Positive Christian Support!!


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Hello everyone! I just wanted to say that its not easy being a christian these days, I guess it never was, was it? LOL. I can't tell u guys how many people have im or pm'd me and told me they are glad that I have put these topics as they have been encouraged by them, but a lot of them are afraid of the critizism they see heaped on me for saying my beliefs. I understand that and won't say who they are because of that. Of course I'm not thrilled at the negative comments thrown my way but I don't let it bother me as much as I'm sure people wish it did! I expect it, its biblical, people hated Jesus, and He said we would get what he also got. He also said, "blessed are u when they persecute u and say all kinds of slander against you, for great is ur reward." I guess I am going to get something good pretty soon then, cool! 8) LOL, but i shouldn't complain because christians around the world have it much worse, some are even martyred for their beliefs. 8O Its true. So what can they say about me, then, that I can't handle? I will stay true to my God and my beliefs, there is a scripture that says," whoever confesses me before men, him will God also recognize." God never promised it would be easy like Giolanda said, but He promised He would be right there to help ea. step of the way. So to all who are afraid of posting, I encourage you to cast your fears down, and draw near to God. There is a blessing in it for all of us. :D Continue to post your story's here and know they are helping other people. And if anyone should persecute you, its o.k. pray for them. It isn't you they are persecuting, its Him. Jesus said in this world we would have troubles but be of good cheer, and know he has overcome the world.


yes indeed we will have troubles and we will also be persecuted, laughed at, and ostricised, but we will prevail.

We all have mountains in our lives, obstacles that seem insurmountable, but as our pastor said this morning, God made those mountains so its no big deal. Listen to what he says in Psalm 121
1 I lift up my eyes to the hills—
where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;
4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The LORD watches over you—
the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
6 the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
7 The LORD will keep you from all harm—
he will watch over your life;
8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore

and when we struggle with sin and temptation, as we all do and will
we have an advocate in Jesus..as we see in Hebrews 2:18

"Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted."

I found this passage while reading his word last night and am amazes me each night he sends me somewhere in his word that speaks to my present situation. I struggle with temptation, and many times I fail, but know I have an advocate who knows the temptation and will forgive me when I ask.

Just wanted to share a little and to encourage others!
God Bless!


Well-known member
GettonC said:
yes indeed we will have troubles and we will also be persecuted, laughed at, and ostricised, but we will prevail.

We all have mountains in our lives, obstacles that seem insurmountable, but as our pastor said this morning, God made those mountains so its no big deal. Listen to what he says in Psalm 121
1 I lift up my eyes to the hills—
where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;
4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The LORD watches over you—
the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
6 the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
7 The LORD will keep you from all harm—
he will watch over your life;
8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore

and when we struggle with sin and temptation, as we all do and will
we have an advocate in Jesus..as we see in Hebrews 2:18

"Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted."

I found this passage while reading his word last night and am amazes me each night he sends me somewhere in his word that speaks to my present situation. I struggle with temptation, and many times I fail, but know I have an advocate who knows the temptation and will forgive me when I ask.

Just wanted to share a little and to encourage others!
God Bless!

Very nice GettonC, I love those scriptures. :D It also helps to read the bible at night before going to sleep. God does speak to us through his word and in other ways as well, one way He speaks to me is also through music, (I listen to klove) its available online to listen. I just wanted to tell everybody that all of you have encouraged me too, and I am grateful to you all for that. May God bless you and help you, may He make His face to shine upon you and give you peace..in Jesus mighty name, Amen! :D


