Online / Offline Personas


Well-known member
Oooh, I'm relating to this!. I am definetley more grumpy and angry offline, I think its easier online because you have a choice of who you talk to and if you just want to lurk then thats o.k too. I am hoping that when I get more confident talking to people online then that will help me offline as well. Has anyone found they're confidence increasing in real life after using chatrooms?.


Well-known member
4myself said:
Oooh, I'm relating to this!. I am definetley more grumpy and angry offline, I think its easier online because you have a choice of who you talk to and if you just want to lurk then thats o.k too. I am hoping that when I get more confident talking to people online then that will help me offline as well. Has anyone found they're confidence increasing in real life after using chatrooms?.

Yes! The whole idea about lurking and picking the posts you reply to is what makes this place (and forums in general) quite relaxing places to be, for me anyway. And yeah, I felt more confident after using a chatroom too, but that was many years ago and now they don't help.

Damn you chat rooms *shakes fist in air*


Well-known member
online I talk to people, offline I dont unless Im forced to and I stress over it

so yes, very different worlds for me


Well-known member
Hey everyone,

Does your online personality differ from your offline one? A resounding yes methinks. In which case, how do they differ and why?

I think its fascinating how the internet can bring out the best and worst in people. It can provide that much needed anonymity to help shy people speak their mind, yet that same anonymity can make it easier for us to be harsher with our words, or take everything to an extreme.
One of the disadvantages to online communication is that a single comment can be misunderstood. It's sometimes difficult to explain what you meant when you realize that you were misunderstood. You don't have body language or tone to assist in your efforts.


Well-known member
One of the disadvantages to online communication is that a single comment can be misunderstood. It's sometimes difficult to explain what you meant when you realize that you were misunderstood. You don't have body language or tone to assist in your efforts.
You're right about having a different online persona. I have always been able to express myself better with writing than verbally.
You don't have to worry about looking cool as well as sounding cool.


Well-known member
I used to be typically only sociable online. Now it's evened out somewhat. I'm able to relatively carry on a conversation in real life, and online I'm much more mature and as well as a lot more hesitant to spill my guts out than I used to be (which I think is good).


Well-known member
I am better to speak online with unknown people from all over world rather than offline. I have speech problems I stutter and I cannot defend my arguments as good in online. Sadly in internet there is many weak minded people who use internet to abuse others and act tough but in real life they are miserable. I know such person he was a harsh, brutal political commentator but in real life he is weak person. Such people freak me out.


Well-known member
No, not really. I'm still careful with my choice of words. I have to know someone for awhile before I can really tell if they will take things I say badly or not.

Though I will post things like *hugs*
Which I'd never ever do in real life. I don't like people touching me.


Well-known member
I'm the same person online as off, only no one can tell. Online, I'm the me that's hidden from everyone who knows or sees me. I'm too afraid when around people & can't really be myself. Online, I can.


Well-known member
I'm shyer offline, you know with meeting people and blushing so hard my face feels like it's gonna explode and everything ::eek:: obviously online i'm hiding behind a laptop so nobody can see my rather rosy cheeks. ::p:


Super Moderator
My offline persona doesn't exist :/ Even online i've had a hard time being myself, but that was some years ago... not now. I improved a bit in that matter.


Well-known member
im more serious in the real world , but i do still joke around a lot .... just my way


Well-known member
It is easier to be outgoing on the internet vs real life. This is basically my only social outlet. Work doesn't really count.