Positive Christian Support!!


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Mary and Elaine,I always wanted to mention that,about holy spirit. My church is pentecostal and many ppl there have it and I have it too. Every christian has the spirit of God of course,but having the holy spirit it's sth different and it's sign is speaking with foreign languages. Like the Apostles,when Christ left.They were all together,when that wind and fire came and they started talking in languages they couldn't understand. I'm sure that you know the story.So,that promise wasn't only for then,it's for now too. Ppl in my church ask for the spirit and take it,not immediately of course.
I'll tell you my experience:I was 10 years old praying repeatedly for it,but nothing.Then one day,while we were praying for it at church with other children,I felt sth strange,like a power of love to my body,maybe sth like Mary's experience.But I didn't fall and it was no way frightening! After that power,I just started talking in languages I couldn't understand,quietly. Since then,I have it and I talk in foreign languages while praying. And don't think that they are silly words,we have stories of christians here that prove it's loyalty.My father for example,he was praying slowly and he said some foreign words with the holy spirit and a man from Iran was next to him. He heard the words and said to my father:What did you say? These words seemed like my language,repeat it please! But it couldn't be repeated of course,as it was from God,not from human hearts.We have many similar occassions here,proving that it's holy spirit.
Things are a bit complicated though,because some ppl have misunderstood it,they asked for it and did weird things. But that's hysteria,not the spirit. This is why ppl are afraid of pentecostal churches,but that's not true. Holy spirit means praying in foreign languages quietly,it's not fear. Consider the Apostles,ppl that heard them that day weren't afraid,just surprised. This means that they were talking clear foreign words,in a calm way.Foreign languages is just the sign that you got itso holy spirit isn't languages only.It gives you love,peace and all the good things that Apostle Paul mentions.
Mary,I think you had an experience of taking it.Ask for it and some time you'll get it,you too Elaine. Forget the bad rumors and think of the Apostles,how they got it.Well,sorry if you got tired but I've always meant to mention these things!


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How do we really know it's GOD and not Satan?? How can u be 100% sure???

I have to say I'm with you here Elaine. As for the gifts of the Holy spirit, I think God gives us what we needs in order to serve him the best way. I believe that the gift of tongues were given to the apostles right after Christ ascendeth to heaven in order to bring the gospel out to people of different languages. Now we have all kinds of translations methods in order to perform the same tasks, but I honestly think that we should not ask for just one type of gift, but the gifts that will serve for the benefit of others and God.

Also for the gift of tongues, I also have the impression that people can not alway be sure whether the message they get are from God or from Satan. That is why I personally feel it is best to always stick with the Bible in order to find the truth and not messages sent from who knows whom.

That being said, I believe that in certain circumstanses the gift of tongues can still be beneficial. But I honestly think that sometimes people who are putting a lot of emphacise on this particular gift of tongues are in danger of trusting too much on their "helper" and their feelings rather than what the Bible says.

I also have to say that I am not trying to speak against Giolanda here, but to all those people who put too much weight on this gift, in my opinion.
Like for instance those denominations which claim that speaking on tongues are the evidence that you have the Holy spirit and that you are saved if you just speak in tongues. That is the way I see it completely unbiblical and a danger to both the people who believe this and also to all the people who don't speak in tongues.


Well-known member
Hello everyone! Like I had mentioned before I do not speak in tongues but my mother does and my best friend has also. I don't think it was only for back then but something for now as well; I don't think it is something we should fear, but something God gives as a sign of having recieved the Holy Spirit. Not the ONLY sign, but still A sign.

"Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by the means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to another interpretation of tongues. ALL THESE ARE THE WORK OF ONE AND THE SAME SPIRIT, AND HE GIVES THEM TO EACH ONE, JUST AS HE DETERMINES." 1 Corinthians 12:7-11

Tongues is a sign that shall follow a believer, It is not the only sign but it is a sign..Jesus said so himself. Mark 16:15-20, "And these signs shall follow those who believe, in my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues.."

