Phone calls


Well-known member
I HATE the phone to no end. I would rather talk on text message or in person before the telephone. Does anyone feel the same way? I only bring this up because everyone I meet - and is interested in me- gives a phone number. I cannot return, pick up, or talk on the phone until I am comfortable with the person -IN person. Its hard to make arrangemnts without talking on the phone. Even with some close people, I cannot talk for very long.

I met a few guys I am interested in, but I just cannot talk on the phone with them. What can I do? Any wise words to get over the fear?


Well-known member
I'm the same way I'd much rather talk to a person in person than on the phone. I just feel I can handle akward silence better in person than over the phone and when I talk to people over the phone i feel like I'm bothering them. I always am afraid I'll either talk to long which might annoy them or not long enough which might make them think I don't like them.


Well-known member
Ive gotten better with answering calls but I hate making them. I always plan out exactly what I want to say and try to stick to it. I always worry Im calling at a bad time and everything too

my voice is shaky and I slur my speech a lil


Well-known member
oh gosh, i remember when i was like 15 and this guy i went to school with called me. I was sooooooooo nervous. I had no freakin clue what to say. and he was kinda rude and mean. i was nervous i could talk and he was just like.... your supposed to keep me awake, not let me fall asleep. or something stupid thing like that. i swear it was like i lost my abiliity to think.
but i wasnt even comfortable talking to him at school. cause he was really hot and i was totally in love with him....cant see why i was now.

......i totally forgot what the topic was, lol. im off on my own little rant. uuummmmm, oh right. i havent really talked to a guy over the phone since then, but im sure id be a lot better at it. but i really think id only be comfortable if i already knew the person. if i just met them on the street and i gave them my #....well i would actullly never do taht cause i dont want them calling me if i dont know them for at least a month. sooooo, i dont really know what to tell you. maybe only give people youve known for a while your number??


Well-known member
I am okay, now, with calling people to ask them questions (especially since I know I will probably never have to talk/deal with them again) but I hate having to talk to potential dates.


Well-known member
Phones are a lot worse for me than face to face talking. I've only made 2 or 3 calls in the past year and that was to set up tournament stuff (bowling tournament) and leagues and stuff. She had text message, but I guess she doesn't anymore and I must sound really pushy and weird since I want the conversation to be over as fast as possible.

And its pretty impossible to get me to answer the phone too.

For the girls that have trouble talking to a guy on the phone, just say you don't like phones. It's actually not that big of a deal and if he really wants to talk to you he'd rather it be in person anyway. Give him your email address and tell him you'd rather just talk to people face to face. If you tell him about your phobia (really hard I know) it will make him think you're honest and thats always good


Active member
Only person I ever call is my Mum, I'd dread to phone anyone else, so I can't help you there unfortunately.


New member
I hate talking on the phone when it comes to guys, family members, and potential friends. I usually give people my email address or text them. I feel comfortable with that. I always feel I'm not going to know what to say. I also fear what the other person may think about me if there is silence on my end. The ironic thing is I work in customer service and I can talk so outgoing on the phone you would never know that I hate talking on the phone in my personal life.


Active member
I generally hate answering the telephone because you never know what someone's going to ask for. I like calls from my mother and my best friend, and that's about it.

I'll tell you what I do hate, though. ANSWERING MACHINES!!! Agh! I leave the stupidest sounding messages.


Well-known member
^ Once I hear the answering machine I hang up immediately. I NEVER leave messages on those. If you say something stupid its recorded for them to listen to voer and over again. lol


Active member
Hell, they could even show it to their friends and upload it to the Internet. Yeah, I usually hang up immediately, too. I intend to leave a message, but after a few seconds of trying to force the first word out, I just give up.


Yeah, I never leave messages either and if I must I usually have to write down what to say. I find that I don't have enough time to think over the phone. On AIM or email I have time to think and I like the slow pace of the conversation. One time I was auditioning for a band and I was emailing back and forth with this guy and I told him I'd like to meet up with him (I'd rather meet up with someone face to face than talk on the phone) but as soon as he insisted that I call him, I couldn't do it and I regret missing the opportunity over something so insignificant as making a simple phone call.


Well-known member
one time i temped as receptionist. 32487 calls at once, FUN!

phones are the devil. i always feel so *on the spot*. i hate when people ask for my phone number (people, friends, jobs, businesses) because i feel like they are threatening to invade my peace with a random phonecall.


Well-known member
I can handle the phone on most occasions, being calling a lot more in recent times to get that under control. My skills aren't the greatest, but are much better than any of my friends skills, who aren't social phobic. Its safe to say that they arent the most sociable types though (Only got a few friends, one plays WoW 12 hours a day every day, etc.)