Panic, stress, annoyed after going out

Anyone else get completely stressed out and overwhelmed after having to go anywhere? I just get so damn frustrated if people expect me to do things and socialise when i feel like crap.

At the moment i feel full of anxiety, dread, panic, a bit of anger.

People really dont understand our problems in having a lack of energy to be social.

I get really drained when i see all the teens outside in groups, it reminds me of what time i've wasted, and its intimidating when i see them about and they laugh, its like they are looking at me and can see how lame i am.

I shouldn't compare, but most people make me feel inferior.

I'm trying new meds now to try to stop the panic. I just need to relieve some of my fears, so i thought writing it down might help me feel like i'm not alone with my struggles.

My username should be changed to "trying to get better, but suffering badly, and maybe getting worse!"


Well-known member
I feel overwhelmed at times. I don't get anxious so much I feel that the expectations in social situations are too big of a mountain to climb, and just the thought of trying tires me out.

I try to keep the thoughts of feeling inferior at bay as much as I can, as more often then not these thoughts only lead to resentment and bitterness instead of anything constructive. The thoughts do come sometimes, but I find if I make myself see what they have as a goal I can achieve as well it helps me put my own priorities in line.
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Well-known member
I feel overwhelmed at times. I don't get anxious so much I feel that the expectations in social situations are too big of a mountain to climb, and just the thought of trying tires me out.

yes same here thats why i dont bother half or most of the time .. who am i kidding all of the time ::(:


reply to the person who red-rep me: None of my business? Why even post it then, keep it to your damn self then...


Super Moderator
I know this is going to sound a bit off-topic... but what happened to gettingbetter? Why did he leave? ::(: He seemed very nice... it's such a shame he left.