pick-up artist show on VH1


I've been hearing about a pick up artist show on VH1 that is telling everyone man and women how the "relationships" should be. My problem with this is that I view it as shallow and and it's making everyone close-minded about what to expect from a man when faced with the issue of "dating".

Anyone else agree with me that not everyone should be mind controlled zombies that have been told how he/she should be just because it is in mass media?


Well-known member
Yeah I agree with you there. Relationships don't come pre-packaged and off the shelf like that. It is annoying that a large part of media and culture promotes this narrow minded idea of what the "perfect man" or "perfect woman" should be.


Well-known member
Every person, male or female, is basically fine just the way they are, and they were meant for a certain kind of person already present in the opposite sex. The problem is that men tend to think in numbers - so if they don't score often enough, it starts to gnaw away at their sense of pride and self-respect. As long as that instinctive spread-the-seed mentality exists in men (which I think it always will) then there will be a market for this kind of thing. Sad perhaps, but true.


Every person, male or female, is basically fine just the way they are, and they were meant for a certain kind of person already present in the opposite sex. The problem is that men tend to think in numbers - so if they don't score often enough, it starts to gnaw away at their sense of pride and self-respect. As long as that instinctive spread-the-seed mentality exists in men (which I think it always will) then there will be a market for this kind of thing. Sad perhaps, but true.

Well.. my problem with this "spread the seed" kind of thing is that.. it's only a meme that people believe in. People are taught this mindset, they don't learn it.
Yea there actually is a 'spread the seed' thing but that's actually in everyone.. and to say that that's the reason why one person should be promiscuous is kind of outlandish to me. What about overpopulation? Or keeping the genes varied? Promiscuity doesn't make sense biologically speaking in my perspective, it only makes sense because people can have had the tendency to be greedy. If there were no such thing as a condom how could we keep up with all the resulting pregnancies and such, and STDs that go around these days? Means a lot of babies would not be cared for, and a lot of STDs. It's kind of selfish. If we are giong to survive as a species we are going to have to really focus on simplicity. What's better, every woman having 20+ babies the world overpopulated everyone is closely related to each other that we would have resulting inbred offspring and we can't even take care of all of them, let alone one if you are trying to raise 20 or so at the same time....

and I think there are probably more reasons one can think of to not having such a greedy mentality when it comes to relationships and mating.

I don't think we biologically are geared to have non-serious relationships, if that makes any sense. Life is not a "game" at least in a certain sense. When we were just starting out do you think we could stand such game playing, unnecessary competition, war; no focus on achieving success, striving towards higher ideals, unnecessarily competing over others and being greedy; what are we striving for again? wars, or peace? Sure there are Sports, but life itself and mating, when it's such a serious thing is cannot be a sport. no it would have us dead, literally, at least in the long run, even in the short run, not to mention alienation from a tribe that actually works together to ensure survival of each member, which would otherwise not have occurred by oneself.

if humans want to survive they can't be so selfish and greedy.

besides that... we need to be more individual within the whole but still individual, if that makes any sense to you, and just like most media that builds up all these ideals, and expecting everyone to be perfect, degrading anyone who doesn't 'fit in' with these ideals, makes for problems. At least people should be more or less detached from these ideas so it doesn't interfere with their relationships in a very negative way.
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of course, there will be people who will say that it's how you use these techniques that matters, whether for bedding many women, or just one.

The problem though with this is that, it seems these techniques send off a shallow kind of vibe, which only attracts shallow. I think they are meant for promiscuity, and bedding many women at a time. These techniques aren't really for serious relationships, they are meant for fast relationships "no matter what the circumstances", to be able to get any woman he/she wants regardless of circumstance (how is that possible?) and fast. that's the vibe I get from these techniques. because the ideas are actually kind of shallow/superficial.

it gives the idea if you aren't like these pick up artists, you simply don't have a life, a future.

Any kind of seduction book will most likely be this way. Because the focus is not on a result of improving yourself, and your social skills.