The reason why we as believer's should not fear speaking in tongues is because we ARE believer's..we are washed by the blood of the lamb, we should trust Him that He won't allow us to speak words of satan..why would we? We aren't demon possesed..that is not the spirit which we have living in us, we have God's spirit..if we are possed by God's spirit we can't be possessed by satan! 8O

One more thing, not to freak everyone out but I have felt (many years ago) another spirit in me, not a good one, an evil one, I let it speak through me, not in tongues but regular words..I knew it wasn't me and I knew it was something bad. It only happened once but it freaked me out, this was before I knew Jesus. It has never happened again since. But what I am saying is, If you know love, and you know God is love, you will know evil when you feel it too..even if you didn't know God, most people can recognize and feel evil..how much more will He show you if you are going down the wrong path? You who belong to Him? Who have the promise that, "those who are His, no one can snatch out of his hands."

I used to doubt speaking in tongues and people falling at the altar. But now I know just because I dont' understand something doesn't make it any less real or true. There was a time in all of our lives when we didn't know God, but that didn't make Him any less real either. It took me experiencing it for myself to believe, and also seeing the change's in people around me..so although I don't speak in tongues I am happy for Giolanda as I know from my own mother that it has helped her in her life and I am sure it is helping Giolanda as well.
There is a scripture that says that, the Holy spirit is interceding for us with unintelligible groanings because sometimes we do not know how to pray as we should..so maybe that is praying in tongues as well. I know my mom says it helps her to pray in this way, and she feels close to God after she does. She might not know what she is saying but God does. If God gave it as a gift, It is serving a purpose.


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The reason why I question wether it be God or Satan who speaks, is because I read an article where a leader in one of these denominations that put a lot of emphacize on this gift, said that each time he spoke in tongues he always had to check the Bible to see whether the message were from God or from Satan.
And also for instance the example Horatio gave on the Religious debate thread where many of the messages the people in his church received obviously were not from God.

That is why I am somewhat skeptical, but like I said I think that the gift of tongues can still be beneficial in certain situations. But the Bible says that when we ask for the gift of the Holy spirit we should crave the best gifts, and the Bible actually put the gift of tongues last in the order. The reason why I want to make this statement is not to argue, but to show people who are in doubt that the Bible mention different kinds of gifts, not just tongues.

Corintians chapter 12:
4-6: Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.
And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord.
And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.

14 For the body is not one member, but many.

28 And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.
29 Are all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? are all workers of miracles?

30 Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret?

31 But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.


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Yes there are different kinds of gifts but I think all of them matter. And Jesus mentioned tongues second.. 8O Mark 16:15-20. But I am not trying to argue either, my point is that just because we don't speak in tongues that doesn't mean they arent beneficial.

As to those people you mention, you can't separate God's Spirit from God's word..some people do and that is where they get in trouble. The Spirit of God won't contradict His word. You can't run around speaking in tongues and then never follow the bible or Jesus's commands to love. I wouldn't trust such a person. The way to know a true believer is not just by the gifts of the spirit but also by the fruit of the spirit as well..Galatians 5:22-25. "Those who belong to Jesus Christ have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit." Maybe the people in Horatio's church weren't followers of Jesus, but that is something that I and you and nobody but God will know for sure. I don't know them. I can only speak for myself and for the people I do know. And my mother and friend do follow the bible and do benefit from speaking in tongues. I don't think if you don't speak in tongues you are condemned or anything but it is one of the gifts and I am happy that Giolanda does have it.


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Yes, all of the gifts matter, and like I have said i also think the gift of tongues can still be beneficial in some circumstances. But I still believe the Bible rank the gifts where he put some gifts in front of others. In Mark 16:15-20 I can not see that Jesus is ranking the gifts like it says in the Corinthians where he use the words first..., secondly..., thirdly....and then...), and then it says covet earnestly the best gifts.

However I don't believe that the people who get the "better" gifts have more proof or more of the Holy spirit, because it is like you say the fruits of the spirit that counts! I just think that verse in Cor. is showing us that we should ask God for the best gifts rather than one gift in particular. And if we ask for one gift in particular I don't think it should be the one that God puts last in the order. I think we should ask God to give us the gifts that will serve him best. And I really have to say that I personally think that the gift of tongues are being too much emphacized when speaking of gifts of the Holy spirit in certain churches.

As for the man I was referring to who said he advised people with the gift of tongues to check with their Bible to see which spirit who sent the message was a leader of the pentecoastal church.


