Perpetually buzzed


Well-known member
I wish I had a perpetual buzz. I feel so energized and alive when I do. I have great ideas and my words ooze from my mouth. It's how I imagine 'normal' people act. If there was a drug out there that made me feel like this, I would consider taking it :0)

The funny thing is, I was at the bar a couple nights ago. A man came up to me and said, "You seem really friendly and outgoing." He definitely read me wrong! I had drunk some before then (I was not trashed, but had a good buzz going.) But, I don't undertsand how he came to this conclusion. I wasn't talking to anyone but my sister. But, it was amusing that he thought I was outgoing. And why exactly is outgoing perceived as being a positive? I am a friendly introvert. Doesn't that suffice anymore?

I don't understand what the point of this post is. But, if anyone can relate in any way or has any feedback, please enlighten me!


Well-known member
if he saw you being open and talkative to your sister, that was probably all the evidence he needed. the weird thing is, people base assumptions on much more than we think. subconsciously everybody sends out and reads other people's body language, facial expressions, and even petty things like just the words we choose in conversation. you were showing it, you just weren't aware of it.

also, i don't think i've ever met a negative extrovert. it's hard to be pessimistic while being sociable, talkative and friendly all at the same time. there's a fun way to spice up your next evening out... haha


Well-known member
ive never been drunk so i have no idea what your feeling. i only have about a year left till i can legally drink. i think i can wait till then :D


Well-known member
I've got to agree wtih you life would be so much better if I was forever buzzed. I've had people even tell me they don't like me when I sober but they do when I'm drinking but not completely trashed like I tend to get.


Well-known member
im guessing your female, so maybe that was his ice breaker or 'pick up line' ??


Well-known member
Yeah, I was thinking the exact same thing, jus! I think that guy was hitting on Moonie ~ trying to lay on the charm


Well-known member
Well believe it o'r not but i get the occasional burst of extrovertism and i feel fake when i am like that, but it's mostly for show to hide the real me.


Well-known member
^ I actually do feel a little fake or almost ill feeling when I am buzzed and talkative. I can truly say that socializing exhausts me!


Well-known member
I feel closer to being myself when I'm buzzed b/c before I started to develope SA I was really out going and talkative. Even when my SA wasn't near as bad as it is now I'd sometimes get comfortable around people after knowing them a long time and become more talkative and random like i used to be in elem. school which I feel is the true me under my anxeity b/c that's how I want to be, like to be, and am without anxiety to hold me back.