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God speaks to me by dreams usually. I've always seen things that have happened. Some years before,I dreamed of walking in the street,returning from my english course. As I was walking,I heard a voice saying"be careful,sb is following you"! I turned and saw a man following me indeed and I tried to escape. Next night I saw the same dream. After that,it really hapened. So last day I'd seen this dream,I was returning back home from my english course,when I saw the lights of a car behind me. I went to the edge of the street and waited for the car to pass,but it didn't. I started walking again and the car came slowly behind me. The driver was following me! I remembered the dream immediately and tried not to panic,I went on pretending that I'd seen nothing.When I went through my home's door,the car stayed there for a little and then left. The other day I told my father to drive me home. When we were at the same street,the car came again. I told my father and when we arrived we decided not to get out. So we parked and waited. The driver waited too but as he saw that we wouldn't get out,he drove away. We were able to see his face as he left. He didn't come again after that.
I don't know what it was,but it was amazing that I'd seen it in my dream for two nights and it really happened two times consecutively. We cannot claim that such things are coincidences. God warned me and this means t I was in danger. Anyone could understand that there is someone who knows the future already. I've got many similar experiences in my life and I praise the Lord for his love and care towards me. Each Christian has daily experiences ,they aren't negligible,because they show to us that if God cares about these small things,what about the big ones? Our faith gets stronger from all these.


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Wow Giolanda! 8O I have only had about 3 dreams about Jesus, it must be awesome to have prophetic dreams like you have, well scary sometimes yes, but like you say God warned you and protected you from that guy.
I was reminded recently of one of my little miracoulous experiences at church. We had gone and were a little down because our electric bill was due and had no money to pay it. Nobody knew since we had just got the bill that very day. Still we gave an offering in church, and then after the service a man came up to us and shook my hubbys hand and in it was a $50 dollar bill, the exact amount we needed! 8O He told my hubby, "the lord put it in my heart to give you this."
We were amazed and grateful for God's provision. Another time, my brother who was studying to play guitar needed some money to buy some instrument or other and our pastor came up to him and did the "money" handshake w/the same message as the other guy, "how God put it in his heart to give him that." It was a $100, which was the amount my brother needed to buy his thing. Again the pastor or nobody knew he even needed the money, I didn't even know until afterwards when my brother told me! 8O But God knows all things.
I was hesitant about putting my story's about money blessings we have gotten because I don't want people to get close to God thinking what can they get out of it financially? I have gotten a lot of financial blessings but by far the one I would never trade for all the money in the world is the one where I felt God's great love for me. Nothing comes close to that, nothing matters more. :) "Seek first the kingdom of God and all its righteousness and the rest will be added unto you..."


Well-known member
That's so true. If we pray for the kingdom of the Lord,the other things will be added to us. His kingdom is the most important thing,because is the life. Christians must ask for this one first,as everything else is temporary,but the kingdom of heaven is the future.


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I was just remembering about one time at church when at the beginning of the service, my pastor asked everyone to come down to the altar during the praise and worship. It was unusual for us to go to the altar at the beginning of service its usually done at the end, but he said he felt the spirit of God directing him to do so. So we went and had worship there, I could feel the Holy Spirit so strongly and beautifully, and cried and cried, but they are good tears, cleansing tears. Tears where you don't even care who is looking at you or anything, but are just basking in God's presence.
It was very moving and felt like about 10 minutes, way way too short, when suddenly everyone was going back to their seats and then to my utter shock and amazement, service was over! 8O People started to leave and I looked at my husband and asked him, "what is going on? Why are we leaving so early? What about the service?" He looked at me like I was nuts and told me that we had been at the altar for about 2 hours and so we weren't going to have service after having been there that long. I couldn't believe it!!! 8O
What had felt at the most like 10 minutes to me, had actually been 2 hours! I wasn't tired, and felt like I could have stayed up there much longer.
I had never had an experience like this before where time seemed to stand still..I know it says in the bible that one year is like a day to God. And His timing is not like ours..but I never knew what that meant or felt like until then. So now when I think about how we will spend eternity in heaven, it doesn't freak me out to think how long that will be or that we will get tired of it! Because I Know, 2 hours in God's presence can feel like 10 minutes..and you will never get tired of it!! In fact, it won't feel long enough.. :)


Well-known member
I was just remembering about one time at church when at the beginning of the service, my pastor asked everyone to come down to the altar during the praise and worship. It was unusual for us to go to the altar at the beginning of service its usually done at the end, but he said he felt the spirit of God directing him to do so. So we went and had worship there, I could feel the Holy Spirit so strongly and beautifully, and cried and cried, but they are good tears, cleansing tears. Tears where you don't even care who is looking at you or anything, but are just basking in God's presence.
It was very moving and felt like about 10 minutes, way way too short, when suddenly everyone was going back to their seats and then to my utter shock and amazement, service was over! 8O People started to leave and I looked at my husband and asked him, "what is going on? Why are we leaving so early? What about the service?" He looked at me like I was nuts and told me that we had been at the altar for about 2 hours and so we weren't going to have service after having been there that long. I couldn't believe it!!! 8O
What had felt at the most like 10 minutes to me, had actually been 2 hours! I wasn't tired, and felt like I could have stayed up there much longer.
I had never had an experience like this before where time seemed to stand still..I know it says in the bible that one year is like a day to God. And His timing is not like ours..but I never knew what that meant or felt like until then. So now when I think about how we will spend eternity in heaven, it doesn't freak me out to think how long that will be or that we will get tired of it! Because I Know, 2 hours in God's presence can feel like 10 minutes..and you will never get tired of it!! In fact, it won't feel long enough.. :)


Well-known member
I know my pregnancy is a miracle! I know all pregnancy's are miracles..but mine is a unexpected miracle. We had pretty much given up hope of having children and had considered adoption a bit later on. But I was discouraged by all the red tape I see my friend who is trying to adopt has to go through. Then all of a sudden out of the blue..I'm pregnant! 8O
I'm still in shock, I think. My pastor prayed a few years ago for us to get pregnant and said that, "he would still be alive to see it." :lol: And also that God would " Bless me and bless the fruit of my womb." So Thank You God! Thank you for everything You have done and all you are going to do!
The bible says every good and perfect gift comes from above and I know this baby came from you! Everybody on here big hug..(((((((EVERYONE))))))
God is real, He is alive, and He is doing miracles daily!!!! :D


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Thanks God for you,Mary! You became like Sarah,Rachel,Elizabeth and Anna,who wanted children and God didn't forget his promise! Sth like this happened to our church too,a woman that couldn't have children,had one now that her husband is 55 and she's 40! God never forgets. We must be patient and wait for his time. Faith is a very important thing.


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Elaine, of course I will pray for you and am available if you need to talk. I'm sorry you are having such a hard time. I wish I could come to your rescue but I'm limited in what I can do to help you.. :? I am only human too and am not perfect either, nobody but God is perfect. I can pray and I can listen and maybe offer advice but God can fix whatever it is that is wrong.
I am concerned that you said this thing you are struggling with is making you too ashamed to confess to God. No matter what it is, God allready knows. And by talking to Him about it, you release yourself from its power over you. By acknowledging you need God's help and can't do it on your own, you hand it over to Him. Don't carry this around with you. Give it to God.
Remember the bible says that God showed His love for us by sending his only begotten son Jesus, while we were STILL sinners. You don't have to be perfect or clean up your life before talking to God. You come as you are. A person who is well doesn't need to go to the doctor but someone who is sick needs to. It is the same. We come to God not because we are perfect but because we have problems that we can't handle on our own. Because He is the one who can help us in every situation. Don't ever feel ashamed to come to God w/anything. He loves you and He understands. He is just waiting for you to ask Him for help. The devil is the one who is called a thief in the bible..and the thief comes in by force. God doesn't force himself on us..He stands at the door and knocks. If anyone hears his voice he will come in and be with him. The devil doesn't want you to talk to God because he knows when you do, you are inviting God into your situation and he knows God will be there to help you.


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Elaine,I don't know what problem do you have,but don't let Satan discourage you. What Mary said is so true and we're lucky to have christians like her here,who can give such a nice support. Don't ever be ashamed to talk to God,no matter how you are. God knows that we're weak,this is the reason why he always supports us. When I pray,I talk to Him like a friend,I tell Him everything,even the most silly things. After that I feel much better. Be strong to the Lord,if you are with Him,He is always there for you. He's savior and friend.


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I just wanted to say HI to everyone! :) And share a little about my visit to apply for financial aid..I had to go in alone and there was a packed room full of people.. 8O Needless to say, I felt like every eye in there was on me and my Sp started to want to act up..But I kept my cool and just prayed in my head the whole time. Then we had to go into this other little room to wait for 2 hours to be called to an interview. I had rough moments when I felt very uncomfortable sitting there but again I just kept praying and I felt God tell me, "You are not alone, I am here with you." In my head I imagined Jesus sitting in the empty seat next to me and holding my hand. I knew that He really was with me and it helped.
Sure, I wish God would just remove this SP from me and I would never have to deal w/it again but I try to look at the good in all this. I have met many great people I otherwise probably wouldn't have known on this site because of my Sp. And although I still struggle there are moments when God makes it be o.k. And I can see now how those moments make me go from being a victim to being a survivor. And while I don't understand God's plan for me yet, I trust him and I will hold on to Him for all my help and guidance. I know that He loves me and that He loves each of you the same.


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Thank you Elaine! :) I know God has and is working wonders..I just need to keep reminding myself of all that He has done for me allready. Its like the israelites when they wandered in the dessert for 40? years..God did many miracles for them, amazing things. He parted the red sea for them for crying out loud.. 8O You would have thought they would be faithful to God forever and never doubt Him after having seen that! Yet they did doubt Him and they did seem to "forget" all He had done for them. I guess it is human nature to let go off all the good things God does for us and the one little problem we have where He doesn't seem to answer immediately, we are ready to dessert him.. 8O Or maybe not dessert Him, but we forget all He has done in the past. That is why I wanted to post in christian support, to share my past experiences w/God and remind myself of His loving kindness to me. Sometimes I am overwhelmed when I think of all He has done for me. He has more than made up for the years I suffered when I was younger. He has given me more than double for all my trouble. And when I remember that, it helps me and makes me just cry and cry before Him, and all I can say is "God I really love you. You have been so good to me, and I don't deserve it." But I guess none of us do... :wink:


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As you said,Mary,we don't deserve God's help,but He always helps us. I get angry with ppl who want Him only for good days,or ppl who forget to thank Him when their problems are solved. You're right,we must always thank Him. I remember a nice christian song,saying: Thank Him when He says yes,and tell you love Him when He says no.


Well-known member
Hi Giolanda! Yes you are right, we should have a grateful heart towards God even when times are tough. He never promised a life w/out problems but He did promise to be there for us when they came.. :wink: We should praise and Honor Him even in hard times because we have His promise that things will get better. "The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him." Nahum 1:7 "Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up." Psalm 32:7
There are many more scriptures to put about how God is there for us when we need him and helps us. I think its good to read the bible because it is like a little seed we plant inside our heart and when we need it the most God causes His word to rise up inside us and give us the comfort and guidance we need. He speaks in a still small voice to us but also He speaks through His word. "The word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." Hebrews 4:12 "...the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness." 2 Timothy 3:15,16 "Consequently faith comes from hearing the message and the message is heard through the word of Christ." Romans 10:17
Sorry if I get carried away..LOL. :lol: Anyway, have you seen that movie, "End of the spear?" It is really good and if you get a chance go see it, I recommend it to everybody. :wink:


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I have a wonderful book,named "The human's heart,where sins are represented by animals:
It was a drawing there,these animals were all in a person's heart and devil was there too,but in another drawing,when the man heard the word of God,a light came in and they left. It was wonderful and so true! Have you heard of that book?


Well-known member
Giolanda, I have never heard of that book before but I know in the bible the devil appeared as a serpent. Do you remember the title of the book?

