Panic Attacks During Movie


Well-known member
This has just recently started happening to me. Like within the past year. When im at the movie theartre watching like an action movie or something I get panic attacks. And its always so freakin loud, it just makes it worse.
And I kinda just have to suffer through it because I dont want my friend to know im having a stupid panic attack. I dont want her to look at me weird.

Has this happend to any of you?
Yes, but not in the movie situation if that's what you mean. It happens all the time when I'm out places, and I have to do it like silently while trying not to breathe really hard outloud. It's kinda scary, and I just get really shakey and can't control my movements.


Well-known member
oh ya im talking about actually in watching a movie. It just seemed so strange to me so I had to see if it happend to other people at all.


Active member
I used to have weird ones, for no reason at all, no matter what the movie, were id get a little light headed to start with, start breathing differently, then begin to panic, id usually have to leave and have a quick walk outside to calm down


about 95% of all my panic attacks occur while im sitting, i don't know if this helps youat all........ sometimes when i get off of work and sit down to relax and watch TV i get severe panic attacks, its because my mind never calms down! and when i sit it gives me more to think and analyze negatively because i dont have to think about walking or moving in any way(i hope that made sense)....and i know a couple people like this....


New member
me too. I have started to read a book about panic attacks, and if you think about it your body is responding to what it thinks is a threatening situation when it usually isn't. The first time I had a panic attack in the theater I couldn't take it any more so we left-my mind was racing, my heart was pounding, i felt not really trapped in the theater but I couldn't move around like I would have liked and it was making me panic. But this book was making the point that you have to train your brain that a movie/movie theater is not threatening. I been going to movies even though it likely I'm gonna have a panic attack. when it happens I just breath and tell myself you know it's just a panic attack, you really want to be here, you'll be fine. I'm still panicing but its getting better. the hope is that I will get over this and be able to enjoy movie theaters again soon. hopefully this helps.


New member
I have been in therapy for awhile now for my panic disorder, and going to a movie theater is still something I have to prepare myself for. You can do it, though. I do avoid anything that is going to be too heavy or heart stopping. Deep breathing helps, and sitting away from other people. in case I need to get up ans walk around.


I definitly have gotten panic attacks in movie theaters
and its the worse
when you dont want anyone to know what ur going through
I've learned that panic attacks can happen anywhere anytime
ur not alone though :)
SleepingBeauty said:
This has just recently started happening to me. Like within the past year. When im at the movie theartre watching like an action movie or something I get panic attacks. And its always so freakin loud, it just makes it worse.
And I kinda just have to suffer through it because I dont want my friend to know im having a stupid panic attack. I dont want her to look at me weird.

Has this happend to any of you?

when i first started having panic attacks (10th grade) this happened to me. i remember a few months after i went with some friends to see the movie frailty. it wasn't the movie or anything that scared me but i just think it was the prospective of the screen and how everything else was dark on it. (possibly a sense of claustraphobia?) anyways, this led to me getting anxious, resulting in my fear of having a panic attack which was new to me, and then resulted in the panic attack. vicious cycle

i haven't really had problems as of late in theaters however.
I'm planning on going to a movie theatre tomorrow for the first time in a year and a half! Wish me luck. I've been having a great week so i'm trying to do loads of new stuff! I'm strangely not that nervous, more excited. If I have a panic attack, so be it, and I'll just leave and try another day. I'll tell you how it went tomorrow, ha!