Parents with Social Anxiety


New member
Hi there, I am new here, I just joined a couple days ago. I have a couple kids, a 14 y/o son and a 9 y/o daughter, and I couldn’t agree more about how just awful it is to have to deal with the school. School functions, crowded gyms, parent/teacher conferences, attempting to volunteer in the classroom…I say attempting because I finally just gave up trying. It just made me a wreck to have to go to the school, sign in, interact with the other parents and the teacher. The worst, the absolute worst, was when I went to a PTA meeting. I went to one, and only one. I knew it was a bad idea trying, going in, but I really wanted to try to be involved with the school. It was a horrible experience, and my first introduction to how clique-focused other parents are. I guess I am not cool enough to be part of the “in” moms crowd, lol.

Even worse, I have found, is the socialization required off the school premises. The birthday parties with awkward introductions to the other parents, the play dates where you really just want to drop your kid off at their house and flee, but the parents want to get to know you so they invite you in for tea, and you know it’s going to suck and you have nothing to say, but your child has this kid they love playing with and you want them to be able to keep seeing this kid, and you don’t want to be rude….so you agonize through it, and in the end you know the other parent thinks you are a total weirdo. My son started kindergarten in 2005, and my daughter is now entering 4th grade, so I have many more years of this to go through yet.

My daughter also wanted to play soccer, which meant taking her to practices two nights a week, and games every Saturday. We did it for a year and a half before she (thank God) lost interest. But at practices all the parents sit together, chit chat, gossip, etc…..I was the parent who sat apart from them with my nose in a book, and tried to be friendly but was really just stand-offish.

As for the school shootings, I live in Portland and that actually happened here just a few days ago. I am not going to be over it for a long time. My son is 14, and will be a freshman next year, and the boy who was killed was 14 and I think the shooter was 14 or maybe 15. So that one hit home, hard. My son thinks I have gone off the deep end because I won’t stop hugging him and crying, and talking about homeschooling. You always think that kind of thing happens somewhere else, but it can happen anywhere. We also had the Kyron Horman disappearance happen just a few miles from our home, not our school but we know kids who go there. Things really changed here in Portland schools after that happened. And even today in convenience stores and supermarkets, and on people’s cars there are Missing: Kyron Horman flyers still up, you just can’t forget about it and the city has not moved on yet. So there is a whole new level of school-related anxiety that I never imagined I would have when my son was just a baby. How can I send my kids out into that?

Anyway, I could go on forever but I am just really happy I found this forum, and wish I would have years ago. I feel very isolated and it’s nice to know there are similar people out there with similar issues.


Well-known member
Wouldn't you just love to buy a plot of land and build a little farm on it, have the kids home all day and help with the chores, home school, be able to protect them, give them the innocent years that they deserve? I think of this all the time, but I realize that although I would feel better about my life and their safety, they would be "bored" and want to be with other kids. They aren't traumatized by life yet (and that's a good thing, it means we did our jobs the best we could and kept them out of harms way.) I think if someone were to live that lifestyle they would have to start them out young, as toddlers. The teens would buck the change, but at what point do you say "I'm the parent, and I'm making this choice for us"
I feel so bad for the Portland community. Such tragedy lately. I am so sorry. These shootings have got to stop. I know different people think they have good ideas to help, some say more guns, some say no guns. I think it's too far gone, it's practically the wild west now a days. I secretly fantasize about living in Iceland or Norway, places that seem to be so tranquil and well put together. They value the people, they take care of each other. I think with my belief system I would probably fit in better there than here.


So now the kids are home all summer and I probably won't have a second's time to myself until fall and my house will be destroyed 10 times a day. Love them, but it gets to be a lot for a person who is just emotionally tired. Some days are better than others, and today will be a tough one as my littlest was up several times in the night with an ear infection. Going to be a long day.

Glad to meet you NeahkahniePeace, it will be wonderful to have another parent to share experiences with. Blessings to all of you up there in Portland!


Well-known member
Yesterday my 3 year old asked me why I am squishy (as he poked my belly.) I told him I am squishy because I had 5 kids. Well, he brought it up again today. Here is where the social anxiety effects even the close relationship between mother and child. I feel ashamed, as if I am somehow letting him down by being less than ideal, less than perfect. I don't want to cause my children to feel ashamed of me (like I am of myself) and although he and I are so close I still worry it will make him love me less. I feel such low self worth right now....
And so it begins. I am worried that the beloved relationship that we have will be on the decline because he is old enough to start noticing I am different than everybody else, not only that I'm "squishy" but all the other stuff too. I suppose it will be like a blink of an eye before I'm getting the eye roll.
Yesterday my 3 year old asked me why I am squishy (as he poked my belly.) I told him I am squishy because I had 5 kids. Well, he brought it up again today. Here is where the social anxiety effects even the close relationship between mother and child. I feel ashamed, as if I am somehow letting him down by being less than ideal, less than perfect. I don't want to cause my children to feel ashamed of me (like I am of myself) and although he and I are so close I still worry it will make him love me less. I feel such low self worth right now....
And so it begins. I am worried that the beloved relationship that we have will be on the decline because he is old enough to start noticing I am different than everybody else, not only that I'm "squishy" but all the other stuff too. I suppose it will be like a blink of an eye before I'm getting the eye roll.

I see where that would make you feel self conscious. That sucks but I know that you know (probably more so than me) that he is just three and don't know any better. One day he'll understand how a girl having kids takes a toll on her body. Don't let it make you feel bad. It's odd that the most innocent observations have such an impact. When the wife was about to have our last one, our middle child who was three at the time poked her in the belly and said "Mommy, you're fat but I still love you." I watched it happen. He hugged her real big and smiled and toddled off. ... I spent the rest of the evening trying to console her. You can imagine how that went over. He didn't mean it bad and she knew it but it still made her feel bad. I'd venture to guess you're a great looking woman so don't let it get ya down. :bigsmile:


Well-known member
Thanks JC. I know he didn't mean it, he's so little. I think women particularly make a lot of physical sacrifices to have their kids. It's a fast and furious change and you're never the same, but I wouldn't give a single one back.
I was analyzing my own reaction and I think it came down to 2 things: One, I have been in a lot of pain lately since I hurt my back, and pain in general makes me feel ugly and tired. Two, I have a lot of unresolved issues from being rejected as a child and being called fat. I sure wish I knew how to get over that. I think deep down I worry that my fat will cause me to be rejected by my family. I need to learn more trust.
Today has been better and I got a lot of cleaning done. Even if I'm not happy with my weight I know I burned a lot of calories moving furniture. Funny thing is that I'm not really even a vain person, I just want to be loved.


Well-known member
My son was telling me how his friend did a snap chat picture of him at lunch but photo-shopped a male genitalia by his head. He laughed it off, it was just a funny prank by a friend (not a bully). I told him to get back at him by putting a note on his back. he replied "1964 called mom, it wants it's prank back".
::p: I was like "I wasn't born in 1964, smart azz!" :lol:
I laughed until I almost peed my pants!