No life skills?

I was wondering if anyone out there is like me. I'm 29 years old still living at home, but I just don't have the life skills to live in the social world even if I wasn't afraid of people. If I had to fend for myself I'd be dead probably within a week. I have no teeth, I can't see without contacts, I'm bald. But those of course could be worked out. It's that I can't do anything else. I've never even grilled a steak. I can cook fine, I can wash my clothes. But that's about the extent of my abilities. It's unbearably bleak.
I'd need someone to teach me how to do things like I was a kid again. Mentally, if I were to make it out in the world, I'd still pick up where I left off, which means I'd have the mentality of an 18 year old.
Well, anyway. My hope is just really starting to run out. I hope I can make it.


Well-known member
trust me lol you will be fine , you pick things up as you go along , sure you might make a few mistakes but hey dont we all , you just learn from them lol ;)


Well-known member
I think everyone has the mentality of an 18 year old when they first move away from home. I'm 28 & if I ever get the chance to live on my own, I'll be the same. It does sound as if I have more life skills than you do, but I have zero social skills. Still, I know that when I move out on my own, it will be very overwhelming & there will be a lot of new things to deal with. It's like that for everyone. So, whenever you feel like you can live on your own, & you have the financial means to, you should do it (if you want to, of course).

Until then, if you feel like there are things you need to learn before you move out on your own, learn them now, while your still living at home, that way you'll know them when you do move out.


Well-known member
I don't have any life skills either! I feel so stupid sometimes knowing I can't cook or clean properly.

But as I want to move out so bad, I realise I need to pick up on a few things! So I've bought a book called, "The Indispensable Book of Practical Life Skills" and hopefully I will able to learn more!
I don't have any life skills either! I feel so stupid sometimes knowing I can't cook or clean properly.

But as I want to move out so bad, I realise I need to pick up on a few things! So I've bought a book called, "The Indispensable Book of Practical Life Skills" and hopefully I will able to learn more!

Ha! That book looks pretty good. I may have to buy that one.
Although I'll still be worried about lack of experience, which is the main ingredient you need. Sure I can be told how to do something, but I have to actually do it. Too bad I don't have anyone to help me with that :(


Well-known member
Being agoraphobic, without the kind people in my life I'd be dead too, haha. Grocery shopping never happens unless one of the kind housemates goes with me. There's always hope.


Well-known member
I can relate to that. Anxiety has hindered my growth as a person. I've been too afraid to try to do things on my own for fear that I might mess up or break something. It took a lot of courage, but I'm now able to go grocery shopping, go to the bank and answer the telephone. For normal people, this is probably not a big deal, but for us it's a big accomplishment. I still have a long way to go, I know. My mom and my grandma have been trying to teach me how to cook, but I'm terrified to do it on my own. I fear I'm going to burn the stove or worst yet, the house ::(: I never tried to get a driver license, because I was afraid I might get distracted and crash into something or run over someone. ::(:


Well-known member
@ToolShuggah: I'm probably among the worst at taking compliments but thank you very much! :)

@Ritta: I hear you. It's a huge deal to go anywhere at all. I recall at one point visiting the ATM at the bank just up the block on my own and when I returned home in one piece I nearly cried from happiness. The whole I can't believe I did it! thing. I definitely try to cook when no one else is home so they can't witness my blunders which inevitably do happen. The same thing happened with driving. I took the lessons but the anxiety took a turn for the worse and I never did take the test. I used my medication as an excuse as I truly felt I wasn't "with it" enough to not be a hazard on the road. I'm no longer on it so I have no excuse whatsoever now! But I don't know about anyone else...I really do feel disembodied when anxiety strikes and it is a hazard. : /


Well-known member
Yeah, that's how I feel Seafolly. I'd be risking lives if I were to try driving. My mind tends to wander alot and most of the time I cannot control it. Imagine if that were to happen while I was driving...I could kill someone! :eek: For everyone's sake, I'm never getting behind a wheel of a car.


Well-known member
If you can, try practising in a rural area where the odds of seeing anyone are slim. Maybe you'll grow in confidence in your abilities and, in time, might be able to drive through more populated areas without fretting? I really should be doing this myself.