Nothing to talk about


Well-known member
What do you do when people ask you what you did on the weekend?

I feel boring because people at work talk about the great weekends they have had partying with their friends. I feel alienated, and i cringe everytime i say ''not much'' when someone asks what i did.


Well-known member
I do the same thing almost every weekend. If it's somebody I like and can talk freely too, I might tell them a story about what happened, even if it happened a different weekend. If it's somebody I don't really want to talk to that much, I just tell them what I did and that's that.

Just say you've just be chilling and getting things done. They can't really ask you any more questions about that, and it doesn't sound too boring.

How much do you honestly care about their opinion of your weekends? Or is it the fact that you don't particularly like the fact that you don't do much?
Oh my god, I HATE this question!!!!! I never ever ever do anything on the weekend so all I have to say is something like: "Oh, Nothing". I hate saying it over and over and over again. Somtimes I will try to avoid the question by sidetracking, and making a comment on something else, just hoping they don't come back to that same old question.


Well-known member
recluse said:
What do you do when people ask you what you did on the weekend?

I feel boring because people at work talk about the great weekends they have had partying with their friends. I feel alienated, and i cringe everytime i say ''not much'' when someone asks what i did.

Yeah, I hate that sh*t as you may recall in some of my other posts.

Funnily enough, I've asked the same question to others and they sometimes say 'not much', 'nothing really' etc. So it's not just us that have sad lives!

However, they are 'not doing much' during their weekends at their homes with their wives/girlfriends/partners! That's the main difference between them and me.

Sometimes I end up doing stuff on my own at the weekend. For example, I bought a couple of tickets to a sporting event a while back but couldn't get anyone to come with me. However, I though f**k it, if I want to go I'll go on my own! At least that way I'll have something to talk about and I can take photos on my mobile phone.

Often people say 'Oh that sound great, who did you go with???' I always lie and tell them it's an old college friend or relative.


Well-known member
if that question embarrass you, don't be embarrassed!!! :)

at least make up sth like cinema, .....

u don't have to feel awkward over sth like this


Well-known member
I tend to make light of it and say 'not much really, watched some tv as usual and had a lazy weekend'. I often say to people that I need to get out more. I am saying this to them in a humorous way, but deep inside I know that I really do need to get out more, but that's hard when you have social anxiety and serious depression isn't it? :?


Well-known member
Well yes other people say ''not much''....''just chilled'' but the difference is that they only get that kind of weekend every over week, and i bet they know that i am a sad loner because i never have any stories to tell. My weekends consist of playing my guitar, driving my car, watching tv/dvd's, surfing the net, working out a bit but all of these activities i do on my own and that's what makes me feel so weird, like a few months ago i said that i'd gone for a drive in my car and this guy said ''What alone!'' Also a few months ago i went to Poland for 4 days to meet an online friend for the first time, and i felt that people must think i am weird and lonely having online friends, and travelling to places alone.

I'm so sick and tired of seeing guys at work who have bonded and go to the cinema and stuff....I feel invisible :cry:


Well-known member
recluse said:
Well yes other people say ''not much''....''just chilled'' but the difference is that they only get that kind of weekend every over week, and i bet they know that i am a sad loner because i never have any stories to tell. My weekends consist of playing my guitar, driving my car, watching tv/dvd's, surfing the net, working out a bit but all of these activities i do on my own and that's what makes me feel so weird, like a few months ago i said that i'd gone for a drive in my car and this guy said ''What alone!'' Also a few months ago i went to Poland for 4 days to meet an online friend for the first time, and i felt that people must think i am weird and lonely having online friends, and travelling to places alone.

I'm so sick and tired of seeing guys at work who have bonded and go to the cinema and stuff....I feel invisible :cry:

Hey, I think it's pretty cool you have good friends to visit in other countries. Whether you met them on the internet or on the street. If ya feel funny about it why not just leave out the 'online' bit and say you went to visit a friend. I think most people would find that an interesting little story :)


Well-known member
There's just a stigma in the eyes of some people regarding online friends. I remember at work one of the cocky guys said about an add he saw in a news paper, under the classifieds section for people looking for friends, and he laughed and said how sad people were to having to advertise for friendships, what people like this realise is that not everyone is as super confident as they are.


Well-known member
From your post I pick up that you make everything in your life wrong. As long as you enjoy the things you do and it makes you happy, that is all that matters. For all you know, your mates might hate what they do and never admit to it. We are not exactly living in a society where people are honest about their lives. Its all about what others will think of me - always keep the bright side up even though we feel lousy.

The essence is, do the things you like/love doing and enjoy even if it is alone! The day you have lots of friends you can entertain them around the camp fire (I am South African we have the bushveld)playing the guitar or have a nice karoake going with you leading on the guitar. Its worth practicing for! :lol:
When going for a drive, enjoy the wind, let it blow your hair and take it all in!You have no relationship commitments as yet, so enjoy being single and the freedom it brings!
Your gyming is doing your body and your mind a world of good. It will carry you right into old age(and a fit geriatric at that :lol: ) and help you beat common illnesses. And thing of all the muscle building, ghee you'll have a body to die for!

Enjoy where you are at. When things change for the better you will be able to appreciate it, even more so if you compare it to where you started off.

My life is no different. I do everything alone and I might add I enjoy doing so, but its not helping me beat SA. We all must take the difficult road at some point if we want to change for the better. We have to stepout into the world. Avoiding it will makes us prisoners of SA for all our natural lives. What a prospect! I think we all need to want a better live and work towards it!

I am so done with my Sunday sermon! :wink: