people w./ sa over w/parents??..dead end job...


Well-known member
Yeah, I know all about that. About five years ago I was in my mid-thirties back living with my parents, no job, no friends, no relationships, no outlets, no nothing except a lot of pain and regret.

im not far from that blank! mind you im a little better off


I was like that some years ago. 23, dead end job, living at home... I knew the only way I could force myself out of that was to uproot everything. I deliberately enrolled in a university on the other side of the country, stayed there for 5 years. Ever since I left, my mother was demanding that I return and continue my education, but under her terms. I worked through my phobiae and made a small, tightly knit network of friends. Severe depression and a mild painkiller addiction followed injuries suffered in my 3rd year of uni (I'm still identified as "disabled" on employment equity forms). I graduated with a GPA that no longer qualified me for graduate school, and then lost my job a few months later. I moved back halfway across the country to home for 4 months, and it zeroed out five years of progress.

Not only had I given up everything I worked hard for building a life for myself, I no longer knew anybody back home. Add to that the added daily pressure of finding a job as a fresh-out-of-school graduate in an economic downturn. The only job I could find paid less than the dead-end job I gave up 5 years ago to go to school. Not only that, I had to ask my mother's friend for a favour in order to get that job (meaning I was unable to get a job by my own merit) and I had to quit that job because of my injuries from the car accident, I was physically unable to do the work.

I got a job by my own merit this July, but it involved me moving across the country in the other direction - and start my life rebuilding back from nothing.


Well-known member
Well I am not 25,but I live with my father,but mostly to cut the costs of things,for now at least, I dont want to live in Japan forever,yes I am in a dead end job,car manufacturing,most south americans work in factories here,the money is kind of good,but I dont like the job,its like you are a robot,I want to be able to think and maybe contribute something to society,while I do contribute a lot,a car is a very important thing in peoples lifes,but society doesnt see me as anything much really,I think this is wrong people who work in restaurants,macdonalds and etc should be respected like everyone else,they are making your food,means of transport,making sure your car is safe and etc.
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Well-known member
Well I am not 25,but I live with my father,but mostly to cut the costs of things,for now at least, I dont want to live in Japan forever,yes I am in a dead end job,car manufacturing,most south americans work in factories here,the money is kind of good,but I dont like the job,its like you are a robot,I want to be able to think and maybe contribute something to society,while I do contribute a lot,a car is a very important thing in peoples lifes,but society doesnt see me as anything much really,I think this is wrong people who work in restaurants,macdonalds and etc should be respected like everyone else,they are making your food,means of transport,making sure your car is safe and etc.

I agree with you 110%. I worked at staples for a number of years in my early to late 20's while going to school, and its amazing how people judge you depending on your job.

Theres absolutely NO dishonor in any job, no matter what it is. What I dont respect is the people who sell drugs, live off roberry, basically break the rules and cheat those of us who are just trying to get by.