Positive Christian Support!!


Well-known member
I decided to go ahead and post this, I'm not sure who suggested it to Remus but I waited and nobody posted it and since its a good idea (I think) decided to post it myself. I just want to make it VERY CLEAR THAT THIS IS JUST FOR POSITIVE CHRISTIAN POSTS AND SUPPORT! Please, remember the keyword is POSITIVE! People who aren't christian may post if its something encouraging or positive or to share a positive experience related to Jesus or the Holy Spirit.
If you can't remain on topic then Please please don't post here! Thanx!
Anyway, let me start w/sharing my experience's or at least some of them and maybe more later.
My mom (before she accepted Jesus) went to a healing crusade once w/a friend of hers, after listening to the message she decided to accept Jesus and gave Him her life. She had previously been diagnosed w/a type of cancer and was trying to decide what course of action to take. Well after she accepted Jesus, she was healed instantaneously!
She said she could feel inside that something had changed right away, she felt different, lighter somehow and also felt the perfect peace of God.
She has been a believer ever since, not because she was healed but because she has continued to have experiences w/God which have strengthened her faith as have I.
Here is one fr. me, one night around 3 in the morning, I was feeling sick so I woke my hubby and we went to the drugstore to buy medicine because I couldn't sleep (coughing too much) on the way back fr. the store, we encountered heavy traffic due to it being Saturday night and here where I live the teenagers would go "cruising" down the main street all night. I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach and just knew we had to get off the main street. I prayed in my head and then a way out opened up so we took it. The next day, it was on the news that a drive by shooting had occured at the time we were on that street just minutes after we had left and it happened one block fr. where we would have been had we continued. Someone just opened fire on the crowd. Many were injured I believe 3 died. Later that day I was talking w/my mom and had not told her about it (so she wouldn't worry) but she started telling me something strange had happened as she slept, she said she felt God's spirit wake her up and felt an urgency to pray so she did, she didn't know why or for who she was praying but started praying for people she knew and then got to me and said,"And take care of "mary" wherever she may be right now." and then after she said that she thought it was strange and wondered why she said, "wherever I might be?" She figured I was asleep in bed at that time. Then she said a couple of minutes later she heard the gunshots. I told her what had happened and that we had been out there at that time and she was shocked. We both knew God had protected us.
There are other miracles that have happened in my life but perhaps the greatest miracle of all is one that anyone who wants to can have, the miracle of salvation.
Like the poem goes, "I asked Jesus one day, "how much do you love me? and he said, "This much.." and stretched out his arms wide and died."
The greatest miracle any of us will ever know is that of God loving us so much that He sent his only son to die so that we might live. It is not just a "nice little story" it is God's ultimate act of love.
Jesus knew what he was here to do and why. Jesus could have prevented his death. Many times before they had tried to kill him but never could, he had healed thousands of people and even raised a man from the dead, when they came for him to crucify him and Simon Peter drew his sword to defend Jesus and cut off one of their ears, Jesus told him,"Put your sword away! Shall I not drink of the cup my father gave me?" Then healed the man. Jesus could have called millions of angels to come and help him but he didn't. He died for me and He died for you. He did what we could not do on our own. This is the greatest miracle of all. :D
That is a really good idea because people need to remember that God can play an important role in our lives and starting being positive helps. Sometime ago I felt really lonely, scared and scared of most things it was ruining my life but my partner reminded me that it all in my mind and I can be free of it. So after that I realise that I never contact God of my situation for him to help me, so I started praying recently again and now its a new beginning that I don't feel lonely anymore as God is doing his work. I will get there :wink:

"God can be your saviour if he is in your life"


Well-known member
That is truly an amazing story Mary! :D

A little reminder for all of us:

To have faith means trusting that God is in total control. He says we should bring all our worries unto him and have complete trust that he will carry us through every obastacle that we meet on our life-long journey! And every time we struggle we should always try to focus on all the good things we have in our life, not to mention that we have Jesus by our side! And although people might critizice us, or we feel we make a fool out of ourselves, we know that God loves us and that is the only thing that really matter... :D


Well-known member
Friendlyshygirl: I am glad that things have gotten better for you! :D And that you realized you needed God's help as well, I know it's too easy sometimes to forget about Him and the role He plays like you said.
He is the Great Physician, the Master Doctor. I know one day He will heal me fr. this Sp, either w/a Doctor or w/a miracle! I don't know how or when but I know He will. :wink:
LA-girl, thanx for your input! I will talk to you soon I hope! God bless you all! Don't forget to pray! :D


Well-known member
Yesterday I decided to bring myself to church. I wasn't nervous before I went because I kept reminding myself that Jesus is with me no matter what happens. I knew it was not going to be easy, but I decided to throw myself in there anyway. And I was right, it wasn't easy. I really struggled for a while, and believe me all I wanted was to run out of there! When the sermon started everything went better. I even started to cry, and couldn't get myself to stop. (This is a church where nobody cries) :oops:
Anyway the thing that made me cry was the message that we don't have to be perfect, it is enough if we do the best we can!


Well-known member
It can be hard to go to church but I know that God sees our effort and he definetely sees our heart! Congratulations LA-girl, I am so proud of you! Just wanted to say that again!
Here is my little story for today: I have been stressed out about our finances or lack of finances! LOL and this morning I was trying to go back to sleep but my thoughts kept waking me up, thoughts about how in the world are we going to pay our bills. So I decided to pray in my head and afterwards I heard God's voice speak to me, (the bible says he speaks in a still small voice, it kind of sounds like my voice except I just know it isn't me, I would never come up w/the things I hear!) Its not an audible voice its just like when you think something suddenly. Anyway, he said,"Expect something good to happen.." I told Him, "give me more faith to believe that is true." And he said, "To all who knock it shall be opened and those that seek shall find."
Then the day started bad! My husband wasn't able to go to work because the material he needed had not come in, so normally that would have stressed me out more (less money at weeks end) but I decided to stay positive and believe what God had told me. Then later on in the day the phone rang and it was someone fr. church offering my hubby a higher paying job w/more hours! Plus it is a better job! :D :D :D Thank YOU GOD!!! I am sorry I ever doubted YOU even for a second! :cry: :cry: :cry:
The bible says this: That God works all things together for good for them that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose! God has done so much for us allready! I LOVE YOU JESUS!!!THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
To all who think I am crazy for thinking God speaks to me, I am so happy right now that I don't even care! I just hope one day you too have a relationship w/Him, He is awesome! :D


Well-known member
WOW again Mary!! How can anyone say all these things happen by accident? That's way over my head...8O
Congrats to your hubby by the way!! :lol:


Well-known member
Thanks LA-girl, I will tell him! :D I wanted to put some sites on here that are helpful to everyone seeking a deeper relationship w/God and who may not be able to attend church yet.

To watch a church service online here are 2 pastors that are very good,
one is Joel Osteen who is a nice positive preacher and the other is Jesse Duplantis who I ran into recently! 8O and is also nice but mostly funny!


For positive and encouraging Christian music, I listen to this station online,in fact I'm doing it now! LOL


For world news w/a christian perspective and lots of good encouraging storys plus if anyone needs prayer, you can make prayer requests here:
They also answer lots of common and hard questions about the bible.


I think you can make prayer requests at all of the above sites, you don't have to be a christian to make prayer requests b.t.w! Or even to listen or go to any of the above sites! :wink:


Well-known member
Sometimes I think people on here percieve me to be a "goody-goody" who has never known any suffering or done any wrong. But that's not the case at all! A few years ago, there was plenty wrong w/both me and my life. I used to go out drinking w/my friend (for the SP) drinking made me be relaxed and fun. We would go to clubs and I was so smashed I would even dance! We would go out w/random guys we met on the street and I would be scared we would get raped or killed and in my head I would pray and ask God's help. Then when nothing happened I was relieved but would go and do it again. I carried around a bottle of vodka in my purse (a full sized bottle) I was desperately unhappy. One day I would go to a club and party and just ended up miserable and afraid and the next day my christian friend would invite me to church. And I would go and take my vodka in my purse w/me! This was my life: One day party and drink, the next church. I was going insane fr. this double life. The odd thing was, I liked church and met some very nice people who made me laugh and were fun to be with. But I could not stop myself from going out and drinking, even though that made me miserable. One day I even tried drugs and thank God I had a bad experience w/them where I almost passed out in the street and got paranoid and hated it, otherwise I may very well have become an addict. I was in an abusive relationship w/this guy who I knew was just using me for sex. I was no saint by any means.
Why am I saying all this? Because my life has done a complete turn around and it's all due to God. I know God tried and tried to get my attention for many years...maybe God is doing the same for many of you today, and like me back then, you are ignoring Him? I attempted suicide one night in the parking lot of a church, I sat in my friends car and drank my vodka(or tequila) w/a bottle of sleeping pills. I couldn't take it anymore, I felt utterly miserable and like things would never get any better for me and that I would never find anyone to love me. I wanted all the pain to stop. After I did this, a few minutes later my friend came over to the car w/some friends of hers fr. church, one of them was a guy who had just come into town that very day. I barely looked at him or said hello I was just thinking, what does it matter I'll be dead soon. I asked my friend to take me home and she did and then I was all alone and waiting to die. I started getting scared, I was afraid hell was real and that I would end up there. I called poision controll and they told me w/the combination I took I would either die or go into convulsions and become paralyzed, I would live but would be unable to move or do anything or even speak. I hung up w/them but they got my address off the computer and sent an ambulance over to the house. I was scared but I didn't want to go to the hospital and get my stomach pumped so I lied to the guys and told them I had taken less pills and acted really calm and convinced them so they left. But as time passed and I knew I was truly alone I became more afraid, I thought about calling the ambulance again but knew they wouldn't come back in time, so I tried making myself throw up and couldn't. I prayed and asked God to forgive me and help me. I went to lay on the bed and tried not to go to sleep. That is all I remember. The next day I was awake and alive. I believe God saved my life. I thought I was alone that night, but God was there w/me.
That day I went out w/my friend fr. church and finally met the guy I had been introduced to the night before, I felt completely comfortable w/him and like I had known him forever. Little did I know then that he would become my husband years later! Now I think, " The night I almost died was the night I met my future husband! God had other plans for me that I could not see for myself. The bible says He knows the plans he has for us, Plans to prosper us, plans never to harm us, Plans to give us, hope and a future. My life didn't do an automatic turn around after my suicide attempt. It tooks years for me to become the person I am today, I had to forgive my father for years of abuse, I had to forgive myself and realize that God is not like my natural father. There were many things I had to come to terms w/about myself and deal with and still am dealing w/today. But God has been w/me every step of the way. I have had powerful life changing experiences w/God that I never dreamed or imagined I would ever have. I have felt His complete and perfect love for us all. But I seeked after Him, I asked, I prayed and God saw my sincerity. My life is so much better now than it ever was. I had a dream about Jesus once, it was beautiful, he was walking down the road w/me and told me, "I will be with you, I will walk alongside you and show you great and mighty things that you do not know." And He has.


Well-known member
Hey everyone!

I have told you before that I was grown up in a christian home. The last years however I drifted slowly, but steadily away from Jesus. (Although I hate to admit it...) I was getting more and more caught up in my sins... The religious debate on this forum opened my eyes. I did not see the importance of reading the Bible or follow Jesus. I'm sad to admit that I was fooled into believing that if you only believe you will be saved and all our future sins will be forgiven automatically. Luckily God decided to wake me up and make me realize that because we get the free gift of salvation we are to obey his words and follow Jesus in addition to believing. I still have questions as to what it means for me and how I can serve God with my life. But lately I have also gotten afraid that maybe Jesus has given up on me because I was a Christian, but fell away. I did not follow Jesus. Today I started to read in the gospels and found this parable which says a lot about believers who have fallen or drifted away from Jesus...

LUKE: Chapter 15 (KJV)

11 And he said, A certain man had two sons:

12 And the younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me. And he divided unto them his living.

13 And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living.

14 And when he had spent all, there arose a mighty famine in that land; and he began to be in want.

15 And he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country; and he sent him into his fields to feed swine.

16 And he would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat: and no man gave unto him.

17 And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father's have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!

18 I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee,

19 And am no more worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants.

20 And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.

21 And the son said unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son.

22 But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet:
23 And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it; and let us eat, and be merry:

24 For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry.

25 Now his elder son was in the field: and as he came and drew nigh to the house, he heard musick and dancing.

26 And he called one of the servants, and asked what these things meant.

27 And he said unto him, Thy brother is come; and thy father hath killed the fatted calf, because he hath received him safe and sound.

28 And he was angry, and would not go in: therefore came his father out, and intreated him.

29 And he answering said to his father, Lo, these many years do I serve thee, neither transgressed I at any time thy commandment: and yet thou never gavest me a kid, that I might make merry with my friends:

30 But as soon as this thy son was come, which hath devoured thy living with harlots, thou hast killed for him the fatted calf.

31 And he said unto him, Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine.

32 It was meet that we should make merry, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found.

Remember: If you have drifted away like I did, it is not too late to surrender! Don't let your past sins bother you if you decide from this day on to turn away from your sins and run back into his arms. His arms are wide open, he is longing for you to come back!

And for those who have never believed, he is longing for you too. He desperately wants all of us to come into his wide-open arms so that he can protect us and save us.


Well-known member
JESUS LOVES YOU JUST THE WAY YOU ARE! Right now, in your sins, despite how you are or what you have done in your life, He loves you! You can't change on your own, you can never be good enough on your own. That is why Jesus died for us, for all of us. God loved us so much that while we were yet sinner's God sent His only begotten son, Jesus to pay the penalty for our sin's. He sent us the Holy Spirit to help us change and lead better lives, new lives.

If you want to give your life over to God say this simple prayer from your heart, you don't have to say the exact words it is just a guide, a model prayer but you can say it word for word if you want also.

"Heavenly Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus. Your word says, "Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved" and "If you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you shall be saved. (Acts 2:21, Romans 10:9) Please forgive me for my sins, and cast them far from me. Make me a new creation in Christ Jesus. You said my salvation would be the result of your Holy Spirit giving me new birth by coming to live in me. (John 3:5-6, 15-16; Romans 8:9-11) and that if I would ask, You would fill me with Your Spirit. I take You at your word. I confess that Jesus is Lord. And I believe in my heart that You raised Him from the dead. Thank you for coming into my heart, for giving me Your Holy Spirit as You have promised, and for being Lord over my life. Amen"

If you have said the above prayer and want to now follow and serve Jesus, there are some sites that will help you continue in your daily walk with Him, they are found a few posts above, with links you can go to. May God bless you and keep you, may God make His face to shine upon you and give you peace! :D
Hey Mary

I like your spirit........ :lol:

I don't thinks you are too goody-goody with no problems in your life, you are a role model to us that God can work in people lives whatever problems they might have....Staying positive is the key :wink:

I few years ago I wasn't physical fit and I was tired most of time. One day I said to myself that I was going to do something about and told myself that I will be fit now I am not tired and nearly forgot that I was in that state. God makes miracles !!! :D


I love this thread!

I grew up going to church, have been involved in church all my life. Even though I was "good"..not drinking, drugs, etc..and never had sex til I was married. I never followed God like I should. Even after I was married and had our son, I didnt follow him and did things that were unpleasing to him. Lately though I have spent a lot of time in prayer and in the word. I can feel the Holy Spirit move within my heart and I know he is with me. I still struggle with sin and temptation like we all do, but I know he is with me and he will forgive. I believe in all things good and bad he will get the glory. I used to think my shyness was a curse but I'm realizing it is a gift from God, because this is how he made me and he is allowing me to find the things that I can do to serve him. I love the Lord with all my heart and would love to find friends online to correspond with about this and other topics.
God Bless!!


