Oh sh**, my old best friend just added me on Facebook


Well-known member
As the title says... the guy I was always with in highschool has just sent a friend request to me. I don't really use facebook, especially since I only have about 10 friends on my list which is completely embaressing!

I'm pretty terrified right now cause I'm gonna have to accept his friend request, and he's probably gonna send me a message - to meet up most likely :eek: Now I can see where this is going to go already... I'll meet up with him and then I'll end up getting reunited with everyone I knew from highschool. Oh f**k!

I'm just not ready for that yet! When I was in highschool I was more or less what you would consider normal (just very shy/quiet) and now I'm a nervous wreck who struggles to keep a conversation going.

I know I'm catastrophizing, but ahhhhhh. Panic!!!!


Well-known member
When I feel like my facebook is becoming a toxic mixture, I usually just delete my account with no regard for the feelings of anybody on there. After all , it's only for fun... right ?


Well-known member
Oh, dear, high school reunions both amuse and terrify the hell out of me.

Maybe, if he does message you and suggests meeting up somewhere, you can pretend like you're busy and have other things planned? That's just one suggestion.

Or you can tough it out and actually meet up with him. =/


Well-known member
Yeah, he was a really good mate, and I don't want to "reject" his friendship if he offers it now... but I don't think it would end with just him. No doubt he still hangs out with other people from school too and I'd end up meeting them, and probably getting offers of going on a night out. It's stupid I know but the idea of a Friday/Saturday night out terrifies me. It would be like throwing me in the social deep end.

Maybe I really should give it a go, but my god I feel sick right now cause of this. Lol, I'm getting all worked up over it and I bet when I accept his friendship request (which I'll do in a day or two, to buy myself time) he probably wont even contact me. Luckily I've got a lunch appointment with my psychologist tomorrow so I can talk to her about it as well...


Well-known member
As the title says... the guy I was always with in highschool has just sent a friend request to me. I don't really use facebook, especially since I only have about 10 friends on my list which is completely embaressing!

I'm pretty terrified right now cause I'm gonna have to accept his friend request, and he's probably gonna send me a message - to meet up most likely :eek: Now I can see where this is going to go already... I'll meet up with him and then I'll end up getting reunited with everyone I knew from highschool. Oh f**k!

I'm just not ready for that yet! When I was in highschool I was more or less what you would consider normal (just very shy/quiet) and now I'm a nervous wreck who struggles to keep a conversation going.

I know I'm catastrophizing, but ahhhhhh. Panic!!!!

A few of my old friends sent friend requests to me a while ago. I just ignored the request with no afterthought. Simple, really.
You control enitrely if you get back into contact with them. You certainly should feel no need to accept a friends request.


Well-known member
You could always accept his friend request just to be polite, but I don't think you owe him much else. You can always make an excuse if you don't want to go to the inevitable reunion with your old HS friends. No point in putting youself through that much anxiety out of guilt.


this happened to me recently, only it was me who added her after finding her by accident, but im glad i did, cause she was really glad to hear from me and i was glad to hear from her, we only fell out over something petty.

anyway if your facebook is set to private then for all this person knows you dont even have a computer!
it could be broken!
you may of forgot you even had facebook!
you may not of paid the bill etc

someone mentioned above about cancelling there account, which i did recently, the only thing was all you have to do to is click on a link that facebook send you by email and its still the same account (nothing has changed)
the temptation was too much for me, the following day i was back on it!
same friends, comments, and the same daft farmhouse request things

goodf luck mate whatever you decide


Well-known member
That's true guys... my profile page is completely void of activity anyway so he would hopefully not take it personally if I didn't reply to any messages/comments.

*...and a wave of relief sweeps over me* lol.


Active member
Unfortunatley I was in this same position a year and a half ago. I found my best friend from school on Friends Reunited tried to talk to him but he never replied to my messages then I joined facebook and eventually he joined and added me as a friend. We spoke a few times on the message box and eventually he asked me to go out for a drink. i was ecstatic and I spoke to him on the phone and we met last October....unfortunately it was a big mistake. From the moment he picked me up I could tell he didn't really wanna be there and as the evening went on it became more apparent that he had been more my best friend than me being his. At one point after a few hours he remembered my nickname at school as if he had just remembered who i was. His attitude had changed he had lost his youthful carefree attitude and seemed to have a bit of a chip on his shoulder. We haven't spoken since i saw him appear on the message box on facebook twice but he will not reply to me. It was a big mistake should have left the past in the past.

Sorry to be negative and I hope things work out with your friend.

All looking back in the past has done for me is make me think people have the lives that i want, marriage, kids etc. Wish I had been left wondering sometimes


Well-known member
decisions decisions. Well you know you can use facebook if you wish to swim in the social deep end.

If you don't wish to swim you can just bowl


Active member
I had someone who kept trying to add me i refused he kept asking in the end he got someone else to start asking me to add him in the end i found out theres a block option which stops anyone from finding you and also stops you appearing in any friends lists.