right. There are in fact sites on the internet where you can listen to the whole Bible online, but unfortunately it does not exist in my language. And also the Bible I have has a lot of nice illustrations which makes it much more fun to read. So basically I have no excuse... :?


Well-known member
Hi everyone!

I just wanted to come with a little warning of how easy it is to fall away from our relationship with God if we do not feed ourselfs regulary. The reason to why I am telling you now is because I have once again walked astray, or in the opposite direction of where He is leading me. I am really disappointed in myself and afraid that I am too weak and stumble too much in my walk in order to arrive "the promised land".

At the same time I also wanted to say how God answered my prayer about this as I knew I was once again falling away.It happened today actually and many people will probably just say it was an accident, but I am positive that it was Gods way of confirming to me that I was indeed going in the wrong direction. The way he showed me was to point my attention to this christian internet-channel (3ABN). I haven't been watching it for a while, but today I felt I was lead to switch it on. The programme that was airing was about how easy it is to fall away from grace if you do not feed yourself regularly and persist on having a relationship with Him. Anyway, after I watched it I fell asleep again as it was very early in the morning...and when I woke up the second time I switched it on as well. And there was this other programme speaking about how to obtain our relationship with God and how important it is to read the word and let it transform our lifes....Now you might think that this is a channel who talks about these things all the time, but the fact is that I have never seen a programme, not for a very long time at least, that spoke about this exact issue.

I honestly do feel it was God who was seeking my attention and was trying to lead me back to him only because I asked him to. What a loving, caring and extremely pasient God we have!


Well-known member
HI everyone! Long time, no "see" :wink: I just wanted to let everyone know I had my baby!!! And to publicly take a second to thank God that she is healthy and all right. I also wanted to share a little bit about the experience. I decided to have a home birth, not because of the Sp (although that didn't help any) but because I didn't want all the drugs and to risk c-sections etc. Also my doctor insisted on cutting the umbilical cord immediately and I wanted to wait a few minutes until it had stopped pulsating after I researched it on the internet. But he would not do it. Anyway, when the baby was born she came out w/the cord wrapped around her neck and wasn't responding, my midwife had to give her 2 quick breaths and then she started crying. It was the most horrific thing to have seen and gone through. For a few seconds we thought she was dead. Throughout all this the cord was not cut and from what I have read this could be the reason why she is healthy and well today. IF I had gone w/my doctor he would have cut the cord and having done this would have affected her. It would have cut her off from the only oxygen source she still had which was the cord. Before deciding on a home birth I prayed a lot about whether this was the right decision or not and despite people opposing me (a lot) I felt God led me to have a home birth. And I know now I did the right thing. My baby is now a month old and is HEALTHY and well. :D I have God and Him alone to thank for that! :D Thank YOU JESUS!


Active member
Hi Mary,
that's really nice to hear that you and your little girl are both well.
will you let us know her name ? :lol:


Well-known member
mary!im so glad she is healthy!what an experience!im so glad you have a beautiful little girl!did you name her with the name you said you would?im so happy for you and your hubby!i hope to hear from you soon but im just so glad you and little one are ok!


New member
LA-girl said:
That is truly an amazing story Mary! :D

A little reminder for all of us:

To have faith means trusting that God is in total control. He says we should bring all our worries unto him and have complete trust that he will carry us through every obastacle that we meet on our life-long journey! And every time we struggle we should always try to focus on all the good things we have in our life, not to mention that we have Jesus by our side! And although people might critizice us, or we feel we make a fool out of ourselves, we know that God loves us and that is the only thing that really matter... :D

hi im a christian and i love god i go 2 church on a sunday and wednesday
today im goin becoz there is a concert!

cya plz reply XxXxXxX BEX


Well-known member
Hi Reccarebecca, I am glad that you go to church, it's important to maintain a relationship with God. Would you mind posting your testimony about how you became a Christian? Thanks, take care! :D