Pet hates, annoying habits?


This has nothing to do with SA really but I thought I'd be a bit lighthearted and bring it up :D .
Anyone have any really bad/annoying habits?
If I have a yoghurt, I always scrape the outer layer off the top of the pot before I can eat it. Weird. Anyone else do this? (I doubt).
As for pet hates, I HATE the noise the freezer drawers make when you pull them out. Cringe! And I hate ice cubes. And mayonnaise. And moths.
I would go on but this would be an essay.
Anyone care to share their weird habits/hates?


Well-known member
I also scrape the layer of the lid of the yoghurt :lol: But I don't feel like I HAVE to, before I eat it.

Other annoying habits: Looking in all reflecting surfaces I pass, peeling the labels of bottles.

Pet hates: static electricity, dogs, cabbage in a salad. Can't think of anything more at the moment.


Well-known member
If I am reading something on shiny paper, like a magazine, text book etc. I have to rub my thumb on the page constantly while i'm reading. No idea why :lol:


Well-known member
I hate all unnecessary noises! Creaking, crinkling, beeping and clicking all make me furious!
I always try to keep a low profile, and these things are so stupid! I don't want my microwave to go "beep..beep..boop beep" as I type in numbers and then "beep beeeep beeeep" when it's done...then another "beep" when I stop it. I'd rather just eat cold food.

EVERYTHING seems to make noises for no reason at all! :x
As for bad habits I have a lot. Picking at my skin for one, movign my jaw forward and backwards like all the time, I touch my hair like every other second, and all sorts of other stuff, also whenever I get a drink and take the lid off of something I always have to put it in the cabinet. I also bite my nails a lot but more than that, I bite the skin so the sides are always bleeding. Oh and that yoghurt lid thing, if I ever eat one I have to make sure there is not any lid left around the rim and I have to take the top layer off before I eat it too. I think that a lot of people do that. Also probably a bajillion other things.

But like pet hates. Oh my god, I have so many.
I will only eat with plastic untensils because I cannot stand the way metal feels against your teeth, popsicle sticks too, god I can't even look at those. I will only wear sandals, and I don't even own a pair of socks because of the way the bump feels on your foot. If something isn't closed all the way, pushed all the way, or if I didn't even here it click it will bother me sooo much. I hate lights, like they have to be off, all the way off or else I will just go upstairs. When people scrape things like metal against a plate or styrofoam or soemthing, it's so horrible, it makes me want to hang myself. Also on the computers I have to minimize the window like 500 times and tehre can only be oen at once, the thought of having more than one open at once just really annoys me. I also have to like touch all around the page and it's edges if it's the first or last page because if I don't it's annoying. And where a phone is flashing like if there is a message, if it is in my view, I have to hide it in or under something. And I really need to shut up before I write a freakin' novel here.