Well-known member
Hello Everyone!
Friendlyshygirl: You are right, God does make miracles! Sometimes we don't see them right away but the bible says, "He works all things together for the good of them that love the Lord." In other words even in our problems God is in control and has a plan to bless us! :D
GettonC and Friendlyshygirl and anyone else who wants to can pm me anytime! I will be glad to hear fr. any of you!
I just want to tell everyone to P.U.S.H!!!
(P.U.S.H!) on heavens gates! I remember my friend who first told me about Jesus, everytime I ever had a problem she would just tell me, "Pray..you need to pray.." I felt so frustrated at her for saying that back then! :lol: I felt like, "that's not a solution!" But I have come to realize how right she was, it is the ONLY solution sometimes! My friend didn't have all the answers, she couldn't help me, but God could and God knew the solution.
In every major crisis in my life I have cried out to God for help and every time He has helped me! Sometimes it wasn't immediate but the answer did come. But I am realizing its not just about running to God every time I have a problem its also about having a relationship w/Him. And when you have a relationship w/someone you talk to that person often, you spend time w/them. You don't just take but you give also. What we give to God is our time,our prayers, our sacrifice of praise! And if you have never done this, YOU are missing out big time! I cannot even tell you how beautiful it is to turn on some praise and worship music and sing your heart out to God! To just spend some time, loving Him and giving Him honor, because He more than deserves it! He will love you back during this time, You will feel Him touch you. Many times I will break down and cry but it helps me! I cry sometimes because God's love is so overwhelming, I cry sometimes because I need to be forgiven. But after I have a release, I feel better. Praising God and singing to Him is a form of prayer, it is a prayer not fr. your head but fr. your heart. It is a prayer where you ask for nothing but you recieve so much!
Positive christian music you can hear online.


my story

I love hearing all your stories about how God works in your life.

Here is one of mine, which shows how God can make good come out of bad situations.

I lost my brother to cancer at age 30, 13 years ago. I was only 24 and it was hard. He was not only my brother but my best friend as well. A few weeks before he got sick, he bought a new computer. After he passed, I was hesistant about using it, but there was a program called FTM (family tree maker), which allows you to store all sorts of info about your ancestors, cousins, etc..Being a lover of history i was intrigued, and when my uncle, who was big into genealogy, found out. He brought over all the stuff he had been acccumilating over 30 years (obits, pictures, family trees) and let me borrow it, so I could start my own collection. God sent this to give me an outlet for my grief, to keep my mind off of everything. 13 years later I have ooodles of stuff on all sides of my family tree. A few years later, I hooked his computer up to the internet, and a year or so later, I found a Christian singles chatroom. Being single and Christian I was interested. To make a long story short, I met my future wife here. and a year later we here married and have been for 8 years. With a computer that my brother never got to use, God sent me a lifelong hobby, and a lifelong life partner, Isnt He amazing??!!??
That is just one example of how God has worked in my life and still does!
Sorry I was so long winded!
Please keep in touch all, I could use some Christian Friends!
thanks and God Bless!!


Well-known member
Hi everyone!
GettonC: you aren't long winded! LOL, have you seen my posts? LOL. I am going to be able to have enough pages to publish a book pretty soon...
:lol: Thanks for sharing your encouraging story w/all of us! :wink:
Anyway I thought I should post this here since hopefully those reading this topic are christians or at least beleivers in God and will understand what I am trying to say. I wanted to tell you all about that movie coming out: "The Davinci Code." It is a bad movie that I hope nobody will go watch as I believe giving our good money to see that garbage is just funding the purposes of the devil. This movie, for those who don't know is about a supposed "cover up" of the church about the "Truth" about Jesus..and according to them...the truth is that he was married and had a son..what bologny! They are trying to make it seem like he was just a regular nice guy who was not really the son of God. One of the actors in a recent interview said and I quote, "The bible should have a statement in the beginning saying it is just fiction..who believes that stuff about walking on water?" end of quote.
Clearly you can see what these people believe or rather..don't believe. So don't go see this junk and if anyone allready has and has questions or beleives it to be true..go to:
and type in a search to: Davinci Hoax
or also in the main page near the bottom it talks about the movie and its false claims and tells people why it isn't true.
I feel like I must say something here: if any one reading this is now about to make this into a "Debate" do so on zosima's post or start a new one just to debate this, but don't put it on here. I am just putting this so believers can know what the movie is about. Some people think it is a "religious" or o..k. movie. I hope people who do go see it, will know it is false, but others will believe it! For those I encourage you to go to CBN.com.


Its more of the same stuff that has being going on for decades in Hollywood. Christianity is bashed in every media outlet. TV, Movies, news. Christians are the most offended group of people in America by far. Our beliefs are assaulted everyday in the name of "free speech". And our traditions and customs get assaulted on a daily basis. But I will digress for now..lol.


Well-known member
Yes GettonC I agree w/you, you can pm me anytime you want to talk or im me too.
I have posted a separate thread about Davinci, so this will stay more on topic..I wanted to share a life changing experience I had w/God that some people may not know about.
I have felt and seen much evil in the world; some in my father's eyes when he came after me trying to hurt me, some even in myself, (I used to have moments of rage..where I felt like it wasn't me, but something inside me that I couldn't control.) I also hated my father deeply for a lifetime of abuse to me and my mother, which I believe contributed to the rage (but that's another story)!
Anyways I had come to a point where I was sick of all the evil in the world and knew the devil was real since he surrounded me constantly. But I had yet to feel God, I believed in my head God was real but had never felt or experienced Him the way other's said they had at church. I so badly wanted an experience w/God and I cried out to God and asked Him to show me who He was and His love for me. I told him I knew there was evil, now I needed to know the good and the love in the world. Several days passed and then on Sunday we were going to go to church but almost didn't because I couldn't find anything nice to wear except for a skirt and I was concerned it might be kind of short, so we almost didn't go but something inside told me to go anyway, so I did and thought," I hope I don't fall at the altar wearing a skirt!" LOL I had seen other people fall under the Spirit of God but didn't seriously think it would happen to me since it never had. So I went to church and went to the altar, and was up there thinking, "Hmm..where will we go to eat after church?" :lol: I'm being honest, I wasn't praying, I was hungry and didn't expect anything to happen...then suddenly it did! My pastor came up to me and put his hand lightly on my forehead to pray for me, so I closed my eyes and the world crumbled away! It was like one second I was fine, thinking random thoughts and the next I was standing before God Allmighty or rather falling..all my strength left my body. I fell crying a river all the way down. Let me tell you, I didn't care about anyone or anything else at that moment..(they do cover you on the floor w/a blanket: the skirt thing)
All I could do was cry and cry before God. I felt His Immense love for me and knew w/every fiber of my being it was GOD. All I could say to Him was, "I'm sorry..I'm so sorry for ever doubting you." All I could feel was this great pure love for me. I didn't see God w/my eyes but everything in my spirit and soul saw and felt Him. There was no more doubt. I knew God had created me for Him and that w/out Him I wasn't complete. We run around trying to fill the void in us w/things and people but I saw it was a void only God could fill and that day He filled it. My husband also had a similar experience and so has my mom and brother. It is indescribable..it is something that I pray everyone will know in this lifetime. :D


Well-known member
I found you!

I'm glad that I found Christian support at last! Praise the Lord,He's alive! He has helped me so much in my life. From a long experience with Him,I know now that there is not coincidence,but He arranges everything. Thank Him when He helps you and thank Him when He doesn't,because He always knows what He is doing. We can't understand many things,but if we trust Him,then we will be OK. Many people don't understand,being Christ's child doesn't mean that you will have no problems in life,but that you will have a friend to help you and you can leave it all to Him. Jesus is that friend and Christian people know what will be done in future,they know their orientation.