Networking and SA


Well-known member
Many people have landed more jobs and opportunities than i do because of being more capable and daring in-terms of social skills.. & networking is an important skill if you want to land a job in the corporate world (which i hate as $%&$).. I find it hard talking to people, building relations and maintaining them and that i believe is 1 reason im not landing any jobs lately..
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Well-known member
yes this can be true but the interview is ehh. the one time i actually did have a connection i messed it up during the interview. the interviewee asked "so you know this person" my answer was just.. "yep" then froze. i didn't get the job.. but the point is if you act like a professional friend then connections don't really matter. also wearing something interesting like if wear a tie with a fun pattern or something.. that can make you seem creative? there's always networking online too..


Well-known member
well ya and that too, but people like to hire experienced people most importantly. People skills is a must too. Your best bet is starting out small like you would trying to be a famous porn star. I'm not telling you to go be a porn star hahahahahahahaha but I mean like a grocery store of a fast food place, sorry dude. Unless, you went to college and started a major career. :)

ok, I'm confused

just how do I start out being a famous porn star?


Well-known member
****ing people in the projects ewwwwwww lol I dunno how, I just know that you start out small. You just put it up on the internet so you make yourself known. Little by little.

I didn't think being "small" or "little" would be much help at all


Well-known member
I didn't mean that kind of "small" and "little" lol. I am talking about in the business world. Small business can turn into a HUGE business. Like Jenna Jameson shes a BIGGGGG business money maker.

yes and willing to do things that other people won't - that helps too

flexibility also

bending over backwards....

(lots of analogies here)


Well-known member
Interview is an easy part.. But meeting people, digging out old contacts or initiating a conversation with a stranger in order to land future opportunities is the hard challenge in order to land an interview for a potential job... I completely believe in the '70% percent of vacancies aren't actually advertised on the newspapers, sites or found in hiring agencies but can be acquired thru connections..'


Well-known member
Networking is useful since you never know when something opens up and knowing someone who can hook you up is an opportunity one should take up on even if they mess up. Learn from your mistakes? Anyways, I'm trying to be a freelance artist and its difficult for me since networking is practically what gives us more business. And I suck at it horribly


Well-known member
Here's a plan i intend to do.. Ill design a business card, take some cash from my dad, print out a bundle of cards and distribute them to as many places as possible, identifying myself as a freelance designer..