Pit Bulls


My new neighbors have a loud, aggressive dog. I can't enter my home, take out the garbage or clean my yard, because the dog barks loudly and lunges towards the fence. I've thought of poison, shotguns, handguns, mace, pepper spray. Finally it dawned on me that Miami Dade County doesn't allow pit bull dogs. Miami-Dade County - Animal Services So I sent an e-mail and hoped for the best. Less than 24 hours later, the dog is gone, the owner has been fined $400. Turns out it was a boxer not a pit bull. But the landlord agreed that the dog was a nuisance and danger. And perhaps the dog wasn't vaccinated against rabies and licensed. Either way it's gone and I don't have to worry about someone getting mauled.

Dogs I love, irresponsible dog owners not so much. The pen is mightier than the sword.


Well-known member
well done, its good to do something about something and end up with the results you wanted, great feeling


Well-known member
I'm glad that you resolved that so cleanly and without unnecessary conflict, but what happened to the dog? Do your neighbors have a dead dog now? How are they dealing with the removal of the dog?


I'm not sure where the dog is, or if it will return (after being vaccinated and licensed). All I know is, for now everything is quiet and I can enter and exit my house without being sonicly assaulted.


well done, its good to do something about something and end up with the results you wanted, great feeling

Thanks newbie, yeah I'm glad the system actually did something useful for me, for once
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Its probaly been deystroyed ::(: And wow at the posion...shotgun idea yeah your a real dog lover lol.Boxers and pittbulls are pretty hard to confuse aswell both have very ditinct features.And you were just guessing it wasnt vaccinated...for all you know it could of been.

And yeah they so kicked ass taking away a dog for barking.I guess you have a right to peace and quite on your property...still dogs do bark and it sounds like it was secure.


It's probably been destroyed ::(: And wow at the poison...shotgun idea yeah your a real dog lover lol. Boxers and pit bulls are pretty hard to confuse as well both have very distinct features. And you were just guessing it wasn't vaccinated...for all you know it could of been.

And yeah they so kicked ass taking away a dog for barking. I guess you have a right to peace and quiet on your property...still dogs do bark and it sounds like it was secure.

If the dog was vaccinated and licensed properly then why did they fine the owner $400? The fence between our properties is like 10 feet from my door, and the fence is old and has holes under it. Dogs can dig holes and escape, or jump over a fence. It's very secured until it kills someone. There is a 5 year old child that plays between our buildings, that dog could kill that child in no time.

If the dog returns I won't do anything to it. I'll ignore it, but I think I'll buy mace or pepper spray in case it breaks loose.

btw sorry for correcting your spelling


Why are you assuming that just because the dog barked a lot and jumped up that it would kill someone...as a dog lover surely you should realize that not all dogs are that evil, and boxers especially are known for being nice lovable dogs!

This dog is aggressive and will bark for hours on end. It has a very loud and scary bark and lunges at people as if it wants to attack them.

http://www.miamidade.gov/animals/pit_bull_law.asp said:
Pit Bull Law

It is illegal in Miami-Dade County to own or keep Pit Bull Dogs, American Staffordshire Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, or any other dog that substantially conforms to any of these breeds’ characteristics.

Acquisition or keeping of a pit bull dog: $500.00 fineand County Court action to force the removal of the animal from Miami -Dade County.

Miami Dade County 89-22,Section 5-17.6(b)

Report Owner of Pit Bull Dogs

How can you report a Pit Bull Dog being kept in Miami-Dade County?

If you are aware of the address that a Pit Bull dog is being kept, contact Animal Services at 305-884-1101, or email us.

You may leave your information or remain anonymous. However, all government emails are subject to public records requests. To remain anonymous, complaints can be mailed to Animal Services at the address below, or reported by calling 3-1-1. Your concerns will be forwarded to the proper investigator for action.
Miami-Dade Animal Services Department
ATTN: Investigations Unit
7401 NW 74 Street
Miami, FL 33166


Maybe for being loud and disturbing the peace.Just because you assume it wasnt vaccinated doesnt mean it wasnt.Even if it wasnt two wrongs dont make a right imo,you could of talked to the owner first asked him to secure it more or muzzle it.Its just as likley it would licked you to death before it bit you,just because a dog barks doesnt mean its going to savage you.Even then its all if's...if it escaped ect,Its just as plausable it was a big softy.

