Not shy online .. very shy in person .. help! :)


I find it interesting that my last post in this thread was removed by someone. Funny .. I asked for opinions about a specific issue .. I received irrelevant opinions that were not asked for or welcome and that could be perceived as attacks:
Originally Posted by dottie
give it up. get a real life girlfriend.
and yet, MY post gets deleted for asking that comments be restricted to the issue I had originally brought up. Nice. Hey .. whatever ..


Well-known member
If you are wanting to expend the effort to keep it going i'd say just keep going it alll depends on your expecations of it all it seems like she just wants to keep it online for now and if you are ok with that there's nothing wrong even social phobics crave interaction so it's nice of you just maybe keep in mind that's all it may amount to.

I did the long distance relationship my bf is fairly talkative but we share alot in common to so alot of talking isn't really always required for us. I think compromise is important but at this stage it seems like you are just wanting to know how to get her out of her shell it all depends if she wantng to come out of that shell you will constantly be doing this :kickingmyself: if you are forcing someone to be something they don't want to be.