My personal poetry


Well-known member
okay mr.tibbs (ha nobody will know what im on about!), you have read some of my stuff...what do you think...should i risk it?!!!!
Marvelous. Stunning. Absolutely stunning. I am brought to tears.

Erm, pardon the sarcasm?

I am certain your poetry is fine.

It can't get worse than mine. No doubts better are you. As I have no history of writing whatsoever. However, up to you, share or not, no one will think less.


Well-known member
Risk it. Nothing to lose; you prob have no safer place to share such things as SPW. I posted my poetry some of it a while ago, frankly most ppl dont read poetry it seems lol. Unless you ask for feedback. So go for it! =)
Risk it. Nothing to lose; you prob have no safer place to share such things as SPW. I posted my poetry some of it a while ago, frankly most ppl dont read poetry it seems lol. Unless you ask for feedback. So go for it! =)

Going to try my hand at some Spanish, ahem, *clears throat* correct-o.


Well-known member
okay then, because you requested...feel somewhat weird doing this!!! Here is one really small one. And Sial, ive no experience either. Frankly i hate poetry but, poetry is an escape for i only like personal poetry....
Well here goes nothing!

The world is cold.
Im freezing freezing cold.
This brezze is not pleasing or healing.
When it rains it pours, it pours large drops.
Im sore and my life cannot bare this no more.

Where to go is the quetion.
I do know, i wanna session.
But i want away from that game,
even from this life everyday,
It really really is not what they say.

The horrid heat, the sinking snow?
Where ever the **** will i go?
it dont really matter though,
the anxiety will always ****ing show.

The plane, the boat?
do i fly high or hoverly float.
Right now im quickly sinking,
im soon drowning.
With every next blinking,
my worries are thinking.

How can i expect the best,
when all i want to forever rest.
Inside me is a beast,
please soon be deceast and grow some mould,
but also, six foot under is too cold.

That was good. Felt the cold. I like the cold... yes... I do. Weather cold, snow, love it.

Never allow being tied to tree
Force will only lead to failed result
Finding ways are not to consult
It should be your own poetry
You should write free