"Pick up". The word itself implies that you go to a bar or anywhere and you will be able to "pick her up/sweep her off her feet" (obviously unrealistic). It gives the representation/idea that one should be promiscuous also, firstly if you even want to get into a serious kind of relationship.

But it instills in the mind these ideas into everyone, simply because the TV and radio is seen as the representation of society. It's considered a "reality show", not just for "entertainment". If something is regarded as entertainment though it also should be at least implied in some way.
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yea people will be how they want to be. but to push it onto others well, that's another thing..


I don't even think I believe in dating.

I think I believe more in relation-ships. Dating implies something more, like you are "trying out" to get into a sexual relationship, whereas relationships are well.. more normal. IMO.


well it is a tryout, you need to know that you two are compatible.

but doesn't that already occur during normal relation-ships?

I don't mean, just getting into a sexual relationship right away, or even a "relationship" whereby people refer to it as a boyfriend/girlfriend kind of thing.. I mean having normal interaction/relation.

I just prefer not to use the word "dating" because it implies more than I think is necessary. Even if the dating is non-sexual, still does imply that you are trying out for a sexual relationship.

maybe dating is implied, or I think should be between people who already know each other.
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Well-known member
well getting to know someone as a person and as a significant other are two completely different things. Just like how knowing someone as a friend and as a coworker are two separate things.

The reason that persona is a signifcant other is that you share things with them that you don't with anyone else.


Well-known member
Why focus on what other people like,believe or do you cant change that,I think its better to focus on what you want.


well getting to know someone as a person and as a significant other are two completely different things. Just like how knowing someone as a friend and as a coworker are two separate things.

The reason that persona is a signifcant other is that you share things with them that you don't with anyone else.

yea.. that's why I think 'dating' should be for people who already know each other.


Well-known member
no1 buddy, why don't you just have a drink sometime or something? Go for a walk, hit the beach (since you're in Florida). Just get outside, try to have a good time. You're the only one who creates the standards by which you're judged.


Well-known member
well, if that's the case then you probably would want to meet someone through friends or common friends. Then you can get to know them not at a romantic interest at first. Then take it further when you get to know them.


Why focus on what other people like,believe or do you cant change that,I think its better to focus on what you want.

well I guess because to get what I want, for e.g. love etc. it necessitates that there is someone out there who holds the same values, which are not in conflict with mine. Yea everyone is different and people like variety but there's a difference between variety and conflict. For people to say that there will always be conflict and should be conflict for the sake of difference, what they really mean is they think there should be conflict for the sake of conflict and it's simply an instilled belief in society that there would always be conflict because it's supposedly "human nature". I think there will and probably should always be differences but not conflicts simply for the sake of conflict because people think it's simply "human nature". Yea have had wars, and such, but we shouldn't seek to propagate such wars for the sake of war. Competition is not something we should necessarily strive for I believe, that should be saved for sport if anything. See what I mean?

i know I have a lot to say sometimes, I apologize if anyone is annoyed.


well, if that's the case then you probably would want to meet someone through friends or common friends. Then you can get to know them not at a romantic interest at first. Then take it further when you get to know them.

yea.. problem is.. I think there are too many people that are closeminded about this, because they "wouldn't date friends", because it is a common belief that "dating" should be initiated between people who never knew each other before they were dating, and limit themselves to this...

I don't believe there is nobody who shares these same ideals but many times I think it is all too rare and becoming rarer and rarer the more the opposing ideals are pushed onto us... etc. etc. et.c..


Well-known member
He's not telling you how to have a relationship. It's the opposite. It's how to act a way that gets you laid. There's no relationship in this.


I guess I don't really believe in simply getting laid, although that might be a goal I don't really separate them because it's not real. IMO anyways.


Well-known member
Pickup artists are assholes, and I'll never change my mind.
They give rules for what has no rules, they add expectations and stupidity to something that should be natural. I date who I want, I am who I want, I do what the F I want. And if I ever meet a pickup artist, I'll have him dating my fist and go to a romantic trip to the hospital.