OCD: Stress about racism


Well-known member
Hey guys. Everything I know about OCD is what I read on SPW. I hope you don't mind my asking but I've been curious for a while now. I get how you obsess about issues, that's where the O comes from but what are the compulsions? Are they things you physically do?


Well-known member
The compulsions are the actual actions you do in order to try to combat the obsessive thoughts. So let's say someone has the obsession that they'll be infected with germs. The compulsion would be to constantly wash your hands, keep your personal belongings clean and avoid possible places where you could possibly catch something.


Well-known member
The compulsions are the actual actions you do in order to try to combat the obsessive thoughts. So let's say someone has the obsession that they'll be infected with germs. The compulsion would be to constantly wash your hands, keep your personal belongings clean and avoid possible places where you could possibly catch something.

thanks. ____
Hello everyone,

An awesome book dealing with exactly the same issues you describe is called "The Imp of the Mind." It is all about obsessive thoughts and could be extremely helpful.


Super Moderator
Don't worry, you are not racist, that's your OCD speaking. Just think about this... If your main thoughts about racism are against it, and now you are concerned about the intrusive thoughts and wondering if you are one, it means you are not. I don't know if i'm making sense :p