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Hello LA-girl, I am going to send you a pm addressing the points you made but I hope we can stop discussing this issue on positive christian support because it seems to be heading for another debate and a rather silly one at that!
I know many christians have different denominations and different interpretations of the bible but really this forum was meant to be a place where we can share our story's about experiences w/God and encourage each other, not debate issues.. :wink:
I was just trying to be supportive of Giolanda's statement that she does speak in tongues...I think that is great for her! We should be happy for her! I know I am! So, if you want to discuss the importance of tongues or whether or not everyone who claims to be a believer really is, (even a pastor) then pm me o.k.? No hard feelings I just see where this is going..

So to change the subject, I wanted to share a sermon I heard the other day by Joel Osteen that really motivated and encouraged me. He was talking about how we not only have to think positive thoughts but also to speak them over our lives as well. He said even people who weren't believer's but had a deadly disease were told by their doctor , "if there was anyone who had ever survived before?" Inevitably the answer was yes, even if it was just one person. Then the doctor told them, "well start saying and thinking that you will be like that one who made it." He had them repeat every day out loud that they were getting better and better. And they had amazing results! People did get better.
Scripturally it is what God says to do as well. Except as believer's we should confess the promise's of God over our lives. Confess scripture. There is a scripture that says, "taking every thought captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ." If we have a thought that doesn't line up w/what God says about us, we should "take it captive" and see what the bible says, what Jesus says. Then we should line up our thinking to that instead.
Just like we have the ability to choose Jesus as our saviour, we also have the ability to choose our thoughts! We can stop the bad ones in their tracks and change course. But also Joel said, "dont' just think positive but say it! Out loud! Hear yourself! Which reminds me of another scripture that says, "faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God." If we hear scripture daily, even if we are the ones saying it, eventually we will get more faith about what we are saying and faith produces results!
Joel told a story about a woman who wanted to quit smoking but she would allways say, "I can't do it! And if I ever succeeded, I know I will get fat!" Then she decided to change her words to more positive ones and started saying this every day at every oportunity, "Yuck these cigarettes taste horrible. I don't want to smoke! And I won't gain a bit of wieght either!" She even said this while she was smoking! :lol: And enjoying it! which reminds me of another scripture that says, "call things that be not as though they were.." That is what she was doing. Her body told her the opposite of what she was saying yet she kept on saying it until one day it came true! She started to smoke yet it tasted funny, she noticed it tasted really gross and since that day she was able to quit, and she didn't gain wieght!
Our words have creative or destructive power. Before we do anything, we first think it. Then maybe we say it, finally we do it. But it all starts in our thoughts..if we can change our thoughts and words we can change our future! If we speak what we want for our lives according to God's word, we are blessing our lives instead of cursing ourselves w/negative words. I put it into practice the other day, I had been feeling really sick all of a sudden. Very weak and dizzy and light headed. I started confessing scripture out loud. Scripture about healing and how God restores health unto me and my baby. I kept declaring it even though I started to feel worse! 8O But I just kept on calling things that were not as though they were. Then it all went away and hasn't returned since! But still as I woke up this morning, I said some more and I think I will do so every day! One of the things Joel said to say if you think people don't like you is to say, "People are drawn to me. They like me and want to be around me." I think that is a good one especially for us w/Sp! But depending on your need, say that scripture that promise God has for you. Say it out loud every day until it becomes a reality. You have nothing to lose by trying. Do it for a year..if nothing happens then stop. But I believe as Joel said, "Do you want to know where you will be 5 years from now?" Then tell me what it is you are confessing and I will tell you.." What we say now is shaping where we will be later. You all can probably watch his sermon I saw on his website:
:wink: Take care and God bless!


Well-known member
What Mary said is so true(and thanks for supporting me Mary). I also agree with her,about our support here,it's not good to make it a debate thread. So,we'll be in touch about it privately.


