Online relationships?


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Who here has an online relationship? What do you think about it so far?
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Online relationships have always been a puzzle to me. Getting along with someone you know on the internet is one thing, but calling someone you've never even seen your boyfriend/girlfriend? It's a slightly different story if you've met him/her at some point before, but in many cases I just don't understand how online relationships are supposed to work.


I agree with Riiya. If you've never met someone, how could you really call them your girlfriend or boyfriend? It's ok to talk to someone and get to know someone online but how would a relationship work when it's only through the internet? I know maybe one person who is currently in an online relationship and oddly enough, it's working but that's only one out of many who have tried it.


i think those things are for teenagers? its more of fun, nothing serious, i cant imagine being in an online relationship, i would want to see the girl i love. It wouldnt give me anything... thats just me
I think you can have Online Relasionships, they often turn into something more Beautiful.
However they have never worked for me lol ? :(
But a friend of mine was with someone online for 2 years and when they met they moved in together, i think they're still together now 6 years on :)

I have been speaking to a guy online for years and i love him with all my heart i really do, and it's not like i'm kidding myself because i had a offline relasionship with a guy for 4 years and we lived together and everything and i don't think i loved him as much as i love this guy online lol.

It's strange, but you don't know what it's like untill you excperience it for yourself :)


Ive had a couple of online relationships :) for me they suit me..because it gives me time to get to know the them time to understand my problems.I think aslong as your willing to meet the person they can be really good especialy for people with anxiety,but if your not going to meet its nothing more than a fantasy i guess.
IMO some online relasionships work, like if youre been honest and genuine.
Where if your telling the person your an item but your telling over woman your single, well then you have to question lol !!!!!


My relationships usually start online then move to offline :) So far my current one is well, I cant wait to meet her in a week or so :)


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IMO it can be the beginning of a relationship, even if the online phase lasts for a while, as long as you’re prepared to meet eventually. I mean, you hear stories about pen pals meeting up and hitting it off after months or years of only written correspondence, because they already know they’re on the same wavelength.

Flakeybark has a point about omitting certain things online, and there’s no way to see how much of an issue this is until you meet. A webcam might get you a little bit closer to reality, but it’s still not the same. On the flipside, I can see the appeal of starting a relationship with only written communication because people put more effort into writing and can express themselves more clearly. This is especially useful for people with social anxiety as they can communicate in their own time, a lot more relaxed than the fumbly, awkward mess they’d be meeting someone for the first time.

Yeah I completely agree. For me, my only chance with having a relationship is starting it online I would never meet anyone otherwise. People are very different in real life, but at least I'm more comfortable around the person.

I heard about this woman who had an online relationship with a guy from Australia, and she only saw him in person once a year and met him online. She married him and moved her whole life to Australia. That would be weird for me, I mean even if you were together for a few years you would have only seen that person a handful of times.


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Many people enter online relationships through dating websites, which is entirely understandable. Meeting somebody who's right for you isn't necessarily as easy as most make out (complex people tend to have more difficulty finding a partner), and expanding ones options online can increase chances of success.

There's nothing to stop you from meeting that person in real life, when you feel the time is right, when you can afford a visit, or when you simply get over the shyness. A person is still a person, regardless of the medium through which you communicate. So long as you don't confine yourself to that medium, then an online relationship is perfectly fine.

I wouldn't recommend entering a long-term online relationship without an intent to meet this person in real life, you'll miss out on a lot of the benefits (sex, for a start), but there's nothing to stop you slowly building up to that stage. Confidence builds over time, and the internet can provide a great starting point.


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IMO I think they are good things to start out on. You'll get to know the real them more, the not as shy them, plus I'm sure talking online for some time would help with them not being as shy when you do meet. Anyways, for some people it's better than nothing.


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I love online relationships and am massively thankful for them actually! I've met some amazing people over the internet.

by relationships, I don't mean girlfriend/boyfriend.....I just mean making friends over the internet. I don't think I could consider myself in a girlfriend/boyfriend relationship until we'd actually met. And if we happened to reach girlfriend/boyfriend stage I probably wouldn't want to continue the relationship exclusively online...I'd wanna meet in person a lot more.

But even if I never reached the meeting stage, I'm still mega appreciative of online relationships, because, for me, emails are a brilliant medium for getting to the truth. In person, or over instantaeneous communication, like phones or msn, my brain doesn't always work quick enough and I say things I don't mean or am often scared to reveal the real me....but over email I have more time to really say what I really mean and less fear to be myself. I still make mistakes, but less often.

so yea, online relationships are great....but limited!