New Semester


Well-known member
So a new semester starts tomorrow and I want to try and not be shy. That will be very hard to do though. I just want to know if anyone has any tips to help me talk to a girl or other guys to be friends with or something. I hardly have any friends and some people act like it is easy to change they say they used to be this way too, but I don't believe it exactly, it is hard to change. Advice would help a lot please.

Silvox Black

Well-known member
Well, before I answer your question, I'm afraid I must ask one of my own. What do you want to be in that place? Do you want to stay true to yourself? Or do you wish to become something else?


Active member
I am dreading this semester to start.....and no it is NOT easy to change! I'm sorry I don't really have any advice because I have the same situation as you...I never talk in classes and I dread the professor calling on me!

Silvox Black

Well-known member
I want to stay the same guy but try and be less shy if possible.

If you wish to stay the same but still maintain social interaction, then the only possibility I can suggest is finding those of a like minded outlook as you. Find people you can relate to. Sum up your courage and speak to them. Of course, the majority of this is based on the luck of whether or not you can find people you relate to, and thus feel more comfortable speaking to.


Well-known member
So a new semester starts tomorrow and I want to try and not be shy. That will be very hard to do though. I just want to know if anyone has any tips to help me talk to a girl or other guys to be friends with or something. I hardly have any friends and some people act like it is easy to change they say they used to be this way too, but I don't believe it exactly, it is hard to change. Advice would help a lot please.

Never let anyone convince you that it's easy to change from having SA. I tend to follow the belief that anyone who had it and says they're "cured" from it is a liar. I'm sure that there are people out there who have gotten over the main bump of it but I don't believe you're ever really done with it. Other people who say it's easy are usually, based upon the people I know suffering still. Some find it easier to hide their feelings than be open with them.
My semester starts tomorrow also, and I am beyond dreading it. I not only am not good with the social interaction, but I just hate the first day, not knowing what the rules are, etc, if I can get up and goto the bathroom or not, etc (A big issue with me). And its getting into a new pattern of sleep etc.