Giolanda, I have never heard of that book before but I know in the bible the devil appeared as a serpent. Do you remember the title of the book?
Elaine, I will try my best to explain my experience. Before it happened I had been asking God to have a experience w/him. To feel His presence and know His love. I cried out to Him and meant it w/my whole heart. But days passed, possibly a week and I had thought I wasnt going to get an answer. Then I went to church and almost didn't because all I had to wear was a skirt outfit and I worried it was too short but something told me to go anyway so I did. Half joking I said to my hubby, "I hope I don't fall at the altar in this!" But I didn't think I would, since I never had before. I knew other people had including my mom and brother but I had not. I asked them what it was like and they couldn't give me a good explanation. I kind of wished it would happen to me so I would know what it was like but was also afraid of falling in front of the whole church (the Sp) Then that day we had an altar call as we usually do, whoever wants to can go to the altar and pray and worship God. We went and I was there not expecting anything and thinking where we would go eat after service let out when I saw the Pastor come up to me to pray for me, so I closed my eyes and he put his hand very lightly on my head (he didn't push me) and the next thing I knew I was standing in God's presence. I just fell apart inside. Every part of me knew it was God. I think when you are before your creator you just know and recognize Him. It wasn't the devil because the devil isn't capable of the immense love I felt coming from him. The devil hates us..but this was pure love. It was overwhelming. One minute I was fine as could be thinking about lunch and the next I was crying and crying and all my strength left my body. I didn't even feel myself fall and I certainly didn't care who saw. (btw they covered me up w/a blanket) It was the single most life changing and beautiful moment in my entire life. I knew God's love for me and I loved him right back w/all my heart because of it.. I cried because I felt so guilty for having doubted him even a little. All I could tell him was, I am so sorry, I am not worthy of you. And that is how I felt. It was like standing in a light and being wrapped in that light, being wrapped in love and knowing for the first time how great that love is. I knew then how much God loved me and I never had felt that before. I had head knowledge and not heart knowledge. But after that I knew. It was like Paul's experience on the road to damascus.."As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" Acts 9:3-4
I heard God in my spirit also, what he said to me was, "Mary, Mary, don't you know how much I love you?" with great sadness because He knew I didn't know. But also so much compassion and love for me.
Btw my hubby who was standing next to me also got prayed for and also fell as well and had almost the exact same experience..I asked him if in that moment anything or anyone else mattered and he said no. I love him and know he loves me but in that moment I would have happily gone w/God to heaven! I loved God more than anyone and my hubby said he felt the same. We weren't jealous because we understood having both been through the same thing. All I can tell you is that if you have never felt God in this way, seek after this experience. It is something amazing you will never forget.
I have had this happen to me about 4 times total, but the first time was the most beautiful. I have also felt God in different ways, the first time was His love and power but mostly love. Then another time I felt God's power fall on me like a big cloud opened up above me and a waterfall of power hit me. I felt the power very strongly.
I also have felt like I was about to fall at home when I was praising God and worshipping him w/music. I guess I was having church at home and I suddenly felt like I was going back but got nervous about fallling and stopped myself. But I think if I had let go I would have been ok and had felt the same as in church. Also I think in church maybe I feel God strongests due to all the believer's there. Remember the bible says where there are 2 or 3 gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them.
Also it places special significance on the altar. God meets you there. I know you can feel Him anywhere but I am just saying there are places and there are places that are somehow set apart by God..
In our church the pastor preaches the bible. If it says we are to lay hands on the sick and it does, the elder's lay hands. If it says we are to cast out demons, they do that too. Btw I had a friend who had a demon and they prayed for her and there was a manifestation where her voice changed and she cursed at them..I have seen some stuff. 8O I have also seen sick people get healed and cured of things like cancer and blindness. The speaking in tongues is also biblical. Although I don't do it yet. But mostly we emphasize the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. It says, "and you shall recieve power when the Holy Spirit comes.." So I am not sure but maybe that is what my experience was. I heard someone say once that we believe God for our salvation but then stop there and God has so much more for us but the rest we struggle to believe. He also says he wants to bless us and heal us and give us the Holy Spirit to help us. Why believe only a part of the bible and not the rest? :wink: Anyway If you have never felt God in this way I highly encourage you to ask Him for this experience and then wait for His answer. I wish i could give this experience to everyone but It is not mine to give. I can only point you in the right direction..

And hopefully you will experience it for yourself.