Personal Attraction/Attraction in general

Girls judge me on my confidence. They're to quick to have an opinion. This sucks. Rarely are attractive girls really look into my heart.

but aren't you doing the same thing by judging them based on their attractiveness, and not looking into their heart?

generally speaking, men go for looks, women go for confidence. it sucks all around.
i guess my statement was kind of ambiguous - i meant he was judging the UNattractive women and not looking into their hearts.

but yeah, attractive women get judged also. i'm taking an evolutionary psychology class, and it talks about how women use aggression against rivals - bringing attention to bad features of their appearance, spreading rumors about them being sluts (because in looking for long term mates, this is a turn off for men), etc. but at the end of the day, the attractive women do tend to get the best guys.

it's not that attractive women / confident men have perfect lives, but they have better chances of finding love. which does make me envious!


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