Parent with Social Phobia/Anxiety?

Do you find it hard as a parent with social phobia?
Looking to chat with parents suffering from this crippling disorder. I have found a great playgroup that has brought me out of my shell a little but still daunting getting out the house. worrying about worrying is the worst (Kalms help lol)

My son is 2 yrs, my daughter 5 months. I find being 27 but looking younger brings more attention and so makes social phobia (paranoia of others negative thoughts towards me) worse. I do find it helps when I can see other mums at playgroup not in a click, on there own, lookign content as i do I know if they arent going through the same. Helps me say hello, even if the conversation dries up (usual) to the point they then feel awkward or make me feel awkward but thats more likely to be because they go through similar rather then snubbing me)

Any parents with SP/SA find parent teacher days scary too? I'm yet to discover nursery. Im hoping the busyness of going to and from nursery with my son will busy my mind too.

I always said when i had children SP/SA would go away. Dont get me wrong I fight it but it certainly isnt gone!!

Hope to hear from you

Claudette x


New member
Hi Claudette,

I don't know how things are for you these days, but I am a dad that sufferes sa and general anxiety etc, so I know all to well how it feels to be in really difficult situations when taking my daughter anywhere, my partner is very anxious herself and also struggles allot to make new freinds, hence we are still in that situation today, but we try as best we can.

If you would like a chat, just pm us, that's difficult as well I know but we are just normal everyday people, the offer is there if you would like to.


Well-known member
Im not a parent, yet, but both my wife and I have S/A, and i worry about how it may affect our kids later.


Well-known member
Parental SA was a big factor in developing it myself. I think I said somewhere else already, but I would imagine it's quite difficult to prevent it affecting your kids one way or another, though perhaps not as an inherited condition.