oh boy, big time job offer, need a little help


Well-known member

so I got the offer letter. Base salary in writing.

S**t just got real!......

im both excited and nervous. not sure WHY because ive already been in the building several times now and I know what its al about. nothing unexpected here!

need to take some time to process this.....I....got.....the.....job.....

da hell?!?!


Well-known member
Well, I took the night, and slept on it.

I read the letter a few times, then closed the email. And didn't log back in. I acted as if nothing had happened, made myself dinner, played some x box, cuddled with my kitties and watched some documentaries, relaxed and went to bed.

This morning, I re-opened the email. Re-read the hiring agreement, digitally signed it, and replied. Evidently they had been waiting on it, because Within 5 minutes I received a very enthusiastic reply back. From both the big big big boss in Seattle, and my boss/partner here. They say theyre thrilled to have me on board and just from speaking with me they think im going to go very far with them.

Holy. Crap. I did it. its done..........

The stage is set. The audience in place. Props are ready. I talked the talk. Now its time to see if I can dance. In 3 weeks.

Wish me luck.

Am I nervous?. A little. But I think that's only because this is something new. I DID have a good feeling every time I was in there. And maybe because this is entirely unlike anything ive done before. But at the same time I enjoy helping people, and many people I spoke to said this was a big thing they got out of their jobs. Yes, theres some downsides. Your going to find that regardless of whatever job you do. But theres a lot of upsides. Oh! and their benefits really kick *** too!.

I technically could almost work anywhere, as they (we) have 400 offices worldwide, from Canada to NZ. My partner said when he expressed interest in transferring here from Toronto, they sent him out for a couple weeks to see how he felt about it and then paid his moving expenses. I realize theres ALOT more to moving overseas. But still!. Maybe one day, who knows right?.

The possibilities are a little crazy to think about. But I think this leap of faith is a growing step for me. Even if for whatever reason it doesn't work out, I can stinll look back and say I took that step, instead of saying I let fear stop me like I have in the past.

Wish me luck :).

Sea Bass

Well-known member
I used to look at life as an accumulation of "failures" and "successes" and then would roughly count how many of each I had and then decide for myself if I was living a good life based on the success/failure ratio. Sometimes I wouldn't even count and would just obsess over particular experiences and let those have an impact on my way life. I see things differently now. To me, to be living a good life, one doesn't need to have more success than failure. The way I see things now is that success and failure are all relative terms. Success and failure are based on goals and one can always rethink and change goals. Living a good life isn't about how many accomplishments or losses one has had - it is about how one conceptualizes things. The power of the mind is great and sure the mind may not be able to cause spoons to bend, but it can be the very thing that uplifts or depresses an individual. Over the years I have realized that sometimes life comes down to how you see it. So maybe while your going through all of this you can worry less about external factors (things that happen outside of you, for example, whether the job thing goes well or not) and worry more about internal factors (things that happen within in your mind, that is, how you view things).
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