Please can you help me!!!!!


New member
Thanks for your advice.

Thanks for all of your advice but coming on here seems to be making my ocd worse and my therapist and family have told me it is best to not be on here while I am feeling so vunerable. Thanks anyway and I am sure you understand.
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Well-known member
Hello and thank you for posting.

I'm afraid I'm very unclear as to what you're accusing yourself of? Do you mean of being HIV positive, or of passing it on to someone else?

Whatever it is you imagined, it is important just to move on from it. You're a sane person; you didn't do whatever it was. If it's a past thought, then it's a thought, only that.

If it helps, I used to doubt whether my thoughts were memories and vice versa. It's just not healthy to keep going over them, as memory is not an accurate recording device. It's the past as we see it, not a recording. Forbid yourself from thinking about it as much as you can. Remember what you have done to prevent/compensate for it, and then think forward again. It's in your past. It doesn't have to be your current, or your future.

Make a point of deliberately thinking other things. Anything from what your plans are for the rest of the day, to a piece of music, to a TV storyline. Anything. Just put your mind onto something else, every time this past thought rears its head. Eventually you'll be able to train yourself into not thinking about it at all.

It's not a quick fix, but it's better than nothing. And as is often the way with these things, the best way is often slow and steady.

You say you're seeing a therapist and this is a good move forward. But remember, you have an active part to play in that. Just a therapist talking to you doesn't mean they'll take the problem away for you. You have to work with him/her. Are you doing so?


Well-known member
I think you're getting into what-if's. And what-ifs are no good to anyone. There are a million of them, and most if not all of them never have, are or will ever happen. Past that there's not a great deal I can say, except for what I said before about distracting yourself.

Good luck, whatever happens. And remember to take best advantage you can of your therapist's expertise. He/she can't do it without your effort, too.


Well-known member
we all have bad thoughts, don't let them get to you, i have thoughts almost every day to kill or fight people, to steal, or to jerk teh steering wheel of a taxi and kill everyone. they are just thoughts, i know they are bad, but they can't do harm unless your willing to,
they say if you feel bad about thinking about it you won't act upon it.


Well-known member
It's difficult to say for definite as you don't want to say exactly what it is. If you still don't, that's entirely your decision, but it's hard to give specific advice on only approximate details.


Well-known member
My problem is that yes i feel bad about this thought but scared that i have actually done what i am thinking and that it is a memory that i have and not a is making me so ill because i just want to know if i have done it or whether it is my mind making me believe i have done such a thing which makes me want to throw scared my brain is blocking out what i have actually done and will only allow me to remember things i want to remember.i feel that no matter how hard i run over the whole event from the past over and over in my head for like a whole day,everyday for 2-3weeks i cant actually be sure.its like i cant just admit and accept that i havent done anything wrong!!then because i have thought so much about what i could have done i get these pictures in my head of me doing the crime which terrorfies me that i am remembering the scares me so much that i dont know if they are made up thoughts or not?does this sound like i am in denial or like ocd?i hate the what ifs.the whole thing make

Can't say I've ever experienced this. Hmmm... I sometimes have evil thoughts that pop into my head, but I never confuse them w/ reality. Sometimes I have thoughts of killing ppl who've p****d me off, and I sometimes look at certain ppl and think, "he doesn't deserve to live" lol. Sometimes I have to question my own sanity, which is what you're doing. The mere thought of you being capable of doing whatever horrible things ur speaking of scares you to death. The only advice I can suggest to you is to keep telling yourself, "I'm bein irrational! the sh** didn't happen!" whenever those thoughts pop into your brain. Hopefully, telling yourself this over & over will force your brain to believe different.


It's difficult to say for definite as you don't want to say exactly what it is. If you still don't, that's entirely your decision, but it's hard to give specific advice on only approximate details.