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Dear Lifes to long: what I can tell you about God is that He is available to anyone who wants to find Him. The bible says you will find God when you seek Him w/all your heart. This thread was created to share our encouraging story's and experiences with God, and if you read through some of them you can maybe get a better idea of who God is. He loves you and every one of us very much. Enough that He died on a cross for us.
If you have any specific question's you want to ask me, you can pm me and i will reply back. I would just like to ask one small favor of you and that is if you could refrain from saying things like, sh*t, in reference to Him as it is a little offensive to us who know and love Him. Thanks. :wink:


Well-known member
sorry about saying shit but i guess GOD kinda scares me, not in satanistic way obviously if i had to choose between the 2 I'd chose god.I find religion alittle bit to conditioning if you know what i mean.Like when i said shit I mean did you hate me for saying it? did you forgive me straight? away I would love to get into the head of religious person and understand how there thinking.Another thing is that I recon you can feel as good as a believer without believing in someone else, say if you had the same belief of yourself as you do for god you could be a very spirtitual person.But all the energy is going towards god rather than yourself "God, is great"etc it should be "i am great" what do you recon?


Well-known member
lifes_to_long said:
sorry about saying shit but i guess GOD kinda scares me, not in satanistic way obviously if i had to choose between the 2 I'd chose god.I find religion alittle bit to conditioning if you know what i mean.Like when i said shit I mean did you hate me for saying it? did you forgive me straight? away I would love to get into the head of religious person and understand how there thinking.Another thing is that I recon you can feel as good as a believer without believing in someone else, say if you had the same belief of yourself as you do for god you could be a very spirtitual person.But all the energy is going towards god rather than yourself "God, is great"etc it should be "i am great" what do you recon?

Hello lifes to long! Of course i don't hate you for what you said! Of course I forgive you! I just don't like reading stuff that is derogatory about God, because I love Him and know He deserves all our love and respect. It's like if I said something bad or ugly about a member of your family that you love and care about, it would upset you a little bit I would think. But not to the point of hating you or even being mad at you, I just don't like it when people express themselves that way about God. But no hard feelings. As to your other questions I dont' have time right now to answer them I just wanted to tell you right away that I don't hate you but I will reply a little later. I think this might be my last post for the day, so look for my reply later in this one o.k.? :wink: "See" you later!
Ok I'm back! Well to answer your question, I tried doing what you said once, focusing inwardly on myself looking to find happiness there. The thing is that I didn't find happiness there was a hole in me that nobody but God could fill. I tried different things hoping to fill it but it was only when I felt and knew God's love for me that I saw He was what I had been searching for my whole life. I was no good at being my own "God". I am very limited in what I can do! But God isn't. When I give God praise and worship, something happens to me as well. I feel this outpouring of love and peace towards God, yes, but I am also changed by His love in return. I feel like I recieve much more than I give in return. It's not about a religion, its about a personal one on one relationship w/God. I have felt His love for me and that has changed me and changes me still. I am not perfect but I am a work in progress.. :wink:


Well-known member
thats a fair enough answer and i respect your honesty.I find it hard to understand I guess.so what you tell god I tell myself and it probly works in a simular way when you ask god for forgiveness I ask myself to be at peace with myself If I feel remorse in myself then i know It is fair to forgive myself.when I hear passages from the bible I think of them as more of life coaching (say)"love, thy neibour"If he pulls out a shotgun on my ass then i may find it a little hard.I kinda feel like the words of god are positive and i guess i would respect them more If i didn't feel like they were so obsessed over and so extremly put into practice.
And please dont take offence but christians are way to--o--o--o nice.
p.s does it work when you ask god for help?

and do you take god as literally as his word?


Well-known member
Hello again! I guess I am not out of posts just yet! And I am not offended by you saying christians are way too nice! Some people say the opposite to me and think that all or most christians persecute others, which of course Jesus never says to do. I am not perfect and I do get mad like anyone else but at the end of the day I let it go because that is what God says to do and I forgive because Jesus forgave me! It's not like I let people walk all over me but I know when I am treated unfairly that Jesus was also and He is going to judge us all one day, it isn't up to me to judge anyone, God says to love them and pray for them. The justice is His alone. Not mine.
And I do get "results" or answers when I pray, not allways right away and not allways the answer I want.. :lol: But I do get an answer and help. If you have read any of my earlier posts on here I tell a lot of what God has done to help me in my life and the life's of my family. If you haven't read them hopefully you can take a few minutes and read some of them some time.
I'm afraid I don't quite understand your last question about taking God litterally at his word? Can you give me an example of what you are referring to? Do you mean if I believe the bible? I do believe the bible and although there are parts I dont' fully understand yet, For the most part things in the bible have come to life for me..I have had some of the same experiences it refers to in there. I have seen healings and miracles, in my life and the life of my family. I myself am a miracle having survived my own suicide attempt I believe by God's help. I should have been dead or ended up a vegetable after what I did. I think I put the story on here as well. There's a lot I wrote about on here hopefully you will go back and read, I know its' long but it explains a lot I think about why I have the faith I do in God. :)


Well-known member
Hey everyone!

