Need Advice


How do you tell someonewho doesn't understand AT ALL what you go though and what it feels like to be socially anxious?


Well-known member
Well-- for many people it's impossible for them to understand what they've never experienced themselves.
It will be difficult for them to understand in any capacity, but I guess there are some ways to help; like... showing them a movie that relates to anxiety and how it affects the characters in the movie.
Or perhaps-- giving them a book to read that could help them relate to the character, and in turn-- you.

Although my mother tries to understand what I go through; she never will quite get it.
She's patient and she knows what it's like to be depressed-- so that's a start at least.
No matter how often I explain to her how I am feeling; she'll never quite understand how or why I feel this way near people.


Well-known member
I would ask them what they fear or have a phobia of. For example, let's say someone is afraid of spiders. Tell them that being around other people is as terrifying to you as if they were stuck in a room full of spiders. Or have them imagine that they are tied down in a room with a spider crawling around. Or better yet, tie them up and put spiders on them, and see how they react. Then maybe they will understand.