Elaine, I will try my best to explain my experience. Before it happened I had been asking God to have a experience w/him. To feel His presence and know His love. I cried out to Him and meant it w/my whole heart. But days passed, possibly a week and I had thought I wasnt going to get an answer. Then I went to church and almost didn't because all I had to wear was a skirt outfit and I worried it was too short but something told me to go anyway so I did. Half joking I said to my hubby, "I hope I don't fall at the altar in this!" But I didn't think I would, since I never had before. I knew other people had including my mom and brother but I had not. I asked them what it was like and they couldn't give me a good explanation. I kind of wished it would happen to me so I would know what it was like but was also afraid of falling in front of the whole church (the Sp) Then that day we had an altar call as we usually do, whoever wants to can go to the altar and pray and worship God. We went and I was there not expecting anything and thinking where we would go eat after service let out when I saw the Pastor come up to me to pray for me, so I closed my eyes and he put his hand very lightly on my head (he didn't push me) and the next thing I knew I was standing in God's presence. I just fell apart inside. Every part of me knew it was God. I think when you are before your creator you just know and recognize Him. It wasn't the devil because the devil isn't capable of the immense love I felt coming from him. The devil hates us..but this was pure love. It was overwhelming. One minute I was fine as could be thinking about lunch and the next I was crying and crying and all my strength left my body. I didn't even feel myself fall and I certainly didn't care who saw. (btw they covered me up w/a blanket) It was the single most life changing and beautiful moment in my entire life. I knew God's love for me and I loved him right back w/all my heart because of it.. I cried because I felt so guilty for having doubted him even a little. All I could tell him was, I am so sorry, I am not worthy of you. And that is how I felt. It was like standing in a light and being wrapped in that light, being wrapped in love and knowing for the first time how great that love is. I knew then how much God loved me and I never had felt that before. I had head knowledge and not heart knowledge. But after that I knew. It was like Paul's experience on the road to damascus.."As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" Acts 9:3-4
I heard God in my spirit also, what he said to me was, "Mary, Mary, don't you know how much I love you?" with great sadness because He knew I didn't know. But also so much compassion and love for me.
Btw my hubby who was standing next to me also got prayed for and also fell as well and had almost the exact same experience..I asked him if in that moment anything or anyone else mattered and he said no. I love him and know he loves me but in that moment I would have happily gone w/God to heaven! I loved God more than anyone and my hubby said he felt the same. We weren't jealous because we understood having both been through the same thing. All I can tell you is that if you have never felt God in this way, seek after this experience. It is something amazing you will never forget.
I have had this happen to me about 4 times total, but the first time was the most beautiful. I have also felt God in different ways, the first time was His love and power but mostly love. Then another time I felt God's power fall on me like a big cloud opened up above me and a waterfall of power hit me. I felt the power very strongly.
I also have felt like I was about to fall at home when I was praising God and worshipping him w/music. I guess I was having church at home and I suddenly felt like I was going back but got nervous about fallling and stopped myself. But I think if I had let go I would have been ok and had felt the same as in church. Also I think in church maybe I feel God strongests due to all the believer's there. Remember the bible says where there are 2 or 3 gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them.
Also it places special significance on the altar. God meets you there. I know you can feel Him anywhere but I am just saying there are places and there are places that are somehow set apart by God..
In our church the pastor preaches the bible. If it says we are to lay hands on the sick and it does, the elder's lay hands. If it says we are to cast out demons, they do that too. Btw I had a friend who had a demon and they prayed for her and there was a manifestation where her voice changed and she cursed at them..I have seen some stuff. 8O I have also seen sick people get healed and cured of things like cancer and blindness. The speaking in tongues is also biblical. Although I don't do it yet. But mostly we emphasize the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. It says, "and you shall recieve power when the Holy Spirit comes.." So I am not sure but maybe that is what my experience was. I heard someone say once that we believe God for our salvation but then stop there and God has so much more for us but the rest we struggle to believe. He also says he wants to bless us and heal us and give us the Holy Spirit to help us. Why believe only a part of the bible and not the rest? :wink: Anyway If you have never felt God in this way I highly encourage you to ask Him for this experience and then wait for His answer. I wish i could give this experience to everyone but It is not mine to give. I can only point you in the right direction.. :) And hopefully you will experience it for yourself.


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I had a dream once where I saw the devil..he was in the form of an animal and sitting on a throne giving orders to other demons. I stood there paralyzed and unable to move feeling this fear so strongly. He sat there very calmly and talked very educated and in a calm voice. Yet even though he didn't appear threatening I could literally feel the hatred radiating off of him. I knew how dangerous he was and how much he hated me and everyone on earth. W/out him having to say so it was like he was saying, "I hate you! I want to rip you apart and destroy you and kill everyone." I could feel such strong hatred from him and a violent murderous spirit.
God is completeley the opposite. God is love. The devil can imitate God in some things but He can not imitate the love of God for us. When you feel God you know it is Him, there is no doubt..