Re: Be strong!
Thank you!
Lara I didn’t realise when you asked where my fear of people came from you meant SP as a whole. I thought you were just referring to the phone alone, (I suppose the reason for my SP would explain that as well thinking about it now. Only I cant convince myself that I will never see the person or speak to them again, but I still cant go through with it) My SP I think came from a similar experience to you. It wasn’t just a bad phase. It was just my childhood as a whole which is why it just seems like my nature. I had a good upbringing but I guess due to genetics etc I just had a predisposition to this condition. Nothing bad happened. Its just silly comments, and meaningless events, which have stuck with me along the way. This is why I feel bad moaning on here when others have worst things that have triggered their phobia. My parents are proud of my brother who gets full marks for everything. My whole family talk about him constantly. Sometimes I can say the same thing as him but they will only go with what he says, not what they agree with. I think maybe his success and confidence maybe left me feeling insecure as my family judged him on his achievements. He seems perfect. A lot of the time through schooling I have been compared on performance and even on things not on an educational level. While he is home from university I cannot talk at all as he dominants everything. He’s not a bad person, its just the way it makes me feel. So as you said the whole education process has effected me too. My previous results have been average which are not bad but I have trouble accepting it when I feel like I have to meet up to brothers expectations.
My teachers have also said things to my parents on open evenings. My mum and dad say the whole evening is a waste of time because all the teachers’ focus on is saying that I am too quite. If they had taught my brother, the rest of the appointment would be discussing how he was getting on.
My mum tends to worry a lot, although she doesn’t have a fear of people or anything like that. So I think I get my nervousness from her. She is also quite negative about everything so I tend to pick up on this as well. I’m also quite self conscious of my weight. Again due to the way people would judge me. I hate to admit it but its made me quite obsessive about it. I think this comes from my family again joking about but the comments have stuck with me. My parents also argue alot and it has got worse lately. My mum misses my brother when he is away and she gets irritable. They to shout at each other.
So I think it was definitely hereditary and the environment. You are right though, whether you know the cause or not it really cannot help you. Well maybe a few people. Some may have been able to train themselves to think that they are not being judged but you can always think of a situation or a person that it has happened. The whole thing is a vicious circle and I need support from someone, who will not let me down and will always be there.
Thank you for sharing what you said. I hope it helped you as it did me

sorry about the tough time you have had.
IAM I couldn’t have said it better about the theories and sandcastles!! Thank you for your advice! About your smoking. I think working out why you smoke may be useful even if its not for SP. Do you like something to do with your hands? Is it your environment that the people you interact with smoke? It is pure addiction? Maybe you could try displacing your activity with another. You said you don’t want to smoke. Rather than thinking about stopping, just spontaneously decide to, see how long you can go for and you may be surprised, then keep it up. Easier said than done. Maybe your smoking helps to calm your nerves and keeps your mind active which eases your phobia? Sorry I don’t know you and have never smoked so I don’t really know what im talking about. Sorry just ignore me,

good luck with stopping though if you choose to. (i hope i didnt offend you) I think your environment and genetics builds the subconscious desires that you are talking about. The subconscious id which is created can tell us what to do and therefore in context what we think??
Your fear is a weapon of your subconscious to control you. Is something that you will have to face if you want to destroy it.
This has certainly made me think.
Thank for your advice.