My input on the speaking in tongues-issue was not supposed to be directed at Giolanda as I mentioned in my first post. And I am very sorry if I hurt anyones feelings, that was really not my intention. I just wanted to make a point that there are many gifts from the Holy spirit, not just one. I heard recently that there are at least more than 20 different gifts! The challenge is for us to discover the gifts we have received and to make use of them the best way we can. I also think that God wants us to enjoy serving him, that is why he give people different tasks and different gifts. God loves and need variety! :D


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Hello everyone! And Elaine, I am sorry if it might have seemed like I was ignoring your question about other experiences, I have also hoped some other people besides us have had experiences w/God and would share them on here. But I guess people are embarrassed or something. Apart from my falling at the altar experiences I have also had a total of 3 dreams about Jesus that I felt were not just regular dreams but Jesus himself talking to me. The first one is going to sound a bit odd and kind of funny but here goes. The day before I had been going down the road on a trip w/my hubby and munching on junk food, potato chips and such. While I was stuffing my face a song came on the radio about God and I started singing along but I felt funny because I was praising God and then putting junk into my body at the same time. I don't know why it just felt wierd. Later I forgot about it and that night had my first dream of Jesus. We were standing outside in a nieghborhood and he invited me to take a walk w/him, I said of course and then he said, "just a minute let me get something." and to my utter shock and astonishment bent down and picked up a soda and chips! 8O I couldn't even speak, just stared at him in shock thinking, "Jesus is going to eat junk food!" 8O When He saw my face he burst out laughing! He thought it was so funny that I would even think that he was going to eat junk food! He was teasing me!!! W/out him saying a word I knew that was what was going on. I was just blown away by his sense of humor! And His laugh..it was unlike anything I had ever heard on earth. He was laughing at me but not in a mean way..like he really loved me and enjoyed me! 8O Like I gave him joy! 8O It was amazing to me. There was love and understanding in that laugh. But there was also something else, I knew he liked me! I would never have thought that! I would have thought he would have been getting after me or telling me not to eat junk..etc. But no, he understood me and thought I was funny. Let me tell you it is a great feeling to make Jesus laugh! And w/out him having to say it I knew he was also telling me to lay off the junk food.. :oops: It was a wierd first dream to have but on account of the laugh I know it really was him and not just my imagination. I would never have thought he would act that way. It was great! We took our walk and he told me that this was how it would be with him. He would walk alongside me in real life and explain things to me and show things to me along the way. He told me things on our walk but told me that I wouldn't remember them once I woke up. Because He knew me and that I wouldn't be able to keep them to myself and they weren't for everybody else to know, just for me. And that when I needed to remember the things he had told me, he would cause them to come to mind. That they remain inside me for the right times in my life when I will need them. Then later in the dream Jesus was gone and I was in a dark room, far away I saw a light and as I walked towards it I knew it was the light of God. As I neared it I heard God say, "Draw close to me and I will draw close to you." I remember thinking, "That's it? It's that simple?" and for the first time understanding how simple yet true that was. When I reached the light I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit like I had at the altar, the immense love wrapping its arms around me.
That is my first dream of Jesus there are 2 more but this one went kind of long so I will save the others for later. Another quick story is fr. my mom who when she was little was really sick and near death. She says she saw Jesus and he asked her if she wanted to go with him or stay here. She said she wanted to go with him and started to, but then she got to thinking how it was sad that she would die so young and not have a full life so she told him, "I want to go but not now. I want to grow up and have a family." So she stayed and got better. :wink: I tease her and tell her, "Mom what is wrong w/you? If Jesus asked me to go w/him, I would be like, " I am so out of here! See everybody later!" :lol: I guess that is why he doesn't ask me.. :lol: :wink:


Well-known member
Wow,Mary! I've had nice dreams too,but a walk with Jesus,never! I'm so jealous! I'm curious to read the other ones! I've had many dreams with nice meanings and I'll post some of them. This is one of my favourites: In my dream,I saw the sky and said:Lord,show me the road that goes to Heaven. And immediately,a huge rainbow was in front of me,a great rainbow,which had ups and downs,was cut many times from waters or dangerous places,but it ended up in the sky and went on in the clouds. I was very happy when I saw it and ready to walk on it,when I noticed many ppl next to the rainbow,ignoring it completely and jumping to a dirty place,full of mud. I felt sad that they didn't care about the rainbow,but I left them and continued my way. I was running on the rainbow and it was sparkling and very nice. But soon,the first problem came. A big amount of water was in front of me,cutting the rainbow,which went on on the other side. Then I heard a voice from the sky that said: You must dive here and then go on.
A wonderful dream,which meant a lot to me. The road of Heaven is beautiful,but with difficulties. The person who manages to finish that way,will be the winner. Unfortunately,many people don't care about Lord,happiness is next to them,but they prefer the mud.


Well-known member
Hi Giolanda! Don't be jealous about my walk w/Jesus dream, I am jealous about your vision of the road to heaven dream! :wink: My second Jesus dream was more symbolic in nature, I dreamt I was at my aunts house and everybody in my family was there and everyone was busy running around and getting things ready, we were getting ready for a feast, like a big wedding or something of that nature. I went upstairs and then I saw Jesus come down and tell me, "Do you know how much I love you? I love you so much." and then he told me he had to go and I told him , "no, take me with you. I want to go with you."but he just smiled and told me that he would be returning soon and then he would take us to be with him forever." Then he left. I woke up feeling like it was a prophetic type of dream because I felt like the feast we were preparing had something to do w/his return. Like we were doing it in preparation of him coming back. And coming back soon.
The third and final dream was also kind of symbolic. It was the end times and there were demons everywhere, the world was in total chaos and the demons were trying to get to me but then I was in this sort of bubble that they couldn't break and I knew God had put it around me, but I was still scared because I could see the hatred the demons had for me and how bad they wanted to destroy me as they clawed the bubble. But then this light came over everything and all the demons fell to the floor, everyone did, helpless to stand against the power of God. They all laid cringing and crying and I saw a rider on a horse and on his head in big letters were these words: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORD'S.
He had a sword and I knew he had come to save his children, I knew He was Jesus. But this time he wasn't the Jesus hanging on a cross or the Jesus who joked w/me about junk food, He was the conquering Jesus, My saviour, My Lord. He took my hand and I knew it was all over and I would go with him. While everyone else seemed afraid I didn't because I knew He loved me. And those who had rejected him cried out in fear because they knew now but it was too late. He had come for us who had put our trust and faith and love in Him.
Those are my 3 dreams, my ONLY 3 dreams i have had of Jesus. I didn't have them back to back either, but months apart. I ask God to give me more Jesus dreams because I love seeing him and talking w/him but those have been the only ones I have had and I believe there is a reason. What I don't know. But theres a reason! :)


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Well I wanted to share that I went to church the other night. I let my Sp stop me from going as much as I would like. But I made myself go and it was awesome! I am so glad I did! My hubby and I went to the altar and you could feel God's presence so strongly. It was one of those times where my Sp vanished for awhile and I didn't care about any one else looking at me and cried sweet tears before God. I say sweet tears because, they aren't hopeless tears, but cleansing tears, that once they are gone take pain away from me and give it to God to handle. There is a special kind of a release inside of me after I cry before God like that. I leave my problems at that altar and walk away feeling better for it. And the miracle is that I don't care who sees me or what they think. It's just between me and God and nothing else matters. I am my true self; the person I am w/out Sp. I poured myself out to Him and He poured himself into me! :D And afterwards I received His forgiveness and help.


Well-known member
Yes,I know what you mean Mary! The presence of Lord while praying is the most precious thing! There is where we get strong to cope with life. If only everybody understood how nice it is to pray to the Lord! And I really miss you Mary. Wish you come back!