Dogs are often boistrous and jump at you while there tied up but as soon as they approach you or vice versa there fine.No worries about correcting my spelling its awfull at the best of times.I kinda understand you doing what you did but i still think its a bit extreme you didnt know for sure if it was dangrous.

I just find it funny you mistook it for a breed which is well known for being dangrous (wrongly i might add)...then oops no its a boxer when they look nothing alike,also saying you was tempted to shoot it doesnt really give credit to your dog loving theory.I doubt it will return but thats very big of you to ignore it.


Maybe for being loud and disturbing the peace.Just because you assume it wasnt vaccinated doesnt mean it wasnt.Even if it wasnt two wrongs dont make a right imo,you could of talked to the owner first asked him to secure it more or muzzle it.Its just as likley it would licked you to death before it bit you,just because a dog barks doesnt mean its going to savage you.Even then its all if's...if it escaped ect,Its just as plausable it was a big softy.

Dogs are often boistrous and jump at you while there tied up but as soon as they approach you or vice versa there fine.No worries about correcting my spelling its awfull at the best of times.I kinda understand you doing what you did but i still think its a bit extreme you didnt know for sure if it was dangrous.

I just find it funny you mistook it for a breed which is well known for being dangrous (wrongly i might add)...then oops no its a boxer when they look nothing alike,also saying you was tempted to shoot it doesnt really give credit to your dog loving theory.I doubt it will return but thats very big of you to ignore it.

All I did was send an e-mail to Animal Services to investigate whether this dog is dangerous.


All I did was send an e-mail to Animal Services to investigate whether this dog is dangerous.

And said it was a pitbull when it wasnt,you obviously knew they wasnt going to come round and play fetch aswell.*shrugs* ive said my two sents anyway,I just think its a shame so many dogs end up deystoryed or in homes due to peoples fear when more often or not they are harmless.

But i guess if you really believed it could of been a danger to someone...or that little 5 year old who suddenly was playing down the side of your house,you can sleep okay.


Well-known member
I hope you had a quiet word with the owner before taking such measures?

Once you get them type of people involved, it's highly likely that the dog will have been terminated. They don't have time to properly evaluate whether the dog is a danger or not, but still have to take action if it's been reported as (you judging it) dangerous. My dog runs around my garden like a nutter barking to sometimes, but if you come in my house the only damage you'd incur from him would be a wet face from him trying to lick you to death.

If you didn't want to speak with your neighbor because of your SA, then you should have popped a note through their door voicing your concerns to them.



Well-known member
As an owner of both a pit bull and a boxer, the post makes me very sad. It's actually very normal for a dog to growl and lunge at people near a fence. It's being a proper dog. It's protecting its territory and it KNOWS a fence is there, that's why its all show and letting you know that it's his place. Take away that fence, and it will behave very different.

You just cannot tell what a dog will do outside a fence. Some will lick you, some will ignore, others will just bark still, and a very small percentage will just attack outright. But you just can't tell which ones those are. It's actually more likely the silent ones behind the fence will attack outright because they don't need to give you warning or a barking show - they just have the drive and confidence to do it.

What's done is done, but I truly wish you could have given the owners the benefit of the doubt and talked to them first. Or write them a letter if you are scared.
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Well-known member
This dog is aggressive and will bark for hours on end. It has a very loud and scary bark and lunges at people as if it wants to attack them.

This is really sad. Just because a dog barks doesn't mean it's aggressive. Dogs are meant to bark. And someone who can't tell the difference between a Boxer and a Pittbull has no business deciding whether or not a dog is aggressive. You have a right to your peace and quiet, and the owners don't sound very responsible but that doesn't give you a right to send a dog to its death, and add further fire to the flame with the whole pitbull business. Pitbulls get a bad enough rap as it is, they don't need ignorant people blaming them for things they don't do.


Poor dog god knows what happened to him. But i agree it was a danger he could break loose (anyway when isn´t). In our village there is one irresponsible dog owner and his dog had escaped on more occasions, murdering some poultry and animals of the neighbours including rare exotic animals. I never knew when he would escape again so I was afraid to go out.
Yeah, I love that because a dog seems dangerous, it's automatically a pit. Even if it were a pit, they are known for being people friendly. They are illegal in some parts due to people training them to fight other DOGS. Not five year olds. Reporting a dog that you actually see commit violence is one thing, but reporting a contained dog merely because of your imagination is quite another.