paruresis >.<


Well-known member

K, im seriously becoming fed up with myself!.

I was watching a good friends son this weekend....and even though I was on a different floor of the house and far away I couldn't physically go knowing he was there. I was relaxed, not stressed or scared or anything. I just physically. could. not. go. at all.

Ive had this condition for years, in some form or another, but im finding the older I get the worse it gets -.-. Its not so bad to the point that I cant go out, I have no problem going at work luckily. And I don't have enough of a social life to really worry about needing to go elsewhere. But certain things like travelling are becoming a problem.

Luckily my dad is super understanding. Hes the only one I felt comfortable opening up to about it when its gotten this bad. While he doesn't know an actual course of action to take, hes supportive and takes this into consideration when we travel. Unfortunately though, this also cancelled a trip to Italy that we were hoping to take -.-.

I know this is a problem. And right now im trying to find some therapist or therapy here that I can start to get help with it -.-

Sorry to post, im just frustrated and needed to vent. ugh, :kickingmyself:


Well-known member
I know someone who also has this problem. What you can do is turn on the faucet (but this is sorta wasting water) or you can bring an mp3 player to drown out the noise.


Well-known member
I have this problem too. It takes forever for me to "go" in public places. I haven't found much that helps, not yet anyway. Even covering my ears doesn't help much.