New, Unsure if I have Social Phobia


New member
I think it's very possible I have it, but I just found out about Social Phobia. I have always been extremely shy, and I about die every time I have to meet someone new, change schools, or present in front of anyone, no matter the size (even just one person!). I have little nervous things that I do when I am scared to talk, like picking at the skin around my nails, biting my nails, pulling my hair, I sweat a lot, especially my hands, I catch myself tapping uncontrollably, and many other things. I don't know if I have Social Phobia or not, and I'm really wondering if there's anyone who can tell by any of what I just said. Help!!

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I think it's very possible I have it, but I just found out about Social Phobia. I have always been extremely shy, and I about die every time I have to meet someone new, change schools, or present in front of anyone, no matter the size (even just one person!). I have little nervous things that I do when I am scared to talk, like picking at the skin around my nails, biting my nails, pulling my hair, I sweat a lot, especially my hands, I catch myself tapping uncontrollably, and many other things. I don't know if I have Social Phobia or not, and I'm really wondering if there's anyone who can tell by any of what I just said. Help!!

I just want to say that nobody here can diagnose you, the only way to get an official diagnosis is from a licensed physician.

That being said, that doesn't mean that forums like this won't be beneficial to you. It's worth hearing what other people have to say I think, while I'm super, super new here I've already found it helpful to read that other people are going through similar things (not in a schadenfreude kind of way) and have considered strategies I hadn't thought of before.

I have dermatillomania too (compulsive skin picking). I've taken to carrying around a roll of micropore tape. It's inexpensive, and you can tape it around your fingers so that a) it protects them and b) you can pick at the tape. Sometimes I tape all of my fingers. Not always useful, depending on where you are, but for me it's worked sometimes.

Hope you're able to get something positive from these forums, but please, please do consult your doctor who can refer you to someone that's qualified to make these diagnoses.
Hello. Nice to meet you Louloubelle.

I'm new here myself and kind of in the same boat. It's not like I have an official diagnosis. I just know family reunions and parties tend to be panic attack inducing. Having to speak in front of any kind of group ratchets my dysgraphia symptoms up by a thousand, so I'm kind of unintelligible. And my mental "Mommy Dearest" is flat out on the verge of driving me out of business.

I've no advice to offer at this point, still clueless as I am, but you're definately not alone. The only thing I've come across that helps at all is having folks I trust with me. Playing a concert in a 10-150 piece band is absolutely no problem. Going out there solo, not going to happen. That doesn't exactly help with getting up and speaking, but having a trusted friend or relative nearby can be a godsend at social gatherings.


New member
Thank you so much :) this has helped me a lot. I am most likely going to go talk to a doctor about this, if I can ever figure out how to ask my mom.
The tape thing is a great idea :) i haven't ever thought of that before. And I didn't know there wasa name for compuslive skin picking! Thank you everyone :)


New member
I have dermatillomania too (compulsive skin picking). I've taken to carrying around a roll of micropore tape. It's inexpensive, and you can tape it around your fingers so that a) it protects them and b) you can pick at the tape. Sometimes I tape all of my fingers. Not always useful, depending on where you are, but for me it's worked sometimes.

I haven't ever though of this before, usually my mom just makes me wear bandaids, and then I just end up peeling off the bandaids or they fall off. It's also embarressing to wear bandaids to wear bandaids on all of your fingers because people are bound to ask why I have them. The two problems with that are a)talking to people (usually random classmates I'm not comfortable with) and b)Though talking to strangers scares me, explaining what I do to my fingers is even worse!

Thank you :)