

So, I was invited to a party, and I learned something.

Parties are usually traumatic events for me. I stand around feeling awkward and uncomfortable, running around in an attempt to break into any social group that will have me. The funny thing is, the harder I chase, the faster they run.

So, rather than go after people, I decided to let them come after me. Although I was initially uncomfortable, I began dancing. Alone. Oddly enough, someone saw me and joined in! I mean, it wasn't all good, I fell back into trying to impress them, but I am beginning to see the irony that is "People like people who don't care if people like them".

It seems like people are sick mother****ers who like to power trip on those "beneath" them on the social ladder. The key is to become the giver of social acceptance, rather than the receiver.


Well-known member
Yeah that's great. Totally be yourself, and the people you want to attract will be drawn to you like a magnet. Kinda like alcoholics are attracted to each other for some reason (bad example, I know, but it's true).