Obsessing over your health


Active member
Hey guys :cool: Are any of you obsessed with your health? I think it's so annoying. I mean look I know we're all going to leave this world someday but I don't want to spend my whole life here wondering if I have some big deadly disease or something. I used to not be like this at first I just had SA but I guess with my anxiety with social situations I started to develope anxiety about my health as well.

I know my fears are irrational but I still give in to them anyway for some weird reason. Here's some past examples of experiences. For a couple times like 2 years ago I had a sore throat and I was sure my air waves were gonna close up and I was going to stop breathing but nope it turned out I onyl had strep throat and my doctor gave me some meds to take for it and I was fine. Then a few weeks later my throat was sore again and I had heartburn and I was so sure I was having heart problems but it ended up being acid reflux and we got that undercontrol.

Last spring I was in my school's spring musical. It was my first highschool play and afterwords when it was done I was helping take down the set and somehow I hit my head on a piece of wood as I was stepping down off the stage and I didn't faint or blackout but my head hurt of course and I felt a little lightheaded and can you guess what I thought? Yup you're right I thought I had some serious brain injury and that I had some internal beeding inside my head so I begged my parents once again to take me to the hospital. They did a brain scan and found not one thing.

Now most of the time I feel better when they find nothing and say everything is okay but those feelings never last for long. I mean Heaven forbid I get a sore throat for a few days then think I have throat cancer only to find I just have a little post nasal drip.

Lately i've been feeling hungrier then usual even after I ear and my hands feeling like they're about to start shaking but they don't if that makes sense and I feel a little weak at times. Now I keep telling myself realistically it's probably because of a poor diet and because i've gotton a little out of shape lately but another part of me keeps saying what if I have diabeties or I could be anemic or something and I bet if I went to the doctor right now it wouldn't be either of the two.

This is crazy! I'm only 18 I shouldn't be this worried over health problems and I kind of blame the internet for feuling the fire because when I research different things on the web the internet will have you believing you have like a thousand diseases. I mean some sites make symptoms for the common cold sound like you have the flu or something.

I don't know exactly what i'm going to do yet but I'm going to be making some kind of steps to change all this. I can't keep wasting my time worrying about stuff that I know is very unlikely for someone my age to have and need not to be worrying about anyway. I want to enjoy myself again and have fun,

Sorry for that long rant but I just wanted to get that off of my chest lol Any suggestions would be much appreciated ;):)


Well-known member
I always feel like there's something wrong with me, but I've always been too lazy to go to a doctor about it...

So you probably can't change your worries, but you can dismiss them. With laziness.


Active member
Thanks for the responses guys:) I really aprretiate then and will try out the advice you've given me:cool: Wish me luck:D


Well-known member
argh same here. I had a migraine too weeks ago where it messed up my vision and I thought I was going blind! Went crying to my college office haha. I thought I was going blind another time because of spots in my vision but it's just visual snow.
Also, every single day I think i'm going to go completely deaf because i'm half deaf. I had many occasions thinking I had when it was just ear infections.