My teacher made me cry


Well-known member
My anxiety affects my school life everyday but it has never gotten to the point where it's caused a rocky relationship with my teacher (I mean, all my other teachers are rly nice despite my extreme shyness) The first time he embarassed me in front of the whole class. I basically just burst into tears as soon as I got out class. This time it was worse as I was forced to work in a group of people and one of them was really rude and didn't want me there at all. So I just stood there and I didn't know what I was doing either until my teacher just said "why are you standing there?! Go do something about it if you don't understand the work!" and basically had a go at me and I felt so awful and useless I couldn't hold back the tears so everyone in class saw me get lectured and be all teary and stuff. This sounds like I'm over exaggerating but I feel so alienated from that class, I have no friends there (which is not a massive problem) but the fact he is not a very nice teacher at all makes it worse. And now everything is messed up because I need chem to go to pharmacy school which is my dream. I can't go back there again, everyone probably thinks I'm a complete weirdo for being overly emotional but I can't handle being shouted at, especially by one with high authority.
TL;DR... I'm pretty sure he has disliked me from the beginning due to being quite a withdrawn student.


Well-known member
I've been there before. I used to be the one in class who was anxious and awkward and I definitely felt like I stuck out. My advice though is to stick at it. It might seem hard now, or even impossible but take my advice. I suffered at school and as I result I got myself kicked out by acting like a **** towards people.

Who cares what your teacher may or may not think? You've got your life ahead of you and school is one of the most carefree periods of your life.


Well-known member
I've been through something worst. And I'm not saying this to minimise your problem, but to make you see that I went back to class, and soon everyone forgot about what happened. In fact one of the best friends I made, would most likely have never even talked to me if it wasn't for this unfortunate incident.

In a nutshell I was in lab class and I was so nervous to be liked and liked by this professor, I decided to make like I was friendly/talkative. Since this was university and it wasn't as formal as school, i decided to joke with this professor, since everyone else was doing it. So i was trying my best to fit in. I meant no harm by the joke, but he didn't understand it and he took it really personally. Anyway a few days later in front of the whole class he decides to take out his anger at me, by yelling that I'm rude and he told me to get out. Which actually he had no right to. Everyone looked at me like i was a criminal and i had to walk past them all. And when i left he was saying even more bad things about me. anyway, the miscommunication got sorted out, and since i had to pass these labs, i went back and in time even i forgot about it.

i didn't cry, probably my male pride stopped me, but i was really hurt.

I've had mean teachers too, and ones who treated me badly just because i was shy, which probably lead me to want to be pally-pally with this guy, and look where it got me.

Try to forget about what happened since I'm surw nobody else even remembers it. The best thing to do with mean teachers is to get back at them by getting good marks.


You want to know how I got these scars?
The first thing is Don't lose sight of your dream!
The class is a temporary thing. Focus on the work side of things.
If the Teacher made you feel unwanted/embarrassed in front of other students, do you know what that is? WORKPLACE BULLYING AND HARASSMENT.
Find out who you can take you complaint to and get the message through to this dud of a teacher that his behavior is NOT acceptable, and you will not stand for it.

His job as a teacher is to teach. Not bully, harass, teach, intimidate or yell.

Once you have made it clear to this so called 'teacher' that you wont accept his poor conduct, get on with the class and work towards your dream job. good luck :)


Well-known member
Yeah I've been there before. I remember my teacher yelled at me back when I was in elementary just because I didn't talk. He kept saying, "what's wrong with you!" Anyways, I'm not sure what to say since I'm still like that, well kind of. I'm currently in college and there's this class where my teacher always put's us in groups. Anyways to make a long story short, the teacher gave me half credit for not "participating" I argued with my teacher telling her that I did participate and my group even supported me. She then changed my grade. Anyways, I guess the moral of the story is to not let people bring you down, despite the circumstances.


Well-known member
The only answer to this is to develop a tougher/ thicker skin.
People sense weakness and ones lack of belief in themselves and we ll
Always be easy targets til we remedy ourselves with a new type of positive
self talk and perspective. Stay calm, focused and in the moment.
Stop concentrating on yourself and trying so hard to fit in and/ or people pleasing.
Observe yourself, others and your surroundings with equal measure.


Well-known member
My anxiety affects my school life everyday but it has never gotten to the point where it's caused a rocky relationship with my teacher (I mean, all my other teachers are rly nice despite my extreme shyness) The first time he embarassed me in front of the whole class. I basically just burst into tears as soon as I got out class. This time it was worse as I was forced to work in a group of people and one of them was really rude and didn't want me there at all. So I just stood there and I didn't know what I was doing either until my teacher just said "why are you standing there?! Go do something about it if you don't understand the work!" and basically had a go at me and I felt so awful and useless I couldn't hold back the tears so everyone in class saw me get lectured and be all teary and stuff. This sounds like I'm over exaggerating but I feel so alienated from that class, I have no friends there (which is not a massive problem) but the fact he is not a very nice teacher at all makes it worse. And now everything is messed up because I need chem to go to pharmacy school which is my dream. I can't go back there again, everyone probably thinks I'm a complete weirdo for being overly emotional but I can't handle being shouted at, especially by one with high authority.
TL;DR... I'm pretty sure he has disliked me from the beginning due to being quite a withdrawn student.

he s not a good teacher , he s an a*sh**e , teachers are supposed to be trained enough , not create problems for someone like you


Well-known member
If he continues to be a poor teacher, tell your parents, maybe they can complain to the principal. Perhaps you could be moved to another class with a more understanding teacher.


My anxiety affects my school life everyday but it has never gotten to the point where it's caused a rocky relationship with my teacher (I mean, all my other teachers are rly nice despite my extreme shyness) The first time he embarassed me in front of the whole class. I basically just burst into tears as soon as I got out class. This time it was worse as I was forced to work in a group of people and one of them was really rude and didn't want me there at all. So I just stood there and I didn't know what I was doing either until my teacher just said "why are you standing there?! Go do something about it if you don't understand the work!" and basically had a go at me and I felt so awful and useless I couldn't hold back the tears so everyone in class saw me get lectured and be all teary and stuff. This sounds like I'm over exaggerating but I feel so alienated from that class, I have no friends there (which is not a massive problem) but the fact he is not a very nice teacher at all makes it worse. And now everything is messed up because I need chem to go to pharmacy school which is my dream. I can't go back there again, everyone probably thinks I'm a complete weirdo for being overly emotional but I can't handle being shouted at, especially by one with high authority.
TL;DR... I'm pretty sure he has disliked me from the beginning due to being quite a withdrawn student.

I have experienced something quite similar throughout junior high and high school. The one I remember the most was when I was in the 8th grade and in my English class I had to read some sort of report in front of the whole class.

As soon as I opened my mouth those punk kids all started laughing at me. Not one of them was exempt from embarrassing me.

They laughed at me as though it were because of the way my voice sounds. I do not like how my voice sounds, by the way. Anyways, I remember crying, sobbing, storming out of the classroom and walking home afterwards even though school wasn't out yet.

8th grade was one of my worst school years. I would NEVER want to have to redo it EVER again.

I just want you to know that you aren't alone in this. I am so sorry you are going through a tough time right now. But it won't last. Please do not give up and ruin your education because of this.

I know its easier said than done, but you can do anything you put your mind too....anything.