Oppose against your bad feelings.

Hey people,

Do you guys also have the problem that you mostly can't oppose against your bad feelings?
When I feel bad, I can't think on a better way, and I keep feeling that way, and sometimes it takes hours before I feel better, I just can't oppose myself to it. It's because i'm depressed, It takes alot to get me out of those thoughts. And It's hard for me to take advice seriously when I have these down ''moments''. They can't plow through my mind.
Do some of you people know what I mean? :)


Well-known member
What you wrote reminded me a lot of me facing my "tyrants" (parents). Regardless of what I say, it's always always NO NO NO NO, no it's not okay.

Huh? That's all a bunch of non-sense as if it made any difference whether I'm feeling happy or sad. These people are full of baloney, with their little hypocrisies and their so called diplomacy and little secrets schemes of back stabbing everyone in the most cowardly ways to put themselves on a pedestal. They're scavengers, that's what they are. Scavengers rotting your soul from the inside with imaginary fears and sense of inferiority.

Hugh, these sick people makes me sick, and the worst is that my core personality is infested with that garbage too. It's like a thick goo is covering my eyes preventing me from seeing my real self.

Don't just stand there giving yourself the beating of your life with your head fixed on the ground as if to say "soorrry mommy". Open your eyes and observe the world around you and embrace the way it makes you feel. Don't take anything personally, success, failure, or awkward moments, they don't define you in any real ways anyways. I mean, success feels good, failure feels bad, and awkward feels well awkward, but they don't make you good, bad or awkward.

And the cherry on the sundae is that accepting, reconnecting and maturing your emotions makes you untouchable. It doesn't matter tomorrow if your life is thrown upside and you end up a homeless in the streets, because a) there's always hope, and b) tomorrow is another day. It doesn't have anything to do with what happened to you or how you handled it, it's all about exploring and experimenting with the infinitely complex world around you and discovering another tiny glimpse of what it is.

Go find the way out of hell now, and go rediscover what the real world is really like. That's actually good advice, I'm going to take it.


Well-known member
It's impossible for me to think of happy things when i feel anxious. My mind has negative thoughts on a constant loop.