Poision Thought


New member
Have you ever had enough of hearing everyone gossiping about everyone else, although the poision thought might not be directed at you but you feel like its dragging you down??


Well-known member
Hearing people gossip can bring your spirits down. You feel sorry for the people that are being talked about. Just tune it out and don't contribute to it in any way. Change the subject too more positive and constructive things.


Well-known member
Oh man! yea I hate gossips.....I hate how people are always moaning and complaining about all the faults of other people and how they are wrong....it's never the gossips fault! I think I especially hate it cause when I hear the comments they make about others, I just KNOW they must be saying equally nasty things about me. making it really hard to trust them.

But it's just the fact that so many people in this world seem to be so uncompassionate when it comes to other human beings....I mean, everyones different...whenever people act strange or do something "wrong" there's most likely a valid reason behind it. I wish people were way more accepting of others. I think the world needs to be way more leniant and patient with each other.