Well yes other people say ''not much''....''just chilled'' but the difference is that they only get that kind of weekend every over week, and i bet they know that i am a sad loner because i never have any stories to tell. My weekends consist of playing my guitar, driving my car, watching tv/dvd's, surfing the net, working out a bit but all of these activities i do on my own and that's what makes me feel so weird, like a few months ago i said that i'd gone for a drive in my car and this guy said ''What alone!'' Also a few months ago i went to Poland for 4 days to meet an online friend for the first time, and i felt that people must think i am weird and lonely having online friends, and travelling to places alone.
I'm so sick and tired of seeing guys at work who have bonded and go to the cinema and stuff....I feel invisible