panic attacks stopped!!


Well-known member
I have been experimenting with B-Complex sublingual liquid. Take about 4/5 times a day, along with Magnesium tablets twice a day.

I haven't had a panic attack in 2 weeks!!

I also do 3 other things which I think are key over the long term
- Inverted Yoga poses to stimulate the pineal gland etc
- Meditation (10/15 mins a day)
- Sesame oil Self Massages

I'll keep you guys posted :)



Thank you for that post......I found that I was iron deficient and was feeling depressed and tired because of it, so I take liquid iron sachets called spatone. Have found that yoga also helps a great deal with relaxation. The child pose and the corpse pose are also good to do just before sleep.


Staff member
bananas, seaweed, beetroot and oily fish

all great foods for anxiety/depression (but not in the same dish, that would just